Pandemic 2020

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I got the vaccine and it made me sleepy for 2 entire days. Does this mean that my DNA has been altered by Bill Gates nanobots in preperation for a transition of ownership of the human species from the Annunaki to a new species of dark alien overloards from the Andromeda???
So does that mean if us vaccinated ones get the virus we can go cough on those that don't plan on getting the vaccine?

Wait, the whole point is to get society back to normal. Skip that.
Wear a mask & don't fuck around
I'm wearing one until this shit is completely gone.
Besides, I look better covering up 1/2 my face :)
This delta variant is a killer, I'm trying to move up the date of my second Pfizer shot, but they are still booked up pretty solid right now, I'm scheduled for August 7th for the second go round.

I imagine they are gonna either cut ya loose soon, or chain ya to the bed, hope you've been trying some meditation for R&R, since they don't serve beer in the place and a toke would be frowned upon! Getting a vaccine might not be a bad idea either, when your doctors says it is, lots of people who are vaccinated or who had covid are getting the delta variant, though they are not getting fucked as badly as the virgins!
Deplorables ended up as the perfect description of them.
Isn't it a shame they exist?
And Donald Trump is their Pied Piper, calling them out from underneath their rocks & out from their trailers.
And there are droves pf them.
We (sane people) are fucked it seems.
It shouldn't be like this.
Their insane miscreants, how the fuck do they have so much power?
Thanks GOP, you singlehandedly have destroyed America.
Fucking sad, right?
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Isn't it a shame they exist?
And Donald Trump is their Pied Piper, calling them out from underneath their rocks & out from their trailers.
And there are droves pf them.
We're (sane people) are fucked it seems.
It shouldn't be like this.
Their insane miscreants, how the fuck do they have so much power?
Thanks GOP, you singlehandedly have destroyed America.
Fucking sad, right?
Donald appears to have whittled them down to the 33% of assholes, miscreants and mentally ill who exist in every country, race and culture. Add to them the racists, bigots and the duped and you've got a problem, the elected republicans are following the lead of their base and half of them are following Trump. Wait until Donald gets indicted in NY and goes on trial, then you will see the circus kick into high gear, as Trump has every republican member of congress he can get howling and dancing on the courthouse steps. I hope his fans try to storm the courthouse in NY, get strong soon and get a shillelagh, just in case. ;-)
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Hey man, I know this will make you smile
Today is my 1st class studying Tai Chi.
I gotta do something now that I stopped drinking (yea, I really did :) )
I always wanted to study it, so here I go.
Should be cool.
Try the mantra meditation I PM'd to you, it will make you feel like a million bucks after and pretty good while practicing it too.
Hey man, I know this will make you smile
Today is my 1st class studying Tai Chi.
I gotta do something now that I stopped drinking (yea, I really did :) )
I always wanted to study it, so here I go.
Should be cool.
If ten years from now you are able say, "still doing my Tai Chi everyday. Loving it!"
Then you will have done something
Otherwise it will have been just another entry in a long string of passing fads
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