I've been saying from the start that we would need yearly vaccines with covid because of the nature of corona viruses.
This is great news, ya can't get the idiots to get vaccinated, much less booster shots, covid will be the gift that keeps on giving then. Giving death and maiming to antivaccers and republicans for years to come, it might not be the Lord's work, but it sure is Darwin's. Even if they come up with a super duper vaccine, it will do the cursed no good, they poisoned their little minds and fucked themselves. No masks or public restrictions will make it even worse and as their natural immunity fades, they will get another pounding with covid.
I get a flu shot every year and the covid one will most likely be combined with it. Ya couldn't design something better than Trump to destroy the republican party and America's racists as a political force. Nor could ya come up with anything better than covid to kill and fuck half of the republicans in America. The problem will be survival of Trumpism in the short term, covid will be dealt with more effectively in the coming years with new generations of vaccines. Like I said, it doesn't matter how good the vaccines get or if ya need boosters, it will only help the liberals and about half of the republicans with some amount of brains. The vaccinated republicans with brains are mostly older people and a lot of them die off every election cycle. The unvaxxed liberals are mostly young people, you can see where this will go in a few years, the problem will be getting there.