Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
This is my pregger belly. I am 7 and a half months. Notice the scars? That is from forgetting the cocoa butter at night.


When she turns in there I can literally see her shift from one side to the other. It's crazy.


Well-Known Member
damnit i missed a cat fight
I missed it too. Just as well, I guess. I have no friggin clue who Kaptain is or who Lahada's man is or any of that. So what I did read just confused me anyway. I am out of weed and it is very stressful. I'm trying to take a week or so off to lower my tolerance level. But i'm not happy about it. Not one bit happy about it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Rainbow yeah tolerance breaks suck!! Kaptain is my man and don't worry about the rest of it lol, none of it is important ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh I know Kaptain is with you, I just have no idea who in the hell Kaptain is...he must not hang out much in Toke and Talk, and I don't leave much, so...ya.


Well-Known Member
I always picture the friggin teenagers saying "Oh captain, my captain" in Family Guy when Brian's the teacher. I'm telling you guys, that damn show ruined my imagination.