Pandemic 2020

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don't the wealthy often prevail because they can afford to tie the courts up?
They prevail because the can afford good lawyers and private investigators, they can also afford to work their way up the appeals system and ya can get off at every stage, also they can make bail, can buy off plaintiffs and witnesses, and aren't subject to jailhouse informants or police abuse. They are handled with extreme caution and reluctance because the legal costs of prosecuting them can break some counties and even states. If all else fails they can bribe the judge or the state AG and as a last resort, buy a Trump or a state governor's pardon, even finance his whole campaign to get one, chump change. Equality under the law is a theory, not a practice.

If the feds want yer ass under a normal government in a high profile case and yer actual guilty, yer ass is grass. Most of the cases against the Trump's are documents based, open and shut, the feds prosecuting Donald would be so easy Tiffany could do it straight out of law school.
Here is a former federal prosecutor who would loooove to take Trump Down. News with expert analysis and opinion. You might see him in government a the DOJ next year.
Flynn tries to shut down Judge Sullivan; Trump fires (another) IG
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Well, we know what Donald is gonna do, he doesn't want you to vote Captain, I wonder why? :D Donald is very worried now and desperate, he thought he would be able to cheat his way back in with his 45% base of racist morons. Another nail in his coffin with seniors in Michigan.

He's down in the battleground states including Michigan, I wonder why? Remember Donald didn't want to win last time but fucked up, this time he's his own campaign manager and desperately wants to win, he's failed at everything he ever tried to do and we all know why, he will fail here too.
Dumbfounded’: Michigan Sec. Of State Responds To Trump Attack Over Vote-By-Mail | All In | MSNBC

because he's going to change the numbers somehow and can't do this if there is a paper trail.
Wanna know why Donald is freaking out more than usual? This might help explain. Looks like relaxing in his basement rec room is working for Joe, campaigning was never so easy or so cheap! Beat by a guy from his basement!

We haven't even seen the impact of deaths in the red states who opened stupid. Also oversight is coming too, people want answers and Donald's ass is high in the air while his head is in the ground. If this keeps up some in the GOP might cut and run.
Trump Trails Biden By 11 Points Among Voters Nationally | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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They prevail because the can afford good lawyers and private investigators, they can also afford to work their way up the appeals system and ya can get off at every stage, also they can make bail, can buy off plaintiffs and witnesses, and aren't subject to jailhouse informants or police abuse. They are handled with extreme caution and reluctance because the legal costs of prosecuting them can break some counties and even states. If all else fails they can bribe the judge or the state AG and as a last resort, buy a Trump or a state governor's pardon, even finance his whole campaign to get one, chump change. Equality under the law is a theory, not a practice.

If the feds want yer ass under a normal government in a high profile case and yer actual guilty, yer ass is grass. Most of the cases against the Trump's are documents based, open and shut, the feds prosecuting Donald would be so easy Tiffany could do it straight out of law school.

So then what you're saying is American Constitution really only applies if you have money..
Here is an interesting question that might become important someday.

What would happen if Joe won and the democrats took the house and got a majority in the senate and wanted to invoke a national plan to deal with covid-19 effectively. Let's say you need a national shut down and coordinated action by the states and some red states refused to cooperate and stayed open with high infection rates, places full of racist shitheads.

Could Joe quarantine the state and bar travel or make state border checkpoints or roadblocks, by enabling surrounding states who want to protect themselves for instance? Aside from the heat that Joe and the feds could put on these assholes by other means.

Could Joe quarantine a state or states for public health reasons to contain the virus and protect the nation from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC?

I mean with the power of congress and the law at his back, not to mention a majority of Americans. It might come to that one day.
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So then what you're saying is American Constitution really only applies if you have money..
Sometimes it doesn't even work then, but not often. People have equal rights in theory, but those have rights who dare (and have the means) to defend them. Canada has a similar legal system as does Britain, but they are not nearly as corrupt and these days, far more equitable, they are also apolitical.
“If the country had locked down two weeks earlier than it did, it could have prevented 84% of deaths and 82% of cases, according to the research.”

Almost as bad as Benghazi!
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