Phrases or Words That You Can Live Without Hearing Again

...too many to list .
Yes, but we can try ;-)

The need for speed
People referring to themselves as 'The Kid'
Come what may
Keep your eyes on the prize
Darn tootin'!
Anything that's followed by 'palooza'
For all intents and purposes
Irregardless used instead of regardless
Pay it forward
Let me tell you about my grandchildren..
Free and Accepted
Breaking news
Star seed
Man cave
Ad hoc
Money talks and bullshit walks
................ need not apply
Yes, but we can try ;-)

The need for speed
People referring to themselves as 'The Kid'
Come what may
Keep your eyes on the prize
Darn tootin'!
Anything that's followed by 'palooza'
For all intents and purposes
Irregardless used instead of regardless
Highfalutin has a cool origin . Some steam boats in the 1800’s were casinos/ bars & probably brothels for the rich . Anyway the smoke flutes were 2 or 3 stories above the top deck so the rich didn’t breathe the coal/wood fumes or get it on their fancy clothes. I’m 44 & never heard anyone use that word , you must live on the Mississippi River lol. Another word that has annoyed me lately is empowered or empowerment & I only here it on t.v . It’s like they are trying to convince you it’s the 50’s lol , I blame sleaze Harvey Weinstein for that . It’s pretty much damage control from Hollywood because they caused it & turned a blind eye . Now they are projecting that blame to all men IMO . Talk about painting with a broad brush lol.
Highfalutin has a cool origin . Some steam boats in the 1800’s were casinos/ bars & probably brothels for the rich . Anyway the smoke flutes were 2 or 3 stories above the top deck so the rich didn’t breathe the coal/wood fumes or get it on their fancy clothes. I’m 44 & never heard anyone use that word , you must live on the Mississippi River lol. Another word that has annoyed me lately is empowered or empowerment & I only here it on t.v . It’s like they are trying to convince you it’s the 50’s lol , I blame sleaze Harvey Weinstein for that . It’s pretty much damage control from Hollywood because they caused it & turned a blind eye . Now they are projecting that blame to all men IMO . Talk about painting with a broad brush lol.
Yeah, the backstory is about the only thing that I like about it.
idk I guess I'm only happy when the garden lights are on, and I must not be paying enough attention. Maybe doesn't apply to this list...
idk I guess I'm only happy when the garden lights are on, and I must not be paying enough attention. Maybe doesn't apply to this list...
Ohhhh, your grow room lights. Gotcha. Well, if you could live without hearing those words again then it's got a home here. I'm sure someone out there can relate.
We need a leader that's going to..
The word 'legalese' and ALL forms of legal jargon
Turn your hymnals to page...
Any product that begins with a lower case i
Both sides of the aisle
Like my father before me (as opposed to the father that came after you?)
BOGO and its cousin YOLO
Answer me this..
Fuhgetabout it
Crowd pleaser
..and this is the thanks I get!
Toga! Toga! Toga!
Asking people to "come with?"
Red Sox Nation
Bread winner
Cry me a river
Toot sweet
Country Music Awards / CMAs
Seacrest out!
Black Friday
Died on the vine
National _______________ Day
Take a picture it'll last longer
I'll go tally the votes