Pacific light concepts

I don't question the output I question the coverage, no way in hell you can grow the same amount in a 3x3 as in a 4x4 or 5x5 if all are lit properly, yield is mainly determined by properly lit grow area.

With the MH we're talking veg not flower and you know that I hope, the plants needs are much less. I would pick the 250 model to spread the light more evenly but that can depend on the set up.
With the MH we're talking veg not flower and you know that I hope, the plants needs are much less. I would pick the 250 model to spread the light more evenly but that can depend on the set up.
Same, imo 4 of those can cover similar to what the claims are for a 1000w replacement.
So arguing it can replace 1000w light but not another, i'm calling bullshit on this one, it's not a 1000w replacement, its not a 600w replacement, its a 400-500w replacement, it covers a 3x3, 600w hps in a proper hood covers a 4x4, 1000w hps covers a 5x5, 400w hps covers a 3x3.
1000w of MH puts out about 1000 PPFD. So it's not inaccurate. HPS puts out double that in PPFD (1800-2100, sometimes more)
So it's my fault all these led manufactorers make false claims of just about every damn led can replace a 600 or 1000w hps? totally has to do with my growing skills. I have had good results with leds , but they aren't magic lights like you guys act they grow plants just like hps does, no difference in quality to my knowledge and they cover less area and cost more so yea what's the big deal about them? Yea they are a bit more efficient but they don't have the coverage yet so I don't see the big deal, the led this guy makes only covers a 3x3 but its a 1000w replacement? give me a break.

Do you evenknow the lumen output of a 1000wmh lamp?
I think this fixture will veg just as well.and 2 of them (840w) will crush a 1000w de
Do you evenknow the lumen output of a 1000wmh lamp?
I think this fixture will veg just as well.and 2 of them (840w) will crush a 1000w de
2 of those would cover less area than 1 1000w de light, so not sure how you think that. A gavita covers a 4x6 (24 squared feet) two of these would cover a 3x6(18 squared feet).
I ran the same cut of golden goat for the last few years under hps, and leds, not a huge difference in quality between them, more weight with the hps (also more watts and larger growing area) , don't see the big deal , quality is mainly determined on grower skill and genetics.
And the reason you see better quality under the cmh is because it has a lot more uv in the spectrum. LED's produce zero UV.
Well, you seem to have your mind made up and answers for everything. Not sure why you even bother with forums since you already know everything there is to know. Chau, ignored member, waste of breath.
Well, you seem to have your mind made up and answers for everything. Not sure why you even bother with forums since you already know everything there is to know. Chau, ignored member, waste of breath.
standard led crybaby attitude, when something doesn't go their way, cry about it.
No, some people just get tired of arguing with ignorance. I don't remember you ever posting that were ever wrong or that you learned anything from someone else. Why bother with this forum, you know it all and won't even acknowledge the other side.
Ignorance is making false claims then having backing those claims up , that is the definition of being ignorant, you guys make all this shit up. These lights don't yield as much as a 1000w anything, just made up shit again.
On the PLC website he states the CXP-420 is "designed to replace 315LEC/CMH, 600w hps, and 1000w MH applications." and in the very next sentence he talks about the ability to utilize different spectrums.

I think the KEY word in this sentence is "designed to replace 315LEC/CMH, 600w hps, and 1000w MH applications."

Not only does he go on to state that it's a replacement for a 600w hps but he also never refers to out-yielding another light nor does he state that the CXP-420 is meant to replace a 1000w MH. He simply states that people who now use any size MH for veg can get an excellent replacement with a CXP-420 because of it's spectrum options.

No point blowing this into something it's not. I also have a problem with manufacturers using false claims, it happens in almost every industry. Car stereo equipment comes to mind as probably being the worst offenders. I don't see PLC as being one of these types however and if I was an LED cob system manufacturer (in RIU) I wouldn't even bother comparing it to hps because you're bound to just flame up somebody who feels the need to take the world on.
Ignorance is making false claims then having backing those claims up , that is the definition of being ignorant, you guys make all this shit up. These lights don't yield as much as a 1000w anything, just made up shit again.

The definition is "lack of knowledge" and not meant as a insult but in your case I should have said stupidity.
2 of those would cover less area than 1 1000w de light, so not sure how you think that. A gavita covers a 4x6 (24 squared feet) two of these would cover a 3x6(18 squared feet).
Is that how you run your gavita,over a 4 x 6 ? Its weird because the 35 i have installed and the 5 i use only cover a 5 x 5 effectively. So your saying 2 gavita will do a 4 x 12 table?
Whats your par readings out at 6 foot because I know what mine do at the 5 foot mark?
All are welcome to your new thread? I could not access it. I'm new here. No disrespect meant, just curious about the thread. Thanks.
Yeah, all are welcome. You should be able to through the page w/ all the threads or by going to my profile page or whatever that is.
Hope to see you there.
Ignorance is making false claims then having backing those claims up , that is the definition of being ignorant, you guys make all this shit up. These lights don't yield as much as a 1000w anything, just made up shit again.

When you make the switch to these type of crappy LEDs I sure hope someone finds out. One reason being I'm gonna ride your ass hard when you do.......