Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
So you think a vaccine would come with a microchip. Ok. But you dont think they want full control over technology in order to track everyone, only to trace the virus? C'mon MAN!
I hope you are the recipient of a Christmas miracle of becoming about 30% smarter than you currently are. This is about what you would need to gain the self awareness necessary to recognize that you are very stupid.


Well-Known Member
I hope you are the recipient of a Christmas miracle of becoming about 30% smarter than you currently are. This is about what you would need to gain the self awareness necessary to recognize that you are very stupid.
Wearing masks makes it easy to track you too, those masks help with facial recognition software! :lol:
Yer cellphone does a pretty good job of tracking you, even without special software installed...


Well-Known Member
I hope you are the recipient of a Christmas miracle of becoming about 30% smarter than you currently are. This is about what you would need to gain the self awareness necessary to recognize that you are very stupid.
30% improvement on being retarded is still retarded.


Well-Known Member
Trump, Fox News Misinformation Affliction Complicates Covid-19 Response | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Donald McNeil, science and health reporter for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about the challenge of convincing people whose minds have been poisoned by misinformation to take Covid-19 seriously, and the idea of appealing to "thought leaders" like Fox News hosts that following scientific recommendations is in their interest.


Well-Known Member
so media is bitching this morning there will be a presser at the WH today but know in advance he won't take any of you have kids?

why are you giving him the presser?

never reward a bad child.

you're giving him the soap box hoping for a crumb of a lie to somehow be truth.

maybe..just should not show.
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Well-Known Member
This belongs in the Time caspule
Saw the Biden Harris interview, the contrast between them and Trump Pence was stark, a stunning display of normalcy, competence and professionalism. It was humiliating for Trump in the eyes of any objective viewer and humiliating for 75 million Trump voters, I wonder how many of them realize the magnitude of their shame? To get back to reality and be able to look honest people in the eye, they will have to crawl through there own vomit and shame, not many have the guts. Over the coming weeks and months some are going to realize they made a serious mistake in voting for Trump and will be ashamed at how fucking stupid they were. They will ask themselves, how they could have voted for someone like that, the answer is simple, they are racist, even if they don't admit it or deny it, their actions spoke louder than their words. Racism and bigotry turn "nice" people into fucking animals and I don't give a fuck if they are somebody's relatives either.

Anybody who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities, most Trumpers are too stupid to comprehend this simple truth.
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Well-Known Member
When is Trump gonna fire Fauci? I don't think he can though, but he will probably try anyway.
Can Trump fire Fauci? Technically, no - CNNPolitics

Can Trump fire Fauci? Technically, no
(CNN)President Donald Trump on Monday sought to downplay tension with Dr. Anthony Fauci after a White House official shared a statement that appeared to undermine the nation's leading infectious disease expert.

"I have a very good relationship with Dr. Fauci, I've had for a long time," Trump said at the White House during a roundtable event honoring police officers. "I find him to be a very nice person. I don't always agree with him."
A senior administration official also told CNN on Monday that recent frustration with Fauci does not stem from a lack of confidence in him. "It's not a crisis in confidence or a warning shot," the official said, adding it would be difficult to fire Fauci.

Under federal law, Trump doesn't have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal -- a time-consuming process.


Well-Known Member
When is Trump gonna fire Fauci? I don't think he can though, but he will probably try anyway.
Can Trump fire Fauci? Technically, no - CNNPolitics

Can Trump fire Fauci? Technically, no
(CNN)President Donald Trump on Monday sought to downplay tension with Dr. Anthony Fauci after a White House official shared a statement that appeared to undermine the nation's leading infectious disease expert.

"I have a very good relationship with Dr. Fauci, I've had for a long time," Trump said at the White House during a roundtable event honoring police officers. "I find him to be a very nice person. I don't always agree with him."
A senior administration official also told CNN on Monday that recent frustration with Fauci does not stem from a lack of confidence in him. "It's not a crisis in confidence or a warning shot," the official said, adding it would be difficult to fire Fauci.

Under federal law, Trump doesn't have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal -- a time-consuming process.
mostly everyone has decided not to carry trump live anymore except for Epoch Times..the one place you're forced- the newsstand..but it is next to Rooster and you knowbongsmilie
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Well-Known Member
They need to put a covid head on a Grinch body and blame the "covid Grinch" for stealing Christmas. Seriously, red state governors can use it to deflect the blame, the base will believe anything. I see the republicans are already calling it a war on Christmas, I guess thanksgiving didn't kill enough for them, wait a week or two.

This large scale suffering has got me pissed, somethings are worth being pissed about though and this malicious stupidity is one of them. How many will the bastards murder this time, how many hearts will be broken and lives destroyed so they can cling to power and their base can war on black folks for mere shits and giggles. You only war on people who are a threat to you, unless you are a worthless asshole who enjoys inflicting suffering on the weak, or a moral failure who supports them.
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