Pandemic 2020

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Something good happened in this world today besides the awful pandemic. I lost my wallet yesterday with credit cards, DL, insurance cards, fishing license and 568 dollars in it. I really did not care about the money, but I did not want the hassle of having to get new everything else with everything still not open. Guess what I had a knock on my door today and some guy with his family in the car had my wallet wrap in plastic sandwich bag. Ask if I was ___***___. I said yes and he handed me my wallet . I opened it up and EVERYTHING was there. This man was walking back to his car. I stop him and offered him all the money. This guy refused it. FUCK THAT I thought. I went over to his wife and said please take this money. if any thing put it in the kids college account ( They had two boys in the car ). She laughed and said ok. I asked the boys how does it feel to have a hero of a dad ( I hope they were his kids, because I did assume so) They gave me the thumbs up and we all thank it other and went our way. Not many people would have done what that man did and it made me realize we still have some good in this world.
"Testing is overrated"
If you have more tests, you find more cases, so the solution is to stop testing, therefore fewer cases. "I don't like the numbahs." That fat stuffed sausage that is Trump is pushing the boundary of stupidity. "I have a very good you know what", pointing to his vacant skull. Yeah, this is the presydint.
The USA has 4.3% of the world's population, yet has almost 30% of the coronavirus deaths, kinda tells ya something, the numbers do speak rather loudly, they scream, 100,000 dead by June 1st. The battle of the red states has begun in the war against reality under the leadership of General Trump, there will be many coffins draped in the stars and bars and quite a few covered in old glory, CWII will be costly.
CDC Estimates More Than 100,000 Deaths By June 1 | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Do you want too laugh your balls/vagina off?
Check out this Tweet that shithead posted Saturday :)

Yup, that imbecile really did post that.
I like the one someone posted where they have him wearing a diaper in depends day I think.

Just shows ya how far gone the fucker is James and how low the GOP has fallen into the depths of political Hell, with Donald the Devil leading them ever deeper as the flames grow higher, some are starting to sweat. Hopefully they will stay in Hell for an eternity, their sin was great and the Lord should stomp em soon! The party is now a racist organisation and is closely associated with domestic terrorism, almost all the terrorists are republicans and vehement Trump supporters, all are white. The republicans poisoned themselves by drinking from the cup of hate and fear, the damage looks to be lethal, perhaps an actual conservative party will arise to compete with them splitting the right and taking most of the cash.
Do you want too laugh your balls/vagina off?
Check out this Tweet that shithead posted Saturday :)

Yup, that imbecile really did post that.
One thing is for certain James, a dangerous minority of people really want to believe this kind of bullshit and every country has at least 30% of the population who are assholes, we've all worked with them! In fact the HR department's rule of thumb was 1/3 of employees over perform, a third are average and the final third is where they spend most of their resources!

You are going to have a large pool of vulnerable people running around in America, people who want to believe certain "facts" and a particular narrative of reality. The next Trump won't be as stupid as the current one, if Donald had two clues to rub together he'd own ya now with a chain around yer necks. He is "killing" the job and is a funny guy too, he's literal killing his fans and got them rolling in the isles, but not from laughter, the cause are the convulsions caused by extreme fever!

I tell ya James King Clorox the first is gonna kill ya off like flies.
Parody is another word that is not in his vocabulary.
What really surprises me is why he doesn't have the 2' high gold plated TRUMP letters they removed from so many of his properties, up on the front of the WH? I guess we'd have to see if he wins the election, somebody must have talked him out of it for now, but I was sure we'd see TRUMP plastered over the front entrance to the WH in big bold, gold letters...
Praze Jayzus, da lawd will keep you safe. Kin ah git a a-men!
God is just... Live by bullshit, die by bullshit, works like a sword and doesn't respect race or ethnic background. The truth will not only set you free, it can help you to survive as well.
Churches are gonna be a problem moving forward, many are filled with delusional people who are out of touch with reality and don't understand science, believe, or trust it. Many are led my egocentric and narcissistic personalities and a few are led by sociopathic con men, similar to Donald, only with a brain, if no heart. Churches revolve around social activities, they are social organisations and must regularly hold services, choir practice, sunday school and a host of other activities. The more disconnected they are from the greater reality around, them like evangelicals, the more dependent they are on these social activities and the more recalcitrant they will become. Besides, the collection plates are empty and the TV preachers and charlatans are muscling in on their action!
Now, it says that it's administration replaced the Obama playbook. What a surprise. Why wasn't this told us before? If true, the plan was to ignore, deflect and blame, then accept deaths. Oh, Kayleigh, you liar! But, that's to be expected.

they're pulling this old chestnut out again?:lol:


blank pages that they wouldn't let a reporter can tell they just got reams of paper separated in chunks and clipped. that's why the piles are so neat because they never went through mechanical printer- when it does the paper comes out 'aerated' and has a certain look. the above is not it.
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Is that the replacement for Obamacare he "promised"? Folders stuffed with blank sheets of paper.

in kayleighs case, the first page has writing..their base is about cow IQ or horses with blinders it doesn't take much for them to believe.
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