Pandemic 2020

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Wisconsin opened a FEMA hospital on it's state fair grounds, shit's starting to hit the fan.
It's gonna get worse for Trump as it gets worse in the Midwest and south, Trump states, not red states, they own the fuck now if they vote for him. Covid is driving this election, as well as Trump. Trump self immolated himself with his debate fiasco and the WH covid disaster will have a similar effect.
New Battleground Polling Shows Biden Up In Key States | Morning Joe | MSNBC

New battleground polling shows Joe Biden up in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Different Florida polling shows Biden and Trump tied as well as Biden in the lead. The panel discusses.
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The New England Journal of Medicine released an editorial today, the 1st in it's history, condemning Trump & his response to COVID-19.
In case you don't know, this is one of the most highly regarded medical publication's in the World & I feel that it's important to be seen here in it's entirety.

Read it & weep/cry/scream & then vote

Dying in a Leadership Vacuum

Covid-19 has created a crisis throughout the world. This crisis has produced a test of leadership. With no good options to combat a novel pathogen, countries were forced to make hard choices about how to respond. Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy.

The magnitude of this failure is astonishing. According to the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering,1 the United States leads the world in Covid-19 cases and in deaths due to the disease, far exceeding the numbers in much larger countries, such as China. The death rate in this country is more than double that of Canada, exceeds that of Japan, a country with a vulnerable and elderly population, by a factor of almost 50, and even dwarfs the rates in lower-middle-income countries, such as Vietnam, by a factor of almost 2000. Covid-19 is an overwhelming challenge, and many factors contribute to its severity. But the one we can control is how we behave. And in the United States we have consistently behaved poorly.

We know that we could have done better. China, faced with the first outbreak, chose strict quarantine and isolation after an initial delay. These measures were severe but effective, essentially eliminating transmission at the point where the outbreak began and reducing the death rate to a reported 3 per million, as compared with more than 500 per million in the United States. Countries that had far more exchange with China, such as Singapore and South Korea, began intensive testing early, along with aggressive contact tracing and appropriate isolation, and have had relatively small outbreaks. And New Zealand has used these same measures, together with its geographic advantages, to come close to eliminating the disease, something that has allowed that country to limit the time of closure and to largely reopen society to a prepandemic level. In general, not only have many democracies done better than the United States, but they have also outperformed us by orders of magnitude.

Why has the United States handled this pandemic so badly? We have failed at almost every step. We had ample warning, but when the disease first arrived, we were incapable of testing effectively and couldn’t provide even the most basic personal protective equipment to health care workers and the general public. And we continue to be way behind the curve in testing. While the absolute numbers of tests have increased substantially, the more useful metric is the number of tests performed per infected person, a rate that puts us far down the international list, below such places as Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia, countries that cannot boast the biomedical infrastructure or the manufacturing capacity that we have.2 Moreover, a lack of emphasis on developing capacity has meant that U.S. test results are often long delayed, rendering the results useless for disease control.

Although we tend to focus on technology, most of the interventions that have large effects are not complicated. The United States instituted quarantine and isolation measures late and inconsistently, often without any effort to enforce them, after the disease had spread substantially in many communities. Our rules on social distancing have in many places been lackadaisical at best, with loosening of restrictions long before adequate disease control had been achieved. And in much of the country, people simply don’t wear masks, largely because our leaders have stated outright that masks are political tools rather than effective infection control measures. The government has appropriately invested heavily in vaccine development, but its rhetoric has politicized the development process and led to growing public distrust.

The United States came into this crisis with enormous advantages. Along with tremendous manufacturing capacity, we have a biomedical research system that is the envy of the world. We have enormous expertise in public health, health policy, and basic biology and have consistently been able to turn that expertise into new therapies and preventive measures. And much of that national expertise resides in government institutions. Yet our leaders have largely chosen to ignore and even denigrate experts.

The response of our nation’s leaders has been consistently inadequate. The federal government has largely abandoned disease control to the states. Governors have varied in their responses, not so much by party as by competence. But whatever their competence, governors do not have the tools that Washington controls. Instead of using those tools, the federal government has undermined them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which was the world’s leading disease response organization, has been eviscerated and has suffered dramatic testing and policy failures. The National Institutes of Health have played a key role in vaccine development but have been excluded from much crucial government decision making. And the Food and Drug Administration has been shamefully politicized,3 appearing to respond to pressure from the administration rather than scientific evidence. Our current leaders have undercut trust in science and in government,4 causing damage that will certainly outlast them. Instead of relying on expertise, the administration has turned to uninformed “opinion leaders” and charlatans who obscure the truth and facilitate the promulgation of outright lies.

Let’s be clear about the cost of not taking even simple measures. An outbreak that has disproportionately affected communities of color has exacerbated the tensions associated with inequality. Many of our children are missing school at critical times in their social and intellectual development. The hard work of health care professionals, who have put their lives on the line, has not been used wisely. Our current leadership takes pride in the economy, but while most of the world has opened up to some extent, the United States still suffers from disease rates that have prevented many businesses from reopening, with a resultant loss of hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of jobs. And more than 200,000 Americans have died. Some deaths from Covid-19 were unavoidable. But, although it is impossible to project the precise number of additional American lives lost because of weak and inappropriate government policies, it is at least in the tens of thousands in a pandemic that has already killed more Americans than any conflict since World War II.

Anyone else who recklessly squandered lives and money in this way would be suffering legal consequences. Our leaders have largely claimed immunity for their actions. But this election gives us the power to render judgment. Reasonable people will certainly disagree about the many political positions taken by candidates. But truth is neither liberal nor conservative. When it comes to the response to the largest public health crisis of our time, our current political leaders have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent. We should not abet them and enable the deaths of thousands more Americans by allowing them to keep their jobs.
Whenever he turns into a bat they afflict him, he's generally ok when he's sleeping in his casket.
Worst Person No. 1. Donald Trump: Mass Murderer Who Will Kill 150,000 More Of Us This Year

While Trump is claiming getting Covid was a "gift from God," the reality is, he's an inhuman creature and a terrorist whose fear of wearing a mask will kill thousands unnecessarily. His reign of terror must end.

Watch my first political commentaries since The Resistance in this newest episode of my new series on Trump and the 2020 election: The Worst Person In The World With Keith Olbermann (or if the spelling overwhelms you, Olberman Oberman Oblerman Obermann and of course Kieth). The countdown, so to speak, is over! You know: the countdown with Keith Olbermann ;-)
I gave blood today for a Covid 19 antibody test . We get one free one at my job and was only made aware of this yesterday so jumped on the opportunity to find out if indeed I might have already had it. They told me it’s a chemistry based test and I should have the results tomorrow. So far I have taken 3 Covid 19 nasal swab tests. 2 have come back negative and I am waiting for my third . We are getting rapid testing on site in 2 weeks So I am looking forward to seeing how that works out.
I gave blood today for a Covid 19 antibody test . We get one free one at my job and was only made aware of this yesterday so jumped on the opportunity to find out if indeed I might have already had it. They told me it’s a chemistry based test and I should have the results tomorrow. So far I have taken 3 Covid 19 nasal swab tests. 2 have come back negative and I am waiting for my third . We are getting rapid testing on site in 2 weeks So I am looking forward to seeing how that works out.
Many Trumpers left on the hospital staff?
Many Trumpers left on the hospital staff?
I have no idea . I have one coworker in my dept . We are very isolated and he is a Trump hater, more of a Bernie baby. He is very clean and mask supporter And takes the virus very seriously . I had to interview hundreds of candidates to find him . I don’t really socialized with many people because they mostly repulse me
And I have absolutely nothing in common with them and they are completely cultureless and boring. Plus I don’t want to risk them infecting me.
Donald is holding an illegal campaign event at the WH and giving a speech from the Truman (now Wussolini) balcony. No doubt to a carefully selected audience, if they let the general public in it would be a most unpleasant event for Donald, the booing would be like thunder. Perhaps there will be some sounds of protest from beyond the distant fences.

Several regions sound alarm as US reports most Covid-19 daily cases in nearly 2 months

(CNN)Just as the US reported the highest number of daily Covid-19 infections in nearly two months, several experts offered grim outlooks if Americans don't take the right precautions.

Johns Hopkins University reported a total of 57,420 new positive cases of coronavirus in the United States on Friday.
That is the most reported cases in a single day since August 14, when there were 64,601 new cases, the data show.
Friday's surge of 57,420 cases marks the third consecutive day of 50,000+ reported cases in the US, Johns Hopkins says. The last time the US reported three consecutive days of more than 50,000 cases was also in mid-August.
Now Florida, which over the summer became the country's hotspot, is "ripe for another large outbreak," an infectious disease expert told CNN. Late last month, the state cleared the way for bars and restaurants to fully reopen and this week reported more than 6,000 cases over a two day-period.
Donald is holding an illegal campaign event at the WH and giving a speech from the Truman (now Wussolini) balcony. No doubt to a carefully selected audience, if they let the general public in it would be a most unpleasant event for Donald, the booing would be like thunder. Perhaps there will be some sounds of protest from beyond the distant fences.

Several regions sound alarm as US reports most Covid-19 daily cases in nearly 2 months

(CNN)Just as the US reported the highest number of daily Covid-19 infections in nearly two months, several experts offered grim outlooks if Americans don't take the right precautions.

Johns Hopkins University reported a total of 57,420 new positive cases of coronavirus in the United States on Friday.
That is the most reported cases in a single day since August 14, when there were 64,601 new cases, the data show.
Friday's surge of 57,420 cases marks the third consecutive day of 50,000+ reported cases in the US, Johns Hopkins says. The last time the US reported three consecutive days of more than 50,000 cases was also in mid-August.
Now Florida, which over the summer became the country's hotspot, is "ripe for another large outbreak," an infectious disease expert told CNN. Late last month, the state cleared the way for bars and restaurants to fully reopen and this week reported more than 6,000 cases over a two day-period.
Yeah, I just saw here in Oklahoma we broke a record high with 1,580 positives yesterday And 1,240 the day before . My hospital has been at surge capacity for 2 weeks now. With Trump getting so cocky about beating the virus, And down playing the severity of it might be making the situation worse! Pence’s remark at the debate about masks and freedom was painful to hear. He fuels the fire with that type of Manipulative thinking Which I think is like brainwashing his base with weird government take over ideas that fuel conspiracy theory’s and give rise to more of these domestic terrorist groups like the one that was just taken down in Michigan. That gang of 13 armed militia men, who wanted to kidnap , rape and kill governor Gretchen Whitmer are the types that feed into that garbage talk.
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