My plants are dying, please help.

In the UK there is a fertiliser called Tomorite. It is a general purpose plant food. Most gardening TV shows suggest it's use, for anything. If you go on the UK groups it is sneered at for Cannabis, same argument as Mr. MiracleGro up there. Yet I have been growing weed with it for years, when you call them out on it, they all fuck off, because, as with that idiot up there, they are just repeating shit they have read on the internet. I notice he hasn't been back with his expert chemical analysis.
Yeah, ask 100 different growers the same question, get 100 different answers. Will be repotting in new soil this eve.
You're expecting to see movement far too quickly even for hydro. As for transplanting I've not noticed any setback from that. Usually they droop for the afternoon after transplant but pick up the next day. However I've only been growing since 1996 so I may not have seen it yet :) I'll keep observing.

If you do choose to keep the one in coco use liquid fertilizer. Also when you start with any other inert substrate use liquid fertilizer (even if you need to dissolve dry ferts in liquid prior to watering). Measure both the EC/TDS and pH of the solution prior to use and make sure it's within the right parameters or it will be unavailable to your plants as you don't have a microbiome set up yet.

The problem you have with soilless vs soil is that they have two different watering processes. You can't treat soilless like soil and vice versa. That's why so many amended coco grows fail. It's like trying to graft the head of a dog onto a fish. It's a fraught amalgamation of diametrically opposed needs.

As I mentioned previously I have a friend with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry who can grow pot in anything (after his lifetime focus on plant physiology I'm not surprised). He's successfully used MG because he had it laying around. Cannabis is just a plant and not a particularly picky one. So use what works for you.
No, I'm not expecting anything quickly, I just peek my head in and have a look. City pH is now 7.3 - 7.4, but I will address that at watering time and when I fertilize. Things should be back on track soon.
My mate is a Chemist. He found the concept of pre-mixed calmag hilarious. He considers a way of maintaining a healthy balance between the rich, stupid and/or lazy. He showed me how to mix my own using Epsom salt and calcium chloride. Then we worked out a schedule/ratio we could give it at, based on the PPM of my tap water. For about £12 ($10) I have enough CalMag to last for years. My plants are better for it too, we are encouraged to give way too much CalMag. I use Plant Magic Oldtimers Organic and they sell "Organic Magnesium" (aka Epsom Salt) at a silly price, they want you to give at the rate of 1g per litre with every feeding, it is no wonder people get salt build up.
Epsom Salt was less than $10 for 8lbs at my local pharmacy. I think most products marketed specifically for cannabis are a scam, but then again my current crop looks like sh*t lol.
Referenced twice in an attempt to keep the trolls from criticizing the MG fert.
If watered properly, MG works fixing great. You did and do not water properly ever based on the evidence you have supplied. Water the whole damn medium instead of waterboarding the central roots constantly.
I swear you're trolling us. Can't see how you could hate your plants so much to mercilessly torture them the way you do. You are trolling, correct?
Epsom Salt was less than $10 for 8lbs at my local pharmacy. I think most products marketed specifically for cannabis are a scam, but then again my current crop looks like sh*t lol.

Not so much a scam, but you are paying a lot for the name and the packaging. Cannabis specific brands always have some kind of cartoon character and a fancy label, that shit costs money. I buy Epsom Salts from a local home hardware store, it is £2 for about 5 years worth. They also encourage you to over feed, IMHO. At the moment I am using Plant Magic Old Timers. I was using Tomato Feed, but the sale of peat products is being phased out in England and my regular Tomato feed just didn't work with the new coco and compost soil mixes. So I went for Plant Magic because I know it will work with the new soil I am using, however feeding at the suggested strength got me some mild nitrogen toxicity. It isn't a big deal because I recognised the symptoms and rectified it.