A lot of people don't get my kind of humor, but I crack myself up at least..[/QUOT
I say that all the time...'I crack me up' I thought I was the only one!
A lot of people don't get my kind of humor, but I crack myself up at least..[/QUOT
I say that all the time...'I crack me up' I thought I was the only one!
I tend to agree. I don't have an issue saying a guy is good looking ..
I tend to like Brad Pitt more than Leo though..
so you want to take a mustache ride?I am more of a Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck fan
Beat me to it sun.. hangover blew, and everyone raved about.. it might've got a chuckle out of me once or twice, but that was it.. haven't bothered watching 2 or 3..
Now due date with the bearded guy from hangover had me pissing myself about a good 80% of the time..
The English Patient
It's a chic flick for sure, but saying that, I tend to enjoy a lot of chic flicks and hate a lot of action movies ..
So yeah, I liked the English patient..
And omfg.. my mom totally loves sam Elliot.. probably her fave actor..
she's not a fan of tom selleck though
OK.. I know by posting this, I'm going to be pissing a lot.of.people off, but so be it..
Idk why, but this movie just popped into my head this morning, and I absolutely can't stand it, and I know a lot.of.people love it.. I just don't get it and think the humor is pretty grade school..
Drum roll please...............
Can be entertaining the first time you watch it, if you're in the right mindset, but has zero re-play value. I mainly just enjoyed the guy with the drinking problem and the jive.
OK.. I know by posting this, I'm going to be pissing a lot.of.people off, but so be it..
Idk why, but this movie just popped into my head this morning, and I absolutely can't stand it, and I know a lot.of.people love it.. I just don't get it and think the humor is pretty grade school..
Drum roll please...............
You're not going to piss me off. Just make me wonder how in the heck you can't find it one of the funniest movies in the history of ever. It's funny because it's so over the top and full of serious actors playing decidedly unserious characters. They took the parody to 11. It still holds up. But it may be because the actors are from my generation and we grew up watching them in very serious dramatic roles. Those born after the movie came out don't truly understand seeing Barbara Billingsley, Robert Stack, Lloyd Bridges and Peter Graves in this film and the absurdity is lost on them.OK.. I know by posting this, I'm going to be pissing a lot.of.people off, but so be it..
Idk why, but this movie just popped into my head this morning, and I absolutely can't stand it, and I know a lot.of.people love it.. I just don't get it and think the humor is pretty grade school..
Drum roll please...............
OK.. I know by posting this, I'm going to be pissing a lot.of.people off, but so be it..
Idk why, but this movie just popped into my head this morning, and I absolutely can't stand it, and I know a lot.of.people love it.. I just don't get it and think the humor is pretty grade school..
Drum roll please...............
Surely you can't be serious about disliking Airplane!
That joke used to crack my grandpa up every time. I think that's why I like the movie.
Nope.. and I tend to like dry humor .. but Idk.. I don't think Ive ever laughed once in airport..
A blow up doll, is that even supposed to be funny?
Spot on here, mainly due to Brando...and that awful actress from Rocky whose name escapes me. The film makes a lot of top 10 lists, when there are more worthy choices imho.