Pick a fight thread


So who is it I would be challenging to this here fight I would be asking so kindly.
The lesser of you have to hear it to know it.

It's a fight thread, you're lucky I pulled my punches, you twisted pig fucker.
I am not ashamed of my habit of wooing porcines possessed with scoliosis. Try it some time ... it puts a new twist on bestiality.

Which you should appreciate ... anyone who gives you affection is de facto bestial.
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I have a friend who's father was working in Bangladesh during one of those incredible floods that killed millions. He brought her back a purse made from the face of a young bengal tiger. It was horrifying but he claimed that he got it from a guy who swore on a stack of bibles that he had found the tiger drowned on the bank of the river. So this justified him buying it - even though I am certain it was bullshit. The amount he paid for it was about three times the per capita earnings of a typical Bangladeshi - I think about $6.

Anyway, she had several cats. The purse lasted about three days before being utterly destroyed by shedding and cat piss. They were really pissed off by it. We were all glad, it was a horrible thing to have. Just horrible.
hey i have an obviously smug and superior attitude. and i agree Smoking pot doesn't make everybody an idiot!
i agree with your statements of family guy but i kindela like mark wahlberg (sp?)

oh wait.....you said if you dont like
