Pandemic 2020

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Hopefully we have the bugs worked out of the swabs for this gizmo and can deploy it during the coming education and flu season. We will need widespread and fast testing to get through this winter and all it's usual respiratory disease contagion problems.

Spartan Bioscience says it's found fix for COVID-19 test, set to reapply for Health Canada approval

An Ottawa bioscience firm that recalled a rapid test for COVID-19 in May after Health Canada expressed concern about its effectiveness says it has fixed the problem and is preparing to reapply for regulatory approval of the devices.

In a recent statement on its website, Spartan Bioscience says the delay in rolling out the product gave it time to “incorporate the latest information on COVID-19 and conclude 12 weeks of intense work where we tested approximately 10,000 samples as part of our solution,” adding it plans to “re-engage in the regulatory approval process in Canada in the coming days.”

The company says it hopes to launch formal clinical studies of its product, known as the Spartan Cube, “as soon as possible” once Health Canada gives it the green light. Spartan said it is aiming to have the test ready for final approval by mid-fall.

Spartan’s test involves inserting a cartridge containing a swab from a patient’s mouth into a machine about the size of a coffee cup that analyzes DNA for the presence of the coronavirus. The company says the device can deliver accurate results in as little as half an hour.

The federal government originally said it had approved the hand-held DNA analyzer in mid-April. Just weeks later, Spartan announced it was voluntarily recalling 5,500 tests that had been shipped nationally over concerns about the proprietary swab used in the test, adding that Health Canada did not raise concerns about the accuracy of the test reagents and portable analyzer device.

Millions of dollars in sales
The recall put a hold on Spartan’s plans to churn out thousands of the tests for customers including the federal government and the provinces of Ontario and Alberta, which had agreed to buy millions of dollars’ worth of the testing devices. Meanwhile, Air Canada said last month it was working with the Ottawa company “to assess how best to employ” the Spartan Cube to screen passengers and airline employees.

A spokesperson said Spartan CEO Paul Lem would not be available for comment Thursday. In its recent statement, the company said it “understands the difficulties and frustrations that product approval delays have caused our government and private-sector partners.”

While noting that it has “allocated significant resources” to set up a new production facility in the Greater Toronto Area with a manufacturing partner, the company stressed that it “has not received full payments for any contracts.” The statement said Spartan would be fully compensated for the orders only after Health Canada has approved the tests and the products have been delivered.

“Spartan wishes to highlight that down payments from our partners have been critical in allowing us to scale test manufacturing capacity so that we are ready to mass produce immediately upon receipt of Health Canada approval,” the company added.
Looks like the US,Russia and China are going to push out vaccines that have not gone through full trials. This is insane and it will not go well, they don't care if it's safe or effective,next step will be making it mandatory. The vaccine makers are in negotiations for getting emergency approval from countries, that will protect the manufacturers when things go wrong.
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The anti vaccination fools will have a heyday with an untested or improperly tested vaccine. Necessary rates of immunity will not happen in America in that situation. trump has so destroyed confidence in institutions, destroyed Truth.
I think their strategy must be herd immunity at all costs and they don't care how it happens. If you don't take their vaccine you'll eventually get it and they don't care about the outcome. If the vaccine gives immunity but kills or maims lots of people they don't care. If it all goes horribly wrong, it's a pandemic so they'll just blame it all on that.
Last night tRUmps mindless puppets like Kudlow were talking about the tRUmp virus in the past tense like the pandemic is over. They are scaling back testing, suppressing the true numbers and pushing a fast track for a vaccine that hasn't been fully tested, this will not end well.
Last night tRUmps mindless puppets like Kudlow were talking about the tRUmp virus in the past tense like the pandemic is over. They are scaling back testing, suppressing the true numbers and pushing a fast track for a vaccine that hasn't been fully tested, this will not end well.
It's election season and Donald is very desperate, they can spout all they want about it being over, the people in the red states who are the base of his support are living a different reality.

In the end it's real simple, people with common sense will vote against Trump and racists will support him, we've all seen more than enough evidence of who and what Trump is. People who are on the fence are idiots, torn between common sense and past conditioning, the conditioning with this bunch wasn't strong enough to filter out reality completely. When I say conditioning, I don't mean it was someone else's fault, we condition ourselves with every thought too, it's not just the environment, but how we act within it.

The way I read it 40% will vote for this loser and his band of unhappy fascist worshipping syncopaths, the closer he gets to half the easier it is to steal the election. I don't think the USPS disruptions are going to have that big an impact and might affect both parties equally, most people will be using drop boxes or mailing in early. Only about a half dozen states have restrictive voting laws and they are red for the most part, Georgia is going to be a big one for cheating and suppression, and we should know about Florida on election night, they count mail in fast there.

The shit show has just begun.
Told you this was coming, only question I have, is tRUmp hoping it will work or is he hoping it will be a disaster?

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I just hope it is a wag the dog moment. And science wins out while Trump tries to politicize every angle from every angle.
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(Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is willing to fast-track a COVID-19 vaccine as quickly as possible, the Financial Times reported him as saying in an interview published on Sunday.

Dr. Stephen Hahn, the FDA Commissioner, said his agency was prepared to authorize a vaccine before Phase Three clinical trials were complete, as long as officials are convinced that the benefits outweigh the risks, the newspaper reported

Without providing evidence, U.S. President Donald Trump last Saturday accused members of a so-called “deep state” working within the FDA of complicating efforts to test COVID-19 vaccines in order to delay results until after the Nov. 3 presidential election.

A day later, the FDA gave “emergency use authorization” of a coronavirus treatment that uses blood plasma from recovered patients.

“Our emergency use authorization is not the same as a full approval,” Hahn told the FT, adding that his decisions will not be made because of political pressure.

“This is going to be a science, medicine, data decision. This is not going to be a political decision,” Hahn said, according to the report.

He said the safest way for the vaccine to be available for use before the end of Phase Three trials, which involve thousands of patients and can take years, would be by issuing an emergency authorization for use by certain groups rather than a blanket approval, the FT reported.
Told you this was coming, only question I have, is tRUmp hoping it will work or is he hoping it will be a disaster?

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I figured it would too, it will throw more smoke into the air, the line will be: Joe will have a national lockdown and he will stop you from getting the miracle Russian vaccine. I'll wait for a consensus of expert opinion on vaccines in the west myself and I figure monoclonal antibody therapy and temporary immunity will be wide spread by the time any vaccine is approved.
When are you going to realize that tRUmp doesn't care about facts and science.
He doesn't know or care about science, but he does care about and is aware of certain facts, like retaining power and avoiding prison. There will be nothing but chaos and dystopia until he is removed from power. If Joe wins in November and the GOP take a pounding, Trump could even be impeached after the election, depending on what happens and how desperate the situation is. If Joe wins there have been and will be no transition meetings, so Joe might as well begin early and start making threats, promises and assembling a team to take over departments and demanding briefings from them.
Hopefully we have the bugs worked out of the swabs for this gizmo and can deploy it during the coming education and flu season. We will need widespread and fast testing to get through this winter and all it's usual respiratory disease contagion problems.

Spartan Bioscience says it's found fix for COVID-19 test, set to reapply for Health Canada approval

An Ottawa bioscience firm that recalled a rapid test for COVID-19 in May after Health Canada expressed concern about its effectiveness says it has fixed the problem and is preparing to reapply for regulatory approval of the devices.

In a recent statement on its website, Spartan Bioscience says the delay in rolling out the product gave it time to “incorporate the latest information on COVID-19 and conclude 12 weeks of intense work where we tested approximately 10,000 samples as part of our solution,” adding it plans to “re-engage in the regulatory approval process in Canada in the coming days.”

The company says it hopes to launch formal clinical studies of its product, known as the Spartan Cube, “as soon as possible” once Health Canada gives it the green light. Spartan said it is aiming to have the test ready for final approval by mid-fall.

Spartan’s test involves inserting a cartridge containing a swab from a patient’s mouth into a machine about the size of a coffee cup that analyzes DNA for the presence of the coronavirus. The company says the device can deliver accurate results in as little as half an hour.

The federal government originally said it had approved the hand-held DNA analyzer in mid-April. Just weeks later, Spartan announced it was voluntarily recalling 5,500 tests that had been shipped nationally over concerns about the proprietary swab used in the test, adding that Health Canada did not raise concerns about the accuracy of the test reagents and portable analyzer device.

Millions of dollars in sales
The recall put a hold on Spartan’s plans to churn out thousands of the tests for customers including the federal government and the provinces of Ontario and Alberta, which had agreed to buy millions of dollars’ worth of the testing devices. Meanwhile, Air Canada said last month it was working with the Ottawa company “to assess how best to employ” the Spartan Cube to screen passengers and airline employees.

A spokesperson said Spartan CEO Paul Lem would not be available for comment Thursday. In its recent statement, the company said it “understands the difficulties and frustrations that product approval delays have caused our government and private-sector partners.”

While noting that it has “allocated significant resources” to set up a new production facility in the Greater Toronto Area with a manufacturing partner, the company stressed that it “has not received full payments for any contracts.” The statement said Spartan would be fully compensated for the orders only after Health Canada has approved the tests and the products have been delivered.

“Spartan wishes to highlight that down payments from our partners have been critical in allowing us to scale test manufacturing capacity so that we are ready to mass produce immediately upon receipt of Health Canada approval,” the company added.

Flu shots are out..make sure everyone get's one.
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