Pissed. I can never catch a break can I?


Well-Known Member
First of all your gauges... dude 1/2" you REALLY didn't research your piercing shit well .... I'll come back .. sorry a bit stoned.

Second the guy who railed on 'the lifestyle' of piercings and tattoos.. shame man ... I have 5 big tats, and 3 piercings (including ear .. gauged) and I bank in the area of 60 - 70K a year, no growing or illegal stuff.. a legit, critical, IT job where when the shit hits it HITS...Oh ya I have hair to my mid back as well! It's not always the look, sometimes it's the PRESENTATION.

Okay back to first....

!/2 inch is too much man, I don't know if that will ever hide... I have 4 gauge as my largest ear, I'm an old guy so it's left only. Don't ask .. lame 80's thing. Four gauge is about the largest one can go before the stretched lobe will try and heal from. If I took my ring out, which has not happened in 7 years, it would take roughly 6 months to a year to fully heal over. A 1/2 to my knowledge will 'shrink' but never fully close again because there's too much tension from the scar tissue. This may pose problems in the professional world.

The big holes are cool when you're young, but once you got the life, wife, fam thing going on you'll kind of wish that you'd kept them small enough to close. The only thing the empty hole is good for is freaking out little kids (which is always fun.)

Clothes: Always have some mid - decent slacks and at least 2 if not 3 button down shirts, and 1 or 2 ties that complement the shirt, if you fail in this area talk to the old guy with the tape measure at JC Penny's he can hook you up.

One pair of shoes that can at least be made to look 'polished.' The higher the job level the more important the shoes (don't ask I didn't write the rules.) For my 'post-college' jobs I wore my Doc Martens after getting some Wonder Balm and quick buff for my interviews. My last job I wore a $300 pair of shoes my wife picked (hell if I know what they are) and they were noticed in the interview.

I removed my earing the night before and pinched the lobe about 20 times an hour until I went to sleep. It was almost gone from site the day of the interview. I had my hair cut the day before and made sure I used the right product to 'diminish' my crazy long hair. Then I got into my slacks-shirt-tie get up and went on the interview. 24 hours later I had the job + staff seniority (the whole crew was new.)

Today I'd lay out even more for an interview because my next bump will be somewhere between the 80's and 120's I hope.

It comes down to presentation. You have to present yourself as the top of all the interviewees in EVERY aspect. If you go in wearing jeans, and a polo wearing Birkenstocks, Flip Flops, or sneaker of any kind they won't give you the time of day. You walk in there like you had his mom park your Ferrari and you stiffed the little shit, you'll nail the job. It's all about confidence in appearance and then the delivery of the interview. It's advisable to know your subject 8 ways from tuesday, but not necessary if you pull it off right. I nailed my gig with 12 years of experience, and a good line. I didn't know 100% of thier operation, but I made damn sure they knew I could learn it fast. You pull off confidence, knowledge, and self respect you'll get the job. Get yourself some real interview gear, stay sober for a few days and study up, then go in and kick ass.

respect sir, respect!

thank you


Well-Known Member
all these tips are nice...

but in this crap economy... i just read about a job in oklahoma, i believe, a janitorial position.... 700 people applied for the same job !!! its getting so that getting a job is like winning the lottery - except that the payout is that you then have the ability to feed yourself. :-(

with unemployment creeping up to 10 percent... not everyone just sucks at getting a job, there aren't many jobs to even get.


stays relevant.
honestly I was just giving him a hard time... I dont personally have a problem with any of that, hell my lady wears 0gauge in her ears... just bein a dick ;) :hug:


New Member
Gauges are nasty looking. I would most likely not patronize an establishment where the workers had them because I dont want to see them. It's easy enough to take my dollar elsewhere. No offense, it's just how I feel.

So what do people who mow golf courses wear? A suit? I guess I've never paid attention, but I will now.


Well-Known Member
haha i was going to reply to misshestermoffit with "you think theyre nasty? You should smell them"

damn dude, even if i do clean they they just smell like dead feet


Well-Known Member
after a few hot sweaty summer days oh my god they are delicous hahah. i think gauge smell is like farts. everyone loves their own brand. but i hate other peoples gaue smell lol. and the bigger they are the worst it gets...


Well-Known Member
good rule of thumb is to always dress one level above the uniform you will wear at the job your being interviewed for, so at a golf course youd have to roll in slacks shirt and tie, and be clean shaven and keep your hair neat im a big fan of dress to impress!


Well-Known Member
yeah and if you move them around you can hear the gunk stink to your ear. Like squeezing two wet hands together. :D


Well-Known Member
not when you stretch too soon to a 0 gauge and your ears swell up like balloons, and you have to have a friend push on the swollen masses to shoot puss and blood out of your piercing....

but yeah, they really are fun! Check out this site where you can buy or customize badass plugs. Although im no vegan i think these designs are real cool.


Well-Known Member
i just went straight to a 6 then moved down a size every time. my one friend went from nothing to a 0. hes fucking crazy!

sweet i will definately check out that link. im always looking for new ones to pop in. thanks


New Member
all that mushy gushy stinkiness sounds really sexy. I like to nibble my husbands earlobes, it really turns him on. If he did that, he'd never get a nibble again.


Well-Known Member
yeah my gf hates them with a firey passion. BUT she started dating me with them so she cant really complain. i compromise though cuz i want 3/4" but she doesnt want me to go bigger so i dont...


Well-Known Member
my ex used to nibble on my earlobes. But recently, some chick was like gettin all crazy on me, suckin on my ears and shit. I was pretty drunk at the time so all i thought was "ew thats GOTTA taste bad"

literally what i was thinking the whole time..


Well-Known Member
i cant wait to save enough money for some tattoos... i want sleeves! but theyll be meaningful. nothing like tribal arm bands or nothing.