Plan B...

In my opinion KISS principle works best; arm yourself with knowledge and STERN and FAIR amounts of compassion and kindness. The key to survival is COMMUNITY --> banding together in small groups and contributing to others welfare co-operatively. Making yourself of value to others.
Bullets eventually run out. Knowledge of sustainability lasts a long long time. It isn't about how long you can last when SHTF it is about the quality of life while you last.:peace:
.22, 30-06, 30-30,.223,.357,.38

pitbull x 2 and 4 wheel drive

I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH FUTANT. Knowledge and community is a huge factor but knowing how/willingness to use force will be essential to survival.. pacificts will starve. reckless yahoos with guns will die of bullet wounds or infection

Tragic but predictable. Communists are about taking, not sharing CO-OPERATEVLY. In fact communist and fascist are one and the same. Quite possibly the most common ad hominum used by people who think they know politics when they have nothing to say.

I am an anarchist BECAUSE I know how and when to operate a shotgun.
.22, 30-06, 30-30,.223,.357,.38

pitbull x 2 and 4 wheel drive

I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH FUTANT. Knowledge and community is a huge factor but knowing how/willingness to use force will be essential to survival.. pacificts will starve. reckless yahoos with guns will die of bullet wounds or infection

Thus the STERN and FAIR ammounts part of my statement. By no means am I a pacifist, I am more than capable & willing to beat a man to death for stealing even worthless items from me. But "last man standing" principle gets you just that... Completely Alone.
I agree you guys should herd together for safety.
I have been planing for awhile now..Food ammo guns and water and 4700 gallons of fuel and three generators....I have the high ground and there is one road in..When people from the city start coming like UncleBucks crowd they better come in blazing..I predict critical mass at some point..If you look at what happened in New Orleans when katrina hit it only took one day for the cops to run and it was a free for all after that..It got my attention..Good luck..

Holy shit.

I guess I would just fortify my house and stick it out here. Good soil, big basement and plenty of ammo. I have some friends that would come live with us as well.
Tons of rabbits and squirrels around as well and I could take them out cheaply with a pellet rifle. also have fishing supplies.

I wonder how long you can store rice? That stuff is super cheap and a good source of nutrition.
I don't think I would change much . As long as noone tried to hurt me or mine I would have no cause to harm others.
I thought you were talking about THIS Plan B, great artist, give this song a listen, I think you will like it!


I was going to start this thread myself a few days ago. I will be back later to post more, thanks Neo.
Tons of rabbits and squirrels around as well and I could take them out cheaply with a pellet rifle. also have fishing supplies.

I wonder how long you can store rice? That stuff is super cheap and a good source of nutrition.

Air tight Rubbermaid containers, cool dry and dark place: white rice 4-5yrs; brown rice 6-7 mos
So, the real question to me is where to go. Alaska is attractive because there is plenty of water, food, and wide open so there won't be a lot of urban lunatics coming over for dinner. The downside is the cold, and inability to grow food crops.

South America looks good because you can grow food crops year round in many places and you can set up fairly cheap with lots of land and a house. The downside, is learning a second language, no guns in many countries, and being white puts you on the target list.

Where do you think is a good place to be safe and have a chance, and why?
So, the real question to me is where to go. Alaska is attractive because there is plenty of water, food, and wide open so there won't be a lot of urban lunatics coming over for dinner. The downside is the cold, and inability to grow food crops.

South America looks good because you can grow food crops year round in many places and you can set up fairly cheap with lots of land and a house. The downside, is learning a second language, no guns in many countries, and being white puts you on the target list.

Where do you think is a good place to be safe and have a chance, and why?

Are making the assumption that you have time to make a major change vis moving to a new country? I think that has to be established or else we really have two questions....SHTF and now what?; Prepping a Plan B
clayton i would be headed to the yucatan jungle. its an excellent place to live off the land and barring hurricanes the weather isnt particularly awful any time of the year. i would imagine i'll die before it drowns under rising ocean levels.
My apologies, yes, I mean where would you go, if you could, BEFORE SHTF. I want to be watching the firewaorks from the sidelines, not getting paper in the face from the fallout.
My apologies, yes, I mean where would you go, if you could, BEFORE SHTF. I want to be watching the firewaorks from the sidelines, not getting paper in the face from the fallout.

I'd say a Med style climate ideally......really bailing I'd consider Canary Islands, South Pacific, kinda intrigued with NZ and Tasmania but all on the edges
yeah I'm actually pretty paranoid like...all the time. Its been getting better lately and the bud and booze helps but sometimes I obsess over the idea of everything crashing and burning. I'm nit necessarily afraid of it happening...not that I want it to, but I think it would be pretty exciting. I have an all terrain vehicle that would help me to get around in heavily wooded areas and some canned food saved up. I've got some things stashed around my parents house where I used to live, some combat knives...I guess my plan is to straight rambo it until they get me, which I know they will eventually.
Back to the rez. You think the national guard has guns? You ain't seen shit. I'll stand with On'gwe'hone