Last thing, I was watering every other day but waited an extra day to water in case she needed to dry out a little more she was already a little droopy.. When I did finally feed her (plain spring water) she became even more droopy.. but I highly doubt I’m over watering.. I could be wrong tho? Let them go longer in between feedings?
it's crucial to only water as needed rather than a daily schedule, too many variables involved otherwise.
and the best method to check to see if they need watering is by checking the weight of the container.
by looking at the soil mix i think you have too fine of a soil mix, that will retain water too much water, lock out nutrients, etc.
bigger the container, bigger the soil particle size needs to be.
the weight of the soil in a large container compacts it.
you need a mix with larger drainage, i also do not prefer rice hulls as they tend to retain too much water and compact too easily.
pumice, lava rock, bio char, etc
those of varying sizes added would be a little more "forgiving" of a soil mix.
meaning you'll have a larger margin of error.