Pick a fight thread

Bacon? Really? I went to a Hooters a couple of times and will never go back. The food was way overpriced for what it was and the stupid servers kept coming back to our table and talking about themselves like they were invited. They were so obviously just trolling for tips so I left them one. "do your job and leave your personal life BS out of our meal".
You fucked up; $5 tip on top of that woulda got ya a hummer that would last til lunch time
So who is it I would be challenging to this here fight I would be asking so kindly.

A gentleman's duel at dawn would be suffice along with a glace cherry martini.

Picked cucumber snadwhiches and an afternoon tea along with threats and shit.

So who out there in the village of th we rollitupee would care to rip my fucking head off?

Pls and thank u
Hey you guys all fight like pussies. No game in here at all. Pick it up.

Are you STILL fucking here? Shut your cumcatcher and get back to soliciting your prolapsed pussy on CL. Go locate your pre-teen cock-sucking son and stuff him back up that old blown-out sweat sock of a vagina and scoot off back to whatever shit-kicking town you came from!
Bushleaguer, you herpes infested, confidential informer, YOU couldn't get a hooker to give you any attention. Put your 1 inch cock back in your superman underoos and get ready for your evening bath by mom.

You shut up, no ones talking to you. If anyone was, they woulda said hey where's that talking vagina again? And you woulda responded with "here."
You shut up, no ones talking to you. If anyone was, they woulda said hey where's that talking vagina again? And you woulda responded with "here."

You throw insults like Lamar throws the javelin


Go find your purse and go get me a bottle of hooch.
You throw insults like Lamar throws the javelin
Go find your purse and go get me a bottle of hooch.

Who the fuck is Lamar? You dumb bastard you know not to fuck with me yet you just keep at it. Only thing you'd do with a bottle of hooch is flip it around and slide the fat end up your gaynus.
Are you STILL fucking here? Shut your cumcatcher and get back to soliciting your prolapsed pussy on CL. Go locate your pre-teen cock-sucking son and stuff him back up that old blown-out sweat sock of a vagina and scoot off back to whatever shit-kicking town you came from!

Hey thats more like it.
Who the fuck is Lamar? You dumb bastard you know not to fuck with me yet you just keep at it. Only thing you'd do with a bottle of hooch is flip it around and slide the fat end up your gaynus.

Well, yeah. Then you'd put your mouth on it and suck it dry. Then you'd drink from the bottle.

Breaking news:......... the circus is missing a clown. Get back to work, jergoff