Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)


Well-Known Member
She don't even fit through the doorways anymore. lol... Had to hold her side branches in so they wouldn't get hung up. lol


Well-Known Member
that has gotta be one of the finest MJ plants I've ever seen, they should put a pair of those at the entrance to the Manhattan Hilton
Agreed. Stew certainly has a style that's all his own. You should check out his journal: Dreaming Big Sometimes, I'll get baked, and start reading through a few pages, then wind up just reading the whole damn thing front to cover.

Yo Pinworm. Ive been dipping my stick in with DWC for the first time on my current grow. Although i panicked at first trying to get everything right i just sat back let mother nature do her thing and watched eagerly .. Heres a few pics check it out.
View attachment 2871435 View attachment 2871434

Welcome Ak. Loving your avatar. Impressive for a first run. Yea, I was a little nervous about getting everything built correctly as well. Once that's done however, I've found there isn't much to do but dial your system in the best you can to get the numbers you want. Sure hope I can re-create your results. Those stalks are hugemongous. And, wow, look at they effortlessly support those healthy and super dense buds. She's stacked, brother! Thanks for sharing.

Some exciting news today: Dem Rep Blumenauer's New Pot Legislation -

We're getting there guys. You are all fighting the good fight. So many people out there that can benefit from our favorite plant. It can do so many things for us physically, mentally, spiritually. One day, I hope everyone has the opportunity to make themselves WELL and not just "normal". Can you dig it? Can you DIG IT?!


Well-Known Member

Went for a hike yesterday afternoon after work to scout possible outdoor grow sites for next year. I was able to get one decent camera phone pic. Looks like it gets plenty of sunlight, healthy looking dirt and is only accessible from a path behind my house. It's on a cliff like peninsula. It has drop offs in every direction except for the path. Planning on growing 50+ plants. What do guys think? Should I keep looking?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2871462

Went for a hike yesterday afternoon after work to scout possible outdoor grow sites for next year. Was able to get one decent camera phone pic. Looks like it get plenty of sunlight, healthy looking dirt and is only accessible from a path behind my house. It's on a cliff like peninsula. It has drop offs in every direction except for the path. Planning on growing 50+ plants. What do guys think? Should I keep looking?
I know NOTHING about outdoor growing, but I DO believe the only thing that could possibly make that spot any better...would be 50+ plants


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2871462

Went for a hike yesterday afternoon after work to scout possible outdoor grow sites for next year. Was able to get one decent camera phone pic. Looks like it gets plenty of sunlight, healthy looking dirt and is only accessible from a path behind my house. It's on a cliff like peninsula. It has drop offs in every direction except for the path. Planning on growing 50+ plants. What do guys think? Should I keep looking?

For that many plants, I'd scout further away from home......If someone stumbles upon them and informs the authorities, You are the closest property to look at. know what I mean?

If you have plans for 50. do 5 lots of 10 each. keeping the # down will help you hide it better.

Put some out of line of sight from the path "Behind" trees. not next to them but use the trees to your advantage and block the view any way possible.

Just because the path is only accessible from your yard, doesn't mean someone won't go hike through the woods with NO PATH. lol... I do it very often. so I know it happens.


Well-Known Member
Good call, Stew. That spot is about a half mile away from the house, and I should have clarified that the "path" is just a well established deer trail. Still, you raise a good point. Can never be too cautious about rippers, and pigs. I've never done an outdoor grow, and those are the types of things I need to know. I have another spot about a quarter mile from this spot. I like the idea of spreading them out in a few locations. The last thing I need is an investigation on my property. I've got all winter to make sure I choose the safest location/locations possible. And, you know, I've never heard/seen a "scout chopper" looking for plants out here, but I should still try and keep things as stealthy as possible. Maybe I'll get lucky and find some thorn bushes, cut a tunnel, clear an opening, and till some dirt. We'll see. I can already see that I'm going to be doing a LOT of hiking, and equipment lugging back and forth. I could stand to lose a few pounds anyways. Thanks for keeping me on point, brother. Gave me some things to think about.


Well-Known Member
Good call, Stew. That spot is about a half mile away from the house, and I should have clarified that the "path" is just a well established deer trail. Still, you raise a good point. Can never be too cautious about rippers, and pigs. I've never done an outdoor grow, and those are the types of things I need to know. I have another spot about a quarter mile from this spot. I like the idea of spreading them out in a few locations. The last thing I need is an investigation on my property. I've got all winter to make sure I choose the safest location/locations possible. And, you know, I've never heard/seen a "scout chopper" looking for plants out here, but I should still try and keep things as stealthy as possible. Maybe I'll get lucky and find some thorn bushes, cut a tunnel, clear an opening, and till some dirt. We'll see. I can already see that I'm going to be doing a LOT of hiking, and equipment lugging back and forth. I could stand to lose a few pounds anyways. Thanks for keeping me on point, brother. Gave me some things to think about.
I've never grown outdoors myself. I've helped people scout and set up though in Upstate NY.

Here's my suggestion. If you want to put the money in and get it all back, Get a deer camera

I'm getting 2. You have to travel to it to retrieve the data, BUT....... You will know if anything ever hit that spot within the time frame it was hung.
See how it blends in? lol Shit is SICK! lol

I'm scouting 5 total locations for 8-10 plants in each.
this way if the ones that have been used year after year(By my friend who is helping me next year) is spotted, we don't have to lose everything.

I got spots that are so heavily active with people. but they are just out of reach of anyone..

I got this PERFECT spot. as long as they survive.
It's an island. But in the early spring and late fall the water level of the pond is so low, you can walk to it.(takes a good 30 minutes to walk out there)
But the pond has rules about people using boats or even getting in the water at all.
It's perfect because it's the opposite side of the pond where everyone can't go. it's private property owned by an apple orchard. but never EVER used.
I've scouted it for 2.5 years now. Not a single foot besides mine has touched the area.. and it's deer free 3/4ths of the growing season. Deer eat the plants though not when they have reached buds from what I hear.


Well-Known Member
Thats an awesome spot stew. We got an old farm thats way the fuck out in the middle of farm ville. hahaha Closest neighbors are a solid mile away and weve got a dozen acres or so that were planning to scatter about 25 plants through next season.

Tried to rush some clones out late in the season this year but they were indica heavy so they flowered almost immediately.

Plannin for next year. Thinkin about some 50 gallon generic smart pots.


Well-Known Member
Thats an awesome spot stew. We got an old farm thats way the fuck out in the middle of farm ville. hahaha Closest neighbors are a solid mile away and weve got a dozen acres or so that were planning to scatter about 25 plants through next season.

Tried to rush some clones out late in the season this year but they were indica heavy so they flowered almost immediately.

Plannin for next year. Thinkin about some 50 gallon generic smart pots.
Yeah I plan on an above ground grow. I'm going out there a few weeks before i take the plants out. gonna dig a moat around the area and throw a small solar powered water pump and hose into the pond. the moat will hold the water needed by the plants. and any overflow will trail back to the pond. I'll apply only organic nutrients, additives, and amendments when doing this so I do not contaminate anything. I hate that shit.

Any nutrients will be applied directly to the plants so that it does not get wasted and/or diluted.

I still have a whole bunch of research to do on outdoor before I start this. I could always just have my friend run point on it. But... He may not be the best source of information on growing anything. He just killed 10 fuckin Blue Dream clones that I gave him.. He said "Yeah, I kinda forgot I had them and I didn't do anything with them for a few weeks. I started to smell them and remembered I had them, When I opened the door to the closet, one was alive and budding but drooping bad. the rest were laying down flat and looked dead."



Well-Known Member
DAMN MAN! If i had those 10 bd clones id have at least an LB to show for it haha. Live and learn though.

And im plannin on headin out there around april to start cookin my super soil. Gonna grow the plants indoors a little to get them established.

Hopefully wont have to add anything till late flower. Im thinkin itll be pretty easy. Just gotta be more prepared for mold, and be willing to scrap parts and pieces. Probably gonna go with an indica thats fairly mold resistant. Ive got some Kings kush x purple kush seeds i accidentally made so i might try runnin that.

The hardest part is gonna be keeping the deer off em. But im thinkin some chicken wire made into a fence should help. Some deer, if you put a string about even with the top of their back, wont cross the line. They wont go over and wont duck under to try to eat whats past it. My grandparents do this to avoid having a bunch of chicken wire around the yard. Just a few thin strings you can barely see. this might be different for deer in more populated areas though. haha.


Well-Known Member
DAMN MAN! If i had those 10 bd clones id have at least an LB to show for it haha. Live and learn though.

And im plannin on headin out there around april to start cookin my super soil. Gonna grow the plants indoors a little to get them established.

Hopefully wont have to add anything till late flower. Im thinkin itll be pretty easy. Just gotta be more prepared for mold, and be willing to scrap parts and pieces. Probably gonna go with an indica thats fairly mold resistant. Ive got some Kings kush x purple kush seeds i accidentally made so i might try runnin that.

The hardest part is gonna be keeping the deer off em. But im thinkin some chicken wire made into a fence should help. Some deer, if you put a string about even with the top of their back, wont cross the line. They wont go over and wont duck under to try to eat whats past it. My grandparents do this to avoid having a bunch of chicken wire around the yard. Just a few thin strings you can barely see. this might be different for deer in more populated areas though. haha.
My buddy in NY usually hunts deer excessively in and around his grow area. He said it keeps them from coming around in the spring.. Fox piss works too I think.
Or find an island. hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Its always been my dream to own my own island. Have my swishers air dropped in. Growing everything i need to sustain myself and friends. Everyone works to stay alive. Everyone smokes for free. Trapping/raising wild life and other livestock. It would be fun. So difficult, but fun.

Oh gotta have a wifi connection too. gotta keep everyone on here updated.

And pin, im done littering the thread with hopes and dreams hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Predator urine is a great way to deter deer but you want something bigger than a fox. Those game cameras are awesome.
Do not clump 50 plants together. I would do no more than 5. I have a friend who was a spotter on a helicopter looking for grows when he was in the air force, they look through filters that make pot plants stand out like neon signs when there's a bunch clustered together.


Well-Known Member
Its always been my dream to own my own island. Have my swishers air dropped in. Growing everything i need to sustain myself and friends. Everyone works to stay alive. Everyone smokes for free. Trapping/raising wild life and other livestock. It would be fun. So difficult, but fun.
Oh gotta have a wifi connection too. gotta keep everyone on here updated.
That sounds like the life, right there, brother. Everything zen.

And pin, im done littering the thread with hopes and dreams hahaha.
Those hopes and dreams are the complete opposite of litter. It's very refreshing to hear, actually. :P

Here's my suggestion. If you want to put the money in and get it all back, Get a deer camera I'm getting 2. You have to travel to it to retrieve the data, BUT....... You will know if anything ever hit that spot within the time frame it was hung.
See how it blends in?

Buddy of mine hunts deer. He's got tons of those just lying around. Maybe he'll shoot me a good price on one.

I got this PERFECT spot.
It's an island. But in the early spring and late fall the water level of the pond is so low, you can walk to it.(takes a good 30 minutes to walk out there)
But the pond has rules about people using boats or even getting in the water at all.
It's perfect because it's the opposite side of the pond where everyone can't go. it's private property owned by an apple orchard. but never EVER used.
DUDE! Your own island! That's crazy. You guys have some interesting scenery out there. Get yourself a hiking pack, a little kayak, hide her in the bushes just in case you have to get there during high tide, and you'll be set.

Predator urine is a great way to deter deer but you want something bigger than a fox.
I've seen Bear Piss last time I went to Cabela's. Think that would work?