Overrated movies...

I do not know statistics, but I personally just prefer giving all money to research, not some. The promotional model is clearly flawed. They need to find a means of promoting awareness without it being in a passive manner. It also shows to me that people as a whole don't care quite that much. To me, if they are willing to pay money for a wristband or t shirt, surely they are doing it for a reason so why not give them a viable method of giving all of that money to research, not just a little bit.

Fair enough. I feel the same way about all those con artist organizations who claim to help feed children in Africa, when only a few pennies of every dollar even make it there.
Could you give me a source on this? If this is true I wouldnt hesitate to retract my support and cast them down as a piece of shit swindling organization. But it had not been brought to my attention before.I really would like more info if you dont mind.

After that I will stop derailing this thread. Sorry folks

According to Business Insider, the NFL is keeping approximately 90 percent of money from sales of Breast Cancer Awareness gear, like that towel above. And of the money that the American Cancer Society does receive, less than 80 percent of that goes toward actual research.

When we contacted the NFL’s online shop for clarification, we were told 5% of the sales are being donated to the American Cancer Society. If the pink products have a typical 100% mark-up at retail, that means the NFL is keeping 90% of the profit from the sale of Breast Cancer Awareness gear.

And then consider that only 70.8% of money the ACS receives goes towards research and cancer programs. So, for every $100 in sales of pink gear, only $3.54 is going towards research while the NFL is keeping approximately $45 (based on 100% mark-up).
Those are some shocking statistics! I just think there should be a collection box next to akk if the pink garb saying put money in here, and it goes to research, and a lable on the pink box saying little if this will. See just how much people really care. Do you want to feel good about yourself because people see you in oink, or feel good about yourself because you know you selflessly gave to the cause. I strongly believe that the notion of it raising awareness is a complete joke. Stand at the checkout in near any shop and the cigarette packets (in the EU at least) will readily raise your awareness if cancer.

With regard to racer boys situation though, I fully agree with that. Why such huge support for breast cancer when there is cancer of all sorts killing people or ruining their lives. Where are the testicular cancer t shirts? Testicles are ugly fuckers, breasts are awesome, let's just focus on the awesome and ignore the ugly. Typical western style really :-D
Those are some shocking statistics! I just think there should be a collection box next to akk if the pink garb saying put money in here, and it goes to research, and a lable on the pink box saying little if this will. See just how much people really care. Do you want to feel good about yourself because people see you in oink, or feel good about yourself because you know you selflessly gave to the cause. I strongly believe that the notion of it raising awareness is a complete joke. Stand at the checkout in near any shop and the cigarette packets (in the EU at least) will readily raise your awareness if cancer.

With regard to racer boys situation though, I fully agree with that. Why such huge support for breast cancer when there is cancer of all sorts killing people or ruining their lives. Where are the testicular cancer t shirts? Testicles are ugly fuckers, breasts are awesome, let's just focus on the awesome and ignore the ugly. Typical western style really :-D

LOL I'm imagining "I <3 Balls" t-shirts and "Save the testicles!" bumper stickers.
:o I don't know anyone who hates that movie.. maybe doesn't love, but it's sooo gooood!

Also, I don't know how you people are saying Titanic... it's such a good movie!! Maybe it's just because I'm a female...

Im female and I can not stand the movie Titanic.... Terrible terrible movie and 3 hours of my life I will never get back :cry:
Im female and I can not stand the movie Titanic.... Terrible terrible movie and 3 hours of my life I will never get back :cry:

Haha. The gf keeps trying to get me to watch it, using the notion of boobies to somehow sway me. Uh. Nope. Fuck that shit.
Haha. The gf keeps trying to get me to watch it, using the notion of boobies to somehow sway me. Uh. Nope. Fuck that shit.

Dont do it man... I am trying to spare u. It is horrendous! If she loves u, she wouldnt want to put u thru the pain and sheer torture that is the movie Titanic ;-)
I (male) liked Titanic actually. Idk why it's considered only a chick movie, there's quite a lot of death and violence. Plus Leo's a babe.