Pandemic 2020

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3.2 million jobs lost. That's only through the 11th of March. Easily 5 times that number by now.

This website has been under attack from foreign trolls for years and it has caused people to attack first and often. Being a new person here nobody is going to just trust that you are real person here to shoot the shit and when you start trying to troll back, it will just end up in more trolling.

If you are a person, you might want to understand more about how the foreign trolls (Russian/Saudi/Iranian/North Korean/etc) or religious cult trolls, or even domestic racist/evangelical/Trump trolls, are constantly spreading hate and lies to prop up Trump.
Many thanks to all you who battle these trolls. I've just recently hit the ignore button on them and it saves me a lot of aggravation. Shot 2020-03-26 at 8.45.29 AM.png
The past few weeks have been tough for Gerrity’s Supermarket, a small family-owned chain in northeastern Pennsylvania. Like grocers nationwide, it has been deluged with orders and has struggled to keep basics such as chicken breasts and toilet paper on the shelves. Employees have been working overtime, pausing only for five-second breaks to wipe everything down with disinfectant wipes.

Then, on Wednesday afternoon, a woman came in and deliberately coughed all over the produce section, meat case and bakery department, co-owner Joe Fasula said. The store had to throw away more than $35,000 worth of food.

“Today was a very challenging day,” Fasula wrote in a message to shoppers on Facebook. “While there is little doubt this woman was doing it as a very twisted prank, we will not take any chances with the health and well-being of our customers."

The article goes on to say she is a known problem and the police have her undergoing a mental health check.
I feel less neurotic now, I've been treating my groceries like toxic waste and disinfecting them like this.

Ever since the virus hit my hometown, my musical leanings have been getting weirder & weirder.
Is that a symptom of infection?
After reading @captainmorgan's post, this song came to mind for example :)

But also this

Maybe I should call my Doc & adjust my meds, ya think?
Due to the current state of emergency in San Bernardino County, the County is in need of personal protective equipment. We are reaching out to our vendor community for this need. We have established the request form below for all willing and able vendors to respond. Please follow the link below to fill out the request form.

We thank you for your assistance in this time of need,

The County of San Bernardino Purchasing Department
PPE Request Form
Please note, for purchases directly related to this emergency where items are in short supply, we have waived certain competitive requirements. To the best of our ability, the San Bernardino County Purchasing Department will maintain a competitive process when available.
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