Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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Post #120

It's not what the ions are, it's how they're delivered. Are the microbes in charge? Not most of the time in most of the grows I read / see.
Yup there is a place for that outdoor :) not in someone's dwelling all your doing is inviting unwanted guests ;)
you kidding?
I wouldn't go without my homemade compost, it's my secret weapon.
Indoors, all the time.
Only thing I ever get is spider mites, but I grow in the middle of a forest, there are bugs everywhere, spider mites don't come from compost. They eat only living plants.
Waiting patiently for them 20 - 30 day organic grown plants from clone pictures please amuse us
Sorry, growing from seed in a greenhouse and not concerned with maximizing yield or cost basis. I care about quality and maintaining the 4 cubic yards of soil I lugged up a steep hill on my back, the equivalent height to a 4 story building. For me, organics is just a better fit with how I like to grow. I'm a hobbyist so I really don't need a better reason. If my weed is no better for being organic, that is okay. I still want to grow it that way.
you don't have anything else to do?
you realize how petulant and childish that reads... right?

What the guy probably works at Wendys haha whats so childish ?? Come to think about it think i am going to go get me some nice rich oil GMO made Double Quarter pounder meal super sized be back in a bit
and would some please hurry the fuck up and post there 20 - 30 day organic clone plant thanks
Yea but I use a 4-3-10 plant food that i found that works great for me. And i know how you feel about that. Do you think that the 4-3-10 plant food is altering my weed so I'm wackier and not getting a clean enough high? Its just my plant food, like for roses and things. Cheero!!!!!
waaaay too much potassium man...
that explains it all.
It's not what the ions are, it's how they're delivered. Are the microbes in charge? Not most of the time in most of the grows I read / see.

This is really the crux of it right here. There is no difference in WHAT the plant uptakes between organics and synthetics, it's how, and when it's delivered.

This all boils down to what you feel is more effective: The grower being in charge, or the plant being in charge. For me, the best weed I've grown has been organic. I've put the plant in charge, and in doing so I let the plant decide what it needs, when it needs it, and how much of it needs. With synthetics the grower has to make all of these decisions. A dash of N, a dollop of "Bloom", etc.

I have come to the conclusion that I am not smarter than mother nature. Others may feel differently.
This is really the crux of it right here. There is no difference in WHAT the plant uptakes between organics and synthetics, it's how, and when it's delivered.

This all boils down to what you feel is more effective: The grower being in charge, or the plant being in charge. For me, the best weed I've grown has been organic. I've put the plant in charge, and in doing so I let the plant decide what it needs, when it needs it, and how much of it needs. With synthetics the grower has to make all of these decisions. A dash of N, a dollop of "Bloom", etc.

I have come to the conclusion that I am not smarter than mother nature. Others may feel differently.

Thanks for the great post
This is really the crux of it right here. There is no difference in WHAT the plant uptakes between organics and synthetics, it's how, and when it's delivered.

This all boils down to what you feel is more effective: The grower being in charge, or the plant being in charge. For me, the best weed I've grown has been organic. I've put the plant in charge, and in doing so I let the plant decide what it needs, when it needs it, and how much of it needs. With synthetics the grower has to make all of these decisions. A dash of N, a dollop of "Bloom", etc.

I have come to the conclusion that I am not smarter than mother nature. Others may feel differently.

If your going to let plant decide then why do you bother top dressing , or doing teas
and what is really truly funny years ago i mean years ago i started making my own teas waterng it back of course as PPM was over the charts yet every one mocked the idea today it has risen in popularity faster then Justin Beiber
This is really the crux of it right here. There is no difference in WHAT the plant uptakes between organics and synthetics, it's how, and when it's delivered.

This all boils down to what you feel is more effective: The grower being in charge, or the plant being in charge. For me, the best weed I've grown has been organic. I've put the plant in charge, and in doing so I let the plant decide what it needs, when it needs it, and how much of it needs. With synthetics the grower has to make all of these decisions. A dash of N, a dollop of "Bloom", etc.

I have come to the conclusion that I am not smarter than mother nature. Others may feel differently.
And this being all true, I'm totally confused why some are saying cleaner high. Are they lying to them selfs? Or? Im totally confused. Great post by the way.
If your going to let plant decide then why do you bother top dressing , or doing teas
and what is really truly funny years ago i mean years ago i started making my own teas waterng it back of course as PPM was over the charts yet every one mocked the idea today it has risen in popularity faster then Justin Beiber

I've got my soil to the point that I only add water. When I first started with organics I still had the mindset that I was feeding the plant, and used to piss around with various teas every second watering. Now I just keep the soil moist and stand back.
How the fuck is everyone's organic harvest taste no different from synthetic harvest? You all must have some crazy skill to make organic bud taste and yield the same as synthetic.
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