A bunch of propoganda for progressive vegans right?I mean the sites information is predisposed to the vegan philosophy of meat is murder.LOL you have gotta be kidding,this is the best you can come up with in the face of a paradigm in which humankind has survived countless generations from?I.E. meat eaters that we are and the hunter gatherer from which we have much of our origins.You really are misguided.
Heart disease has become a most recent epidemic due to the fact we have so many processed foods loaded with preservitive ingredients in our food that have been refined for storage life which contributes immensely to the obesity epidemic.
But go right on ahead be ignorant with your next statement.
Clearly you're the misguided one. I was using that source because it's an easy list that explains how humans are herbivores. You are attacking the source when the information is 100% accurate, which is called an ad hominem argument.