The flu kills tens of thousands each year. The only difference is COVID is more contagious in my opinion.
And there's a vaccine for that too. You'd be amazed at all the vaccines are available to you now.
Nobody wants to talk about the 'C' word but Meemaws still taking care of the younger ones here because Mom has pneumonia*. Trouble is the younger one has an occasional deep, juicy cough. Heard it yesterday in laundry room. This is a 55+ building with some real ancients. Bet you we have a break out. I'm going to be fine because I mask.
Covid is a thousand times worse than any flu..having had both. Covid after receiving 5 shots? I wished I were dead and had no lung action due to a life free of no cough.
After I saw your post I scheduled for the new one that has all variants so're minimizing it, brought back fear and anxiety.