Part a Part B?


need advice any one use part a part b nutes if so how much per feed and i herd under dosing is better any truth to that ?????bongsmilie


-do not use the AN nutrient calculator off their website...its all fucked up.
-go off of the label of the bottle directly
- there are 2 sensi formulas, one is pH balanced and the other is not pH balanced
- the non-pH balanced formula requires 1.8mL per L of distilled or RO water for 600ppm for each part a and b
-sensi includes cal mag so do not add it


Well-Known Member
If your using it in soil, do not ph it too low or it will fuck up your medium and lower your ph to bad lockout levels.. I have been using sensi bloom for a couple of years and i agree with him telling you not to go by their calculator cause its wrong, I don't know what planet whoever thought that cal up but if you go by it your shit will get all fucked up.. Best advice when using AN's is get a ec or ppm meter