so no bud size comparisons .... Darn

I'll throw some in just for you Budley......
Hey who. I get it. Please don't use me as an example. What I was referring to is organic soil NOT nutrients. So if some clown or a beginner cruises the forum and finds a soil mixture they think is good BUT never tested and uses it. They may have problems. OBVIOUSLY if it a nutrient mix over feeding would be an issue and can prevented. But if is was a super soil or organic soil mix it's in there until the pot is tossed. And once they've mixed the soil and they over due something they can't remove it from the soil. There also could be a lack something. In these situation just watering with plain water won't help. So it's not a matter of over feeding. I know you're not suggesting that it's a fail proof method nothing is. There's just a lot more to consider and figure out when it comes to super soils or organic soil mixes. It's about the chemical reaction of ingredients. Now if they have a problem they have to contend with how what they add reacts with their soil must be considered before applying. My point was with a pro mix if you need a little more N someone like me can dose it with foliage pro and move on quickly. On the other hand if you're experienced I completely understand why just watering a plant sounds easier. But you must take in to consideration the mixing of the soil well ahead of time. You must have a place to store it until it's ready. Then if you go through that and don't have a good mix it could be hazardous. For a beginner it could be reaching to far to fast. That's all I was saying nothing more so no need for you to be offended or threatened.
I know you understand from reading your posts. You should know I understand as well. This isn't s pissing contest or a dick measuring contest either
FYI when you have to say no insult. You know you crossed a line. I wouldn't waste my time comparing grows with you. Because I have absolutely no complaints and my stuff runs off the shelf. My bud sizes and potency and density aren't lacking one bit.
Your right but the only example I made was that you have your shit dialed in. I'm
very impressed by your
perfect use of DG grow and bloom! They, as with 96% (generous) of available bottled synthetic nutrients are too high in P&K ....You and SSH have your synthetic use abso-fuck'in-lutely down.....Your listing of HOW you do it
is real teaching (both of you)!
I do a 2 soil up-potting "super soil" method and it took plenty of time to get that where I wanted that.....I know yours did too!
So I guess I got as touchy about organics as you did my postings! Fair enough? Just so you know, I agree about posting a soil formula....It works for ME and most of the time for those I teach or share it with.....BUT, when it is
not working for someone, THAT"S the one you hear about the most.....I tend not to give my exact, and point people to a nice starting place, explain soil basics and let them learn about mixing their own and finding the results they want while answering questions along the way. It is very easy to get all the micro's you need in organics and soil building.......
PEACE on Goldberg! Now when you see the pics in the next cpl a days - Don't fell a need to add any and don't take it personal! I feel an obligation to post for others to see what you can achieve with organics!
See ya around Bro!
Your right, your trying to help and I got bitchy...a week of harvesting and another to go.....You get kinda loopy working all day with patients trimming attempting to keep up and all the while wanting to be doing other work....I gotta go buy some new farm implements of destruction and that will take much of the next day....and that means I miss my overseeing and contributing...
On the No insult - that was a challenge as I was put off by the organic generalization.