
New Member
LOL Going from clueless to clued-in can be a little disconcerting. I had a coworker that always managed to be at the front of the building when I rode up on my bike. I would use the gym facilities at the business which had showers. I showered and changed after biking to work. She was constantly there to greet me. We had a few conversations that centered around my keeping fit. Then one day she ran her hand up the back of my leg and cupped my butt cheek. Clarity and the realization of how stupid and clueless I had been hit me like a brick.

I discussed boundaries and she took it well. She knew I was gay. Crazy shit.

I'm not even gay but I don't know if I could resist a little Carne groping :lol:


Well-Known Member
Went to see the Grand baby today... stopped off at a store to get some stuff.. had to get these...

gbaby pics will be added shortly..



Well-Known Member
That was just Kona piping up. She knows it was better to attempt to delete her post when she remembered that I had such a fantastic portfolio of hers!! Lol!!

How wonderful of your ex-boyfriend to share them with you ;) wow ya he did love those so much €;)-

ps- hahaa I didn't delete shit/ I am sure some mod got it lol


Well-Known Member
Gotta ask to get them prob is how it is working this time again hahahahaha, no more pics will ever show up, lol after this though, I just talked to her bf when I was on a break with my bf but now we are back on for good lol, Kona and Kaptain Making it Happin' hehehe we will be married someday;) She is just the jealous type, when she doesn't get all the attention :)


Well-Known Member
Gotta ask to get them prob is how it is working this time again hahahahaha, no more pics will ever show up, lol after this though, I just talked to her bf when I was on a break with my bf but now we are back on for good lol, Kona and Kaptain Making it Happin' hehehe we will be married someday;) She is just the jealous type, when she doesn't get all the attention :)
Glad to hear things are going good.

Is that a no on the pictures?