Part of the Plant is Dying


A buddy of mine was given some unknown nutrient solution described as pond water... apparently, it was actual pond water. 4 days later a section of the plant was dying. No stem breakage

My Advice: The tips look burnt, might be a nutrient lockout, flush the soil a few times.

So Far: 48 hours, 2 flushes, no change.

Details: SW Ontario, strain unknown, female, starting to flower, grown in store-bought potting soil.

Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Does the soil have an odor at all ..... could be a sign of root rot not sure can’t tell from pic or the droopy leaves could also be from over watering if they are still plump but limp but if they are brittle then they need more water.... good water that’s 6.0 ph


Well-Known Member
I've only seen this one time and it took out a 6 ft sativa well on it way to glory. We thot it was either root rot or voles. My stepfather loves to over water his plants at times and especially when its over 100 degrees outside. I suspect root rot, he would suspect voles. either way its most likely a root problem.


Well-Known Member
I'd look very closely for signs of rot along that branch.
I don't think you'll be able to save that branch.


Hi Guys
Thanks for the responses! He said the soil smells good. He's brand new to growing and I haven't seen the plant other than for pics.

Should I: Tell him to cut it off? Let the soil dry out? Hydrogen peroxide? All the Above?

Thanks again