Pandemic 2020

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you poor old sod, you see it's only me..

There will be a lot of "Aqualungs" in America by the time Trump is done. The streets and park benches will be full of unemployed people who are recovered from the coronavirus but wiped out financially by the cost, the soup kitchens will be full and the breadlines long in Trumpworld. People are gonna be losing their internet accounts, cars and houses, 401Ks have been decimated and 10s of millions have will have no healthcare insurance at all. The plan so far is to send no more federal aid and force people into the slaughterhouse with no testing or other measures to insure success. Many people will have no jobs to go back to and most businesses won't do enough trade to stay alive. The spread of the virus will accelerate to intolerable levels in many places quickly and lack of testing means it will get away from them before it's detected, requiring a complete lockdown for an extended period.
First round of baby steps toward implementing testing process is half-way done. First results are in:

Corvallis door-to-door testing project suggests coronavirus has affected 2 of every 1,000 residents

Results from the first weekend of TRACE-COVID-19 door-to-door sampling by Oregon State University suggest that about two people per 1,000 in the Corvallis community had the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 when they were tested.

There is some gobbledygook in the statement:

It’s impossible to know the true prevalence of coronavirus infections, he said, but research based on the 455 people tested in the first weekend points to a 95% level of confidence that 23 of every 10,000 people in the city have been infected.

That’s not to say that that many people have or will develop COVID-19, the disease that the coronavirus causes, but it injects some data into what the risk may be.
Dalziel cautioned that the math behind prevalence estimates is more complicated than simplifying a fraction.

“It would not be correct to say that two in a thousand would be one in 500,” he said. “Our results of two in a thousand do not imply a certain amount of positives in that 455.”

If we actually have two infected per thousand people, it would neither be good or bad news. Right now, the way I look at results is, that we still have to follow social distancing guidelines but I don't need to be concerned about the person in front of me in line in the grocery checkout line.

Given what he said and the number tested (455), I'm guessing they didn't find any positive results for Coronavirus infections. I think what's going on is they are estimating a 95% confidence upper boundary condition given 455 tests and zero positives. Something like "95% confidence that 23 or fewer per 10000 residents are infected". They aren't providing details, so this is just a guess on my part.

Testing will continue for two more weekends with many more tests to be done. What I find promising are statements about how they had to change plans as they learned how to carry out the tests. What is learned by doing this study is invaluable for rolling out a state-wide test plan.

Many thanks to OSU and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation for funding this study. Hell would have frozen over before our federal government would do something like this.
There will be a lot of "Aqualungs" in America by the time Trump is done. The streets and park benches will be full of unemployed people who are recovered from the coronavirus but wiped out financially by the cost, the soup kitchens will be full and the breadlines long in Trumpworld. People are gonna be losing their internet accounts, cars and houses, 401Ks have been decimated and 10s of millions have will have no healthcare insurance at all. The plan so far is to send no more federal aid and force people into the slaughterhouse with no testing or other measures to insure success. Many people will have no jobs to go back to and most businesses won't do enough trade to stay alive. The spread of the virus will accelerate to intolerable levels in many places quickly and lack of testing means it will get away from them before it's detected, requiring a complete lockdown for an extended period.

oh my friend, even in this climate they wish to do away with ACA.

'if we test, then we'll know..' Donald J Trump* 5/10/20

You will come out of this with some stories to tell. That one is a peach.
I had a very angry day today. Very upsetting. I am seeing sick people that have not left their lockdowns for 2 months . They come to see me because they trust me so much. I make them feel safe enough to leave their homes to come and get the healthcare the need. Today one of them called me an angel. The other one told me he can’t remember the last time he was treated so respectfully and kindly. Where was I from? He asked . Not from here I say. Lol.
These days are so hard , so very hard .

I was the last one to get the card to sign . A card going around getting contaminated by everyone. Just brilliant. Lol.

CDC finds New York City coronavirus death toll may be much worse than official tally

  • U.S. health officials have identified 5,000 fatalities in New York City that may have been caused by Covid-19 but weren’t counted as part of the official coronavirus death toll, the CDC said Monday.
  • There were an additional 5,293 deaths that weren’t previously identified as confirmed or probable coronavirus cases that “might have been directly or indirectly attributable to the pandemic,” the agency said.
U.S. health officials have identified 5,000 fatalities in New York City between March and early May that may have been caused by Covid-19 but weren’t counted as part of the official coronavirus death toll, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday.
New York City health officials reported 18,879 total Covid-19 deaths between March 11 and May 2, — 13,831 of which were confirmed by a lab and 5,048 of which were categorized as probable cases based on the patients’ symptoms and other factors, according to a new CDC report.

There were an additional 5,293 deaths that weren’t previously identified as confirmed or probable coronavirus cases that “might have been directly or indirectly attributable to the pandemic,” the CDC said.
The number of confirmed or probable Covid-19 deaths might not include deaths among people with the virus “who did not access diagnostic testing, tested falsely negative, or became infected after testing negative, died outside of a health care setting, or for whom Covid-19 was not suspected by a health care provider as a cause of death,” the CDC wrote.
In addition, social distancing practices, the demand on hospitals and health-care providers, and public fear related to Covid-19 might lead to delays in seeking or obtaining lifesaving care, the agency said.
New York City is the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States. Since the city reported its first case on March 1, health officials have confirmed more than 184,000 cases and at least 19,789 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. U.S. health officials have suggested the true number of cases and deaths is likely much higher as some people infected with the virus go undetected.

Scientists have discovered that the virus attacks much more than the respiratory system, identifying circulatory, digestive and neurological problems tied to the virus. An uptick in strokes and heart attacks among otherwise healthy individuals has also been attributed to Covid-19.

The virus can take anywhere from two weeks to eight weeks from the first onset of symptoms before a patient is sick enough to die, according to the World Health Organization, citing early data from China. The median time from the first sign of symptoms to recovery for mild cases is approximately two weeks and between three and six weeks for patients with severe or critical disease, according to the WHO.
The CDC said excess deaths were determined using mortality data compiled by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and calculated as the difference between the seasonally expected baseline number and the reported number of deaths.
The CDC report was released moments after the WHO warned that several countries that have lifted coronavirus restrictions and reopened businesses have seen jumps in cases.
In the U.S., some states are beginning to reopen businesses despite projections suggesting it will lead to a steady rise in the number of Covid-19 cases and deaths over the next couple of weeks.
Last month, the WHO told countries that they will need to manage around the coronavirus for the foreseeable future as cases level off or decline in some countries while peaking in others and resurging in areas where the Covid-19 pandemic appeared to be under control.
Trump Made America ‘Sicker’, ‘Poorer’, ‘Weak’, ‘Divided’ | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

While President Trump touts America as ‘number one’ in testing, reporting shows America still lags significantly is tests per capita. In a new interview with MSNBC’s Ari Melber, Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt critiques President Trump for his coronavirus response, arguing Trump has “failed his duty in a way no president in the history of the American Republican ever has.”
I had a very angry day today. Very upsetting. I am seeing sick people that have not left their lockdowns for 2 months . They come to see me because they trust me so much. I make them feel safe enough to leave their homes to come and get the healthcare the need. Today one of them called me an angle. The other one told me he can’t remember the last time he was treated so respectfully and kindly. Where was I from? He asked . Not from here I say. Lol.
These days are so hard , so very hard .

I was the last one to get the card to sign . A card going around getting contaminated by everyone. Just brilliant. Lol.
o_O astonishing. I'd be looking for Rod Serling to step in and start introducing the next Twilight Zone episode..
36% believe what Trump says about the coronavirus, yet 42% approve of the job he's doing and 41% say they will vote for him. So Donald's true core base is probably less than 40%, but there are a lot of people who want to believe and if he just STFU, let an expert do the job and go golfing he might still get elected! Donald's poll numbers have a habit magiclly rebounding to dangerous levels, there are many who want and need to believe in him, all Teflon Don has to do is stay off twitter and STFU.

Turn the heat up to red hot and the teflon tends to smoke, scorch and break down though.
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36% believe what Trump says about the coronavirus, yet 42% approve of the job he's doing and 41% say they will vote for him. So Donald's true core base is probably less than 40%, but there are a lot of people who want to believe and if he just STFU, let an expert do the job and go golfing he might still get elected! Donald's poll numbers have a habit magiclly rebounding to dangerous levels, there are many who want and need to believe in him, all Teflon Don has to do is stay off twitter and STFU.

Turn the heat up to red hot and the teflon tends to smoke, scorch and break down though.
He can't do it. It's ingrained and not because he doesn't want to, he simply can't stay away from publicity, cameras, confrontation and the adulation he gets at his hate fests (notice how he claps for himself, he's "a cheahleadah"). Subsequently, he puts his foot in his mouth, a lot. He must like the taste of his toe jam.
He can't do it. It's ingrained and not because he doesn't want to, he simply can't stay away from publicity, cameras, confrontation and the adulation he gets at his hate fests (notice how he claps for himself, he's "a cheahleadah"). Subsequently, he puts his foot in his mouth, a lot. He must like the taste of his toe jam.
Trump Goes Off the Rails on Twitter and Fox News: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at Trump reeling off fantasies about the coronavirus just "going away" after two West Wing aides test positive and unemployment soars to its highest level since the Great Depression.
He can't do it. It's ingrained and not because he doesn't want to, he simply can't stay away from publicity, cameras, confrontation and the adulation he gets at his hate fests (notice how he claps for himself, he's "a cheahleadah"). Subsequently, he puts his foot in his mouth, a lot. He must like the taste of his toe jam.
Trump watches Morning Joe and Joe deliberately baits him and the republicans who should know better than to follow him, but the majority of their shrinking base have become fanatical Trumpers. Less than 40% of the population are driving Trump's agenda and protecting him from congress, they have a racist agenda and it's the glue that binds their tribalism together. Donald has no ideology or agenda other than getting reelected so he can run out the clock on many of his crimes and try to avoid prison and humiliation in court. This former democrat from NYC, has no fixed policy positions or ideology, just a racist dog whistle blown into a bullhorn, those who still support him are driven by fear, hate and greed. He has gathered every con man, psycho, asshole, stupid dupe and racist sucker in America to his banner, for the fight of good vs evil that is the 2020 election.
He can't do it. It's ingrained and not because he doesn't want to, he simply can't stay away from publicity, cameras, confrontation and the adulation he gets at his hate fests (notice how he claps for himself, he's "a cheahleadah"). Subsequently, he puts his foot in his mouth, a lot. He must like the taste of his toe jam.
lol and he is also highly motivated by delaying his upcoming date with the law and really really doesn't want it to be in January. I think Trump is going to need to do everything he can to try to get off, and is going to do everything he can to get re-elected.
Diplomacy is war by other means and elections can become civil wars by other means too and have become that in America. Trump took the Nixon southern strategy and put it on steroids and speed, the fact that a NYC liberal could so quickly capture the party base was the result of a long process of racist driven radicalisation and driving the RHINO's out of the party, anybody with a shred of integrity left when Trump became POTUS. The election of Obama cemented the GOP as a regional racist party and galvanized radical support, Trump completed the process of poisoning the party. Cheeto Jesus has separated the sheep from the goats and made all the ugliness plain to see. In a way he has left his supporters publicly naked in the stark light of day, exposing them and decent people can more easily see them for who they really are.
lol and he is also highly motivated by delaying his upcoming date with the law and really really doesn't want it to be in January. I think Trump is going to need to do everything he can to try to get off, and is going to do everything he can to get re-elected.
Yeah, he seems to think the divide thing is the best option he has and will pull out the stops, blaming everyone else he can, going back to Roosevelt.
Edit: Can't you just hear him say "Truman left us with no ammunition and bare shelves and the tests were broken"? It's not far off.
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Diplomacy is war by other means and elections can become civil wars by other means too and have become that in America. Trump took the Nixon southern strategy and put it on steroids and speed, the fact that a NYC liberal could so quickly capture the party base was the result of a long process of racist driven radicalisation and driving the RHINO's out of the party, anybody with a shred of integrity left when Trump became POTUS. The election of Obama cemented the GOP as a regional racist party and galvanized radical support, Trump completed the process of poisoning the party. Cheeto Jesus has separated the sheep from the goats and made all the ugliness plain to see. In a way he has left his supporters publicly naked in the stark light of day, exposing them and decent people can more easily see them for who they really are.
A conman is an opportunist. He knows his audience and merely observes and listens to their fear and hostility, then gives them what they crave. There's no genius about it. It's nearly as old a profession as prostitute.
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