Pandemic 2020

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AND left a whole lot less blatant racism, hatred and divisiveness.
I just thought something crazy (sucking on the Jameson for awhile :) )
FDR was the 1st POTUS to serve 3 terms because of a National Emergency & would have had 4, but he died.
Why not nominate Obama as the Democratic nominee for POTUS in this time of crisis?
This is a National Emergency & this country needs Obama, like yesterday.
I'm pretty fucking sure that you wouldn't hear much of an argument from anyone that is alive with a fucking brain.
Just think about it.
Who would you want too run the country right now
Trump's not an issue any longer
or Obama?
I'll betcha he'd do it for the country's sake if asked, and he'd win in a landslide.
Someone should ask :)
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80,000 votes in key states is all Trump won by against the most trolled politician ever, who happened to be a woman running in a male chauvinist nation, with years of unsuspecting Americans being duped by Russians online selling them Trump.

Trump is screwed, because he can't keep anything strait long enough to make it through a day.


Here you go, took like a second to find something debunking the crazy shit you said:
View attachment 4503780
Not the bar association pledge. Our constitutional oath. Nice internet algorithm.
chronic depression are my biggest problems.
Look into MBCT for depression, best treatment evidence based and uses meditation, works. I teach meditation, and lead a local mindfulness group PM me for more info or help you in getting a practice going (and have a puff). You can buy the MBCT book and course on Amazon or its available in your area from a medical professional as a therapy. Look into it, cures the blues and makes ya happier than yer average bear, works out yer bugs too. Mostly meditation with some cognitive coaching.
Check out MBCT or just take up a meditation practice to fix yer blues and get happy for sure.
At least someone on this Continent has they're shit together.
Must be nice too have an intelligent Human leading your country
Kudo's :)

Canada has always hit above it's weight class in world politics especially after WWI when it proved it's armed forces were the best and most fierce. In that war and WW II the US came in late and as Hollywood was in charge of most historic movies the US came out as the top dogs. Thank Jah they showed up and got the ball over the line but they got it easier than most. Since then all their wars are self propagated and self indulged mostly for the oil.

'merica started going downhill since they killed off Kennedy and it's sad to see. I have visited the US hundreds of times up to 20 years ago and doubt I'll ever go there again. Damned if I'll go get a passport just to go go south.

All the relatives that live down there are dumb-ass Trump supporters and my 92 yo mom warns all not to mention Trump if they show up at family gatherings in Canada. My hugely obese cousin Brad and his equally land-whale sized wife are rabid republicunts. I used to idolize Brad when I was a kid but now know him for the idiot he is. Rich idiot tho but got lots when Uncle Jim croaked. Uncle Jim was an engineer building the Grand Coulee dam and chief engineer om many other dam projects in the US and Canada. I really loved him as a kid too. Rebuilt an old Greyhound bus into the coolest motor home you ever saw! Spent a cool $250G+ on it 30 years ago. He was truly the captain of his ship and a real man. Didn't leave me a f'n dime tho! :( :D

Look into MBCT for depression, best treatment evidence based and uses meditation, works. I teach meditation, and lead a local mindfulness group PM me for more info or help you in getting a practice going (and have a puff). You can buy the MBCT book and course on Amazon or its available in your area from a medical professional as a therapy. Look into it, cures the blues and makes ya happier than yer average bear, works out yer bugs too. Mostly meditation with some cognitive coaching.
Check out MBCT or just take up a meditation practice to fix yer blues and get happy for sure.

Yeah . . . but I've tried a lot of different thangs for the depression the last 40+ years. Meditation for sure. Breathing techniques. Two years in therapy about 6 years ago. Many anti-depressants over the years until about 15 years ago when I quit any pharma drugs. Still don't use any other than maybe 500mg of aspirin in a whole month. I split one in half then crush half to tuck under my tongue then spit out 5 min later. Takes the edge off arthritis flame-outs when the CBD doesn't cut it. May do the other half weeks later.

I first got the depression after a near fatal hammer attack in Calgary in '77. Years of sleep paralysis nightmares that I still get a couple times a month. The first year was 3X/night and a living hell. It's PTSD for sure but no doc or therapist looks at my depression like that. I'm about to blow a couple hun on mushrooms to see how that works. Did them days back so not worried about dosing etc. Lots of acid back in the day as well. If they help then I'll get into growing my own.

Recently got re-ordained at the Universal Life Church and have new credentials with my original ordination date of Oct. 14, 1978 on them. Their credo is 'Everyone should be free to do as they wish as long as it does not cause harm to others' or something to that effect. I've always tried to live my life like that tho not always succeeded. We still can't perform marriages or other rites in Canada tho. I'd like to be able to offer non-secular off-beat marriages. Up in a balloon, nude on the beach, gay etc. :)

Got way off topic there! lol



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So he even has the pigeons trained to be Nazis or is it flipping him the 'bird'?

That is as clear as Trump's speeches. lol

“Mr. Trump has no desire to acquaint himself with most issues, let alone master them” is how I put it four years ago. “No major presidential candidate has ever been quite as disdainful of knowledge, as indifferent to facts, as untroubled by his benightedness.” I added this:
Mr. Trump’s virulent combination of ignorance, emotional instability, demagogy, solipsism and vindictiveness would do more than result in a failed presidency; it could very well lead to national catastrophe. The prospect of Donald Trump as commander in chief should send a chill down the spine of every American.
Perfect type of deer too kill.
One deer I shot & dressed was full of whole fucking apples.
When I gutted it they all just poured out like marbles.
And holy cow, that was the best venison I ever ate :)
My brother in law kills his limit every year. I haven't hunted in years. This is a grain farming area and the deer are "grain fed". I prefer beef still. Back in the late fifties deer wasn't around much. The Appalachian hillbillies shot them. Tough times in remote areas.
Just in case you missed it, this is the most eloquently spoken speech that I've ever heard from Trumps lips.

His articulate oratory just brought tears too my eyes (What the FUCK? )
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i actually watched the update instead of reading about it through others opinions..or late night talk shows

they did/are doing a good was impressive

though you will not see that on msm

but we already knew that

also... wishing viral ill on people shows that many of you people are lower life forms..

but we are Christian and still love you

now make sure you use the word "racist" at least once as you usual

i won't be here
The Irish would give you a run for the money on that one, laddy boy :)
Don't forget that poteen video I sent ya, you might have to do it that way to get a decent drink, if Donald keeps going the way he is. Plant some barley and a bit of oats this spring and look for a couple of good stones to use for milling malt...

PS You'll need to eat next fall, so plant some potatoes too, ya see Donald will make it just like to old sod, after the famine! Don't forget to plant some Cannabis too, you'll also will want to get high and the stalks can be woven into cloth for clothing...
Many anti-depressants over the years until about 15 years ago when I quit any pharma drugs
Been in treatment my whole life for bipolar/depression, at least since I was 16.
I was a test rabbit for the development of anti-depressants in the 80's & 90's.
No shit, it took 15 years of modification of my meds before any real positive effects occurred, but finally they did work :)
Big difference today than then, my friend.
Bite the bullet & talk to a GOOD Doctor.
No need to go through that shit today because there are meds today that do work.
God bless you, I know the pain.
Please seek professional help, it's really out there now.
Peace out :)
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