Pick a fight thread

I think he is showing that his respect for personal freedom is greatly exceeded by his desire to make us all fictionally safe. Fuck, I would join Isis if Lindsey Graham were president.
I see and understand what your saying. He keeps saying the same things over and over
This thread is for when you just feel like picking a fucking fight.

I don't care why. It is probably because you are drunk.

I will pick one later because the fucking Asshole Republican Debate is starting and I do not believe that any of you are capable of getting me as angry as any of those limp-dick fuck-heads.

In retrospect, I should have unveiled this thread some other time. Or maybe just knowing that the debate is starting has made me combative.
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When Christie and Huckabee looked into the camera during the second debate and announced that the gov't had lied to them and robbed social security, and that it would all be gone in 7 years, AND NOBODY TALKED ABOUT IT, I knew the end is near.
You're a fucking pussy you little bitch. You can't deal with this. Think you're tough? Hahaha you fucking beat sock. I will take a shit in your throat so big it will split your mouth open and de-hinge your jaw. Yeah I said de-hinge motherfucker. Deez hinge. Deez fuckin nuts slapping against your bitch chin while I'm crunching in your mouth. Hahahahaha you little bitch, fuck you, die.
Bacon? Really? I went to a Hooters a couple of times and will never go back. The food was way overpriced for what it was and the stupid servers kept coming back to our table and talking about themselves like they were invited. They were so obviously just trolling for tips so I left them one. "do your job and leave your personal life BS out of our meal".
You're a fucking pussy you little bitch. You can't deal with this. Think you're tough? Hahaha you fucking beat sock. I will take a shit in your throat so big it will split your mouth open and de-hinge your jaw. Yeah I said de-hinge motherfucker. Deez hinge. Deez fuckin nuts slapping against your bitch chin while I'm crunching in your mouth. Hahahahaha you little bitch, fuck you, die.

So I'd guess you're picking a fight? :)