Phrases or Words That You Can Live Without Hearing Again

Turn your head and cough
And then we insert this camera up your....
Drop your drawers, and bend over
This wont hurt at all
I've never seen that kind of rash before
Does this hurt?
Does your wife itch down there too?
It wasn't revoked, just suspended for awhile
It seems that your insurance was cancelled
This is my nurse, Igor
Have you had any new sexual partners lately?
Take 10 of these, and call me in the morning
No food or drink, for the next two days
Anymore, it's just a simple procedure
We have a 95% success rate
Prune Juice
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I make a motion that "Millennial's" should refer to anyone from ages 20-30 rather than referring to an entire generation. Like an alternative to "Young Adult"
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I could live without hearing the term "marijuana" again. Adopted purely by the US government to make the cannabis plant sound like a foreign evil, which the vast majority of idiots bought into.
Bring it on! / Bring it!
Referring to situations that you're unfamiliar with as 'a thing' ("I didn't know that was a thing")
I feel you
New physics