Pissed. I can never catch a break can I?


Well-Known Member
So after months and months of not having a job, i finally got a phone call from a friend that works at one of the local golf courses. He told me he needs someone to work with him for 4 days a week. Im totally down so i tell him ill come in tomorrow to meet the boss (today is the day). He calls me to make sure im coming in but then he tells me that i CANNOT wear jeans. I guess its frowned upon at a snobby golf course. So thats one thing that frustrates me because i own nothing but jeans haha. Then he calls back to tell me that the main boss wouldnt be down for my gauges. I have 1/2" holes in my ear lobes......i FUCKING knew it. I told him id take them out for the job but still....no go.

So im sitting here waiting to go to class, but still have no job. God fuck.

On top of this, i got my old job back for about a week last month after my friend quite for something else, but of course, he couldnt handle his own shit and he never ended up getting the other job, so he comes back 4 days later and I GET THE FUCKIN BOOT. After he quits?!?!

AND THEY NEVER PAID ME. I clocked in and everything and I go there to pick up the check but "sorry theres nothing here for you, come in later and talk to the boss"

fuckin A......now i know why people go on shooting spree's.:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:


Well-Known Member
Well I have found that in times of no work it is helpful to fire up a few bowls. bongsmilie

Pot My anti-massacre


Well-Known Member
Dude sounds like you need to have a lesson in getting a job.....since when would you wear jeans to work on a golf course? you should have known that from the start....

and gauges......most people hate those things...they are huge holes in your ear....what old people at a gold course do you know that actually like the look of gauges?

Getting a part time job isn't that difficult....finding a fulltime job that pays enough to support a family is what is difficult to find these days....

Go to a god damned fast food restaurant and get a job......If you need one that bad you can find work doing something....It may not be ideal but it is work and atleast you don't have a family to support


Well-Known Member
grow out your hair to cover your gauges. thats what i do. most places would rather have someone with longer hair than gauges. i have 5/8" and i just grow my hair out to just barely cover my gauges


Well-Known Member
How old are you dude? I mean if you're young enough, then gauges are fine, but if you are, say older than 22...you might want to think about your looks when you need a job, money is far more important than earrings. I had to take my larger (12 gauge) earring when I got out of college.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
When you commit to that kind of lifestyle (tattoos, piercings, ect) it pretty much means that you will never have a clean cut job again, unless you can hide it. Especially at a golf course where all the snobs congregate. I'm inked up myself and have had to accept this fact. Good luck, I hope that you find something that you like.


Well-Known Member
ive come to terms with my constant bad luck... its called not giving a fuck.

it all goes away once i inhale tho....


stays relevant.
1) gauges? your ears probably look like two loose vaginas hangin' off the side of your face. :lol:
2) be presentable at work. if not to make your boss happy, to show a little self respect.
3) if that doesn't work, mcdonalds is always hiring.
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about the jeans: I know its not appropriate to wear to work but I had nothing else to wear just to be interviewed. I mean, i have nice jeans and shirts...

Your all right about the not giving a fuck, and i love to smoke to forget about all of it but its that time where i need to kinda grow up and put the bong down for a minute so i can support myself. And my hobbies ;) No offense to anyone though.

I stretched my ears knowing that society doesn't really accept it THAT much, but thats where i dont give a fuck. I said id take them out for the job. I have no problem taking them out.

I want to become a culinary arts student, but i need a job to get there.....i dunno bad day and no herb.....hmm


Well-Known Member
dude man i feel ya about tho no catching a break i feel like you were telling a story about me right there, exept for the golf caourse i also have 1/2'' inch gauges and it is hard finding a job, and not only do i have bad luck with not finding a job , i had the worst luck lastyear and its still not getting better, i lost my car one of my dogs, my job, my gf and also my plants sucks man , im working on a life change.


Well-Known Member
dude i know how you feel. I lost my girl, job, cousin, friend, and my car rolled outta my driveway and smashed into a tree. Life is pretty shitty right about now. Oh yeah and my plants are doing shitty as well.


Well-Known Member
First of all your gauges... dude 1/2" you REALLY didn't research your piercing shit well .... I'll come back .. sorry a bit stoned.

Second the guy who railed on 'the lifestyle' of piercings and tattoos.. shame man ... I have 5 big tats, and 3 piercings (including ear .. gauged) and I bank in the area of 60 - 70K a year, no growing or illegal stuff.. a legit, critical, IT job where when the shit hits it HITS...Oh ya I have hair to my mid back as well! It's not always the look, sometimes it's the PRESENTATION.

Okay back to first....

!/2 inch is too much man, I don't know if that will ever hide... I have 4 gauge as my largest ear, I'm an old guy so it's left only. Don't ask .. lame 80's thing. Four gauge is about the largest one can go before the stretched lobe will try and heal from. If I took my ring out, which has not happened in 7 years, it would take roughly 6 months to a year to fully heal over. A 1/2 to my knowledge will 'shrink' but never fully close again because there's too much tension from the scar tissue. This may pose problems in the professional world.

The big holes are cool when you're young, but once you got the life, wife, fam thing going on you'll kind of wish that you'd kept them small enough to close. The only thing the empty hole is good for is freaking out little kids (which is always fun.)

Clothes: Always have some mid - decent slacks and at least 2 if not 3 button down shirts, and 1 or 2 ties that complement the shirt, if you fail in this area talk to the old guy with the tape measure at JC Penny's he can hook you up.

One pair of shoes that can at least be made to look 'polished.' The higher the job level the more important the shoes (don't ask I didn't write the rules.) For my 'post-college' jobs I wore my Doc Martens after getting some Wonder Balm and quick buff for my interviews. My last job I wore a $300 pair of shoes my wife picked (hell if I know what they are) and they were noticed in the interview.

I removed my earing the night before and pinched the lobe about 20 times an hour until I went to sleep. It was almost gone from site the day of the interview. I had my hair cut the day before and made sure I used the right product to 'diminish' my crazy long hair. Then I got into my slacks-shirt-tie get up and went on the interview. 24 hours later I had the job + staff seniority (the whole crew was new.)

Today I'd lay out even more for an interview because my next bump will be somewhere between the 80's and 120's I hope.

It comes down to presentation. You have to present yourself as the top of all the interviewees in EVERY aspect. If you go in wearing jeans, and a polo wearing Birkenstocks, Flip Flops, or sneaker of any kind they won't give you the time of day. You walk in there like you had his mom park your Ferrari and you stiffed the little shit, you'll nail the job. It's all about confidence in appearance and then the delivery of the interview. It's advisable to know your subject 8 ways from tuesday, but not necessary if you pull it off right. I nailed my gig with 12 years of experience, and a good line. I didn't know 100% of thier operation, but I made damn sure they knew I could learn it fast. You pull off confidence, knowledge, and self respect you'll get the job. Get yourself some real interview gear, stay sober for a few days and study up, then go in and kick ass.



Well-Known Member
Dude sounds like you need to have a lesson in getting a job.....since when would you wear jeans to work on a golf course? you should have known that from the start....

and gauges......most people hate those things...they are huge holes in your ear....what old people at a gold course do you know that actually like the look of gauges?

Getting a part time job isn't that difficult....finding a fulltime job that pays enough to support a family is what is difficult to find these days....

Go to a god damned fast food restaurant and get a job......If you need one that bad you can find work doing something....It may not be ideal but it is work and atleast you don't have a family to support
Quite blunt, but doesn't excuse the fact that it's true. Just how it is when it comes to getting a job really, wake up buddy!