Palin found guilty of abusing power in troopergate


New Member
I wonder how her daughters baby-daddy is feeling today? Knowing that is he tries to ever leave little Bristol that he is going to have to run far and away.


New Member
I doubt this will affect the McPalin Machine, the followers are too amped up to be disuaded by facts. They are too busy caling Obama a muslim and yelling "Kill him". That is the mentality of these right wing yahoos. I guess Vi would qualify for a spot in the crowd, how about it Vi, you want to kill Obama? How about it CC, TBT, and all the rest of you right wing losers, you guys want to kill Obama?


Well-Known Member
I doubt this will affect the McPalin Machine, the followers are too amped up to be disuaded by facts. They are too busy caling Obama a muslim and yelling "Kill him". That is the mentality of these right wing yahoos. I guess Vi would qualify for a spot in the crowd, how about it Vi, you want to kill Obama? How about it CC, TBT, and all the rest of you right wing losers, you guys want to kill Obama?
I love you medicine even though your crazy:clap::-P


Well-Known Member
I doubt this will affect the McPalin Machine, the followers are too amped up to be disuaded by facts. They are too busy caling Obama a muslim and yelling "Kill him". That is the mentality of these right wing yahoos. I guess Vi would qualify for a spot in the crowd, how about it Vi, you want to kill Obama? How about it CC, TBT, and all the rest of you right wing losers, you guys want to kill Obama?
No, That'd be a waste of my time.

I'll let some one like you kill him by hugging, loving and blowing him all to pieces, med.


New Member
^^^ :lol:

Med ... for someone who has shown nothing but vile contempt for President Bush, Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Joe Lieberman, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Me and any other person who doesn't march in lock-step to your communist drivel, you certainly don't have much room to talk.



Well-Known Member
I kinda like Condi. I'm attracted to big brains, what can I say. The rest of 'em could take an acid bath, dissolve, and flow down the drain in liquid form, and the world would be a better place. I'm Bongulator, and I approved this message.


New Member
I kinda like Condi. I'm attracted to big brains, what can I say. The rest of 'em could take an acid bath, dissolve, and flow down the drain in liquid form, and the world would be a better place. I'm Bongulator, and I approved this message.
I'm attracted to her because she's a concert-level pianist who specializes in Brahms concertos. :weed:



New Member
I doubt this will affect the McPalin Machine, the followers are too amped up to be disuaded by facts. They are too busy caling Obama a muslim and yelling "Kill him". That is the mentality of these right wing yahoos. I guess Vi would qualify for a spot in the crowd, how about it Vi, you want to kill Obama? How about it CC, TBT, and all the rest of you right wing losers, you guys want to kill Obama?
Don't, even, put me in the same sentence with "those two", Med! (wagging finger/pointing)

Kill him? I wish him only the best, in the private sector. Politically, fuck him, the thieving Marxist.


New Member
You have room to talk, you can't get past the color of Obama's skin. :finger:

^^^ :lol:

Med ... for someone who has shown nothing but vile contempt for President Bush, Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Joe Lieberman, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Me and any other person who doesn't march in lock-step to your communist drivel, you certainly don't have much room to talk.



New Member
Well seeing how there is no chester here, I will venture a guess. He looks Hawaiian to me. What does skin color have to do with it anyway?

What race would you classify Tiger Woods as?


Well-Known Member
President Barack H. Obama......
Damn straight.. even McCain said there's no reason to fear or mistrust Obama, and that he'd be a good President... Talk about hammering in your own death nail.. So there it is .. McCain has basically said Bush fucked it all up.....and that Obama would be a good president.. So why are the right still hanging on to a dream......


New Member
Damn straight.. even McCain said there's no reason to fear or mistrust Obama, and that he'd be a good President... Talk about hammering in your own death nail.. So there it is .. McCain has basically said Bush fucked it all up.....and that Obama would be a good president.. So why are the right still hanging on to a dream......



Well-Known Member
I never had a problem with Palin as a mother till today.. I just watched her carrying a baby around doing a meet and greet... shake a hand, adjust pacifier,. shake more hands and put them in babies mouth again... She did it about 5 times in a 30 sec. clip.... good thing she's not after coke...she'd be turning the kid out..
Using your own baby as a prop.... how low..


Well-Known Member
Even if that baby didn't have special needs, after the way she treats him, it'd have special needs anyway eventually. Doesn't she make enough money to provide some decent care for the kid when she's working? Oh right, the baby is more useful as a prop.

And now they're dragging in the abortion issue. That means they're running on fumes now. People don't give a shit about abortion when their entire lives are in serious economic danger. We have entered the final act of a desperate campaign.

On the plus side, we're showing the rest of the world the dark side of America...and then it looks like we're going to resoundingly reject that dark side.


New Member
I would think that these days there would be more pro-abortion people than ever. Who really wants to and can afford to have a kid these days?

I agree that child should be at home in his own bed playing with his own toys instead of being dragged from place to place as a campaign prop. It just make me dislike her more than I already did. I didn't know there was any room left.