Phrases or Words That You Can Live Without Hearing Again

Hero / Heroes
Social Distancing
Hand sanitizer and toilet paper ..although I prefer to keep those items in my life as they make life a little more pleasant. ;-)
(for the record, I have in my possession four rolls of toilet paper and a half full bottle of hand sanitizer which is business as usual)
When you meet a loud boisterous braggart.......All hat and no cattle

If your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle

Math doesn't lie but emotions do
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
I bested you
People are our most important asset
C’est la vie
What goes around comes around
Rome wasn’t built in a day
When life gives you lemons..
All’s fair in love and war
Be careful what you wish for
Done and done!
It's a __________ thing, you wouldn't understand.
Three sheets to the wind
References to getting your game on
National treasure
One fell swoop
The Mandela effect
Pot calling the kettle black and all of its shortened variations
Shit just got real
Riddle / answer me this
References to 'the matrix'
World leaders
Ticking all the boxes (and all of its variations)
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Stay safe!
(random username) does (some breeder's strain)
What happens in Vegas..
The number one rule of fight club...
Social distancing
Flattening the curve
“Unprecedented” I would change to “Unpresidented” and pray he will be in November!

“game on“
“Deep state”
“Fake News”
“That Woman Governor”
“That was a Nasty question”
“Could be, I think so, many others are saying different, I think it will work, maybe so, maybe not, we’ll have to wait and see”
“These stock piles are meant for US, not the states” (who is US?)