Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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no, you have me all wrong, I am here simply pointing out that the organic guys, along with the led guys make wild claims and they just aren't fact, they are made up placebo,tree hugging nonsense. It is them trying to convince me that girls with huge asses are pretty.
ahh I see..
Well for the record, I have yet to taste or experience any chem-hydro weed that is as good as mine, so I guess I am saying that..
yeaa... some big-bootied girls are pretty...
but the one I let sleep in my bed... is a slim tight bootied vixen...
now.... if only she wasn't so damn feisty... for ummm 10 days a month.... :wall:
Lets face it folks the truth is synthetic nutrients are ready available for the plant in organic its not
For 90 percent of actual growers effciency speed of growth electrical costs all comes into play Big time .. there is No denying you will have over night results growing chem vs organic ..
Organic growing usually falls into issues.. meaning we need to hope there is enough available nutrients for the plant to begin with .. Before our man made eco system starts to work ....
there are many threads showing early deficiencies in organic growing right from day 1 ....
What does this cause ?? intial stress , slow growth yeah yeah you herd the be patient it will reward you..
How many people actually get there soil tested ??? to know what it really needs but rather Just blindly add dolomite lime , and other stuff ,, owe another big name to hit the MJ world Biochar lol
Well truth is many people cannot wait them first 2 weeks where plant litterally did fuck all cost some growers 40 - 100 - 200 bucks on wasted electricity in some cases of course pending on power usage ..
there also becomes a issue with organics being either its to hot to begin with or not hot enough where few weeks in Deficiencies occcur hence top dressing ,,, TEA's and most importantly lack there of of nutrients to finish the plant in flower ..

Also another RELIGIOUS saying is i want to know what inside that weed i smoke i have more control lol this has got to be the stupidest thing i ever herd ....
i am curious how many growers actually send samples to get tested and complete test not just THC ,CBD, were taking pesticide , microbiological, residual solvents etc ,were talking a complete test ???? Not to fucking many really..
Many growers purchase there manures, and i repeat my self manures, that are low Brix cause its really WASTE from a animal that used up the nutrients from it to be healthy and survive ...
And on top of all this how sure are you that that commercially available manure or in this case cow was healthy , fed anything but steroids, GMO's, and pumped with man made vitamins
if they claim that that cow was organic graze fed you got to realize one fully mature cow will eat 30 - 40 pounds a day on pasture ( 150 ) days or so then fed in winter hay of course with supplements to keep it healthy where is that farmer getting his hay from when he runs out of his organic feed ..
and what about his crops when next door farmers pollen from his GMO contaminates his crops ???
Same thing applies for bone meal , blood meal its commercially made again who the fuck really knows if that cow was some old diseased riddled animal weak low brix

And to top it all off ask your self why its not classified as actual plant food but rather amendments cause NPK values vary greatly
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Exactly why the microbes don't have a job, and your plants are worse because of this
damn dude there worse cause of it ??? WTF man listen to your self think what you like but show me something cause i will 30 day old plant from clone could you show me your day 20 and 30 day organic plant is it the same size and if not???? why....
them microbes should be kicking ass owe i know my plants are so not healthy looking


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The microbes won't work in an environment that doesn't use them. You bottle feed, and you take away their job.

This isn't new info
Lets face it folks the truth is synthetic nutrients are ready available for the plant in organic its not
For 90 percent of actual growers effciency speed of growth electrical costs all comes into play Big time .. there is No denying you will have over night results growing chem vs organic ..
Organic growing usually falls into issues.. meaning we need to hope there is enough available nutrients for the plant to begin with .. Before our man made eco system starts to work ....
there are many threads showing early deficiencies in organic growing right from day 1 ....
What does this cause ?? intial stress , slow growth yeah yeah you herd the be patient it will reward you..
How many people actually get there soil tested ??? to know what it really needs but rather Just blindly add dolomite lime , and other stuff ,, owe another big name to hit the MJ world Biochar lol
Well truth is many people cannot wait them first 2 weeks where plant litterally did fuck all cost some growers 40 - 100 - 200 bucks on wasted electricity in some cases of course pending on power usage ..
there also becomes a issue with organics being either its to hot to begin with or not hot enough where few weeks in Deficiencies occcur hence top dressing ,,, TEA's and most importantly lack there of of nutrients to finish the plant in flower ..

Also another RELIGIOUS saying is i want to know what inside that weed i smoke i have more control lol this has got to be the stupidest thing i ever herd ....
i am curious how many growers actually send samples to get tested and complete test not just THC ,CBD, were taking pesticide , microbiological, residual solvents etc ,were talking a complete test ???? Not to fucking many really..
Many growers purchase there manures, and i repeat my self manures, that are low Brix cause its really WASTE from a animal that used up the nutrients from it to be healthy and survive ...
And on top of all this how sure are you that that commercially available manure or in this case cow was healthy , fed anything but steroids, GMO's, and pumped with man made vitamins
if they claim that that cow was organic graze fed you got to realize one fully mature cow will eat 30 - 40 pounds a day on pasture ( 150 ) days or so then fed in winter hay of course with supplements to keep it healthy where is that farmer getting his hay from when he runs out of his organic feed ..
and what about his crops when next door farmers pollen from his GMO contaminates his crops ???
Same thing applies for bone meal , blood meal its commercially made again who the fuck really knows if that cow was some old diseased riddled animal weak low brix

And to top it all off ask your self why its not classified as actual plant food but rather amendments cause NPK values vary greatly
most of us don't use manures, blood meal, bone meal or dolomite lime.
but don't let that get in the way of a good post! :confused:
And biochar has been around for a LONG ass time.. anyone that's grown exotic flowers (orchids, violets, clerodendroms, violets, etc) can tell you that.
Awe sorry i misunderstood your post Like i said i grow both ways i keep my rooms sterile there fore no organics indoor cause lets face it true organic includes insects and other things.. cause in reality there is no short cutting either you go full organics way mother nature intended or really you cannot really call it organics going half ass truthfully speaking ... and like i said before what one country deems organic may not be the case in another country ..
In mexico and lets face it organic farmers are using human feces sludge to farm ,, do you eat anything from mexico or Honduras ?? just saying
I grow organics but outdoor just like in nature its with all the elements that make it just that naturally grown with less human interference as possible .. TRUE organic
my out door MJ grows are Organic until bud set where i run drippers and use 1000 liter tanks gravtiy feed Chemical in flowering stage, and that is just what do with great results

i have done numurious myth busting journals in m time yup even as a former member on here with different name long time ago debunking Miracle grow fertilizers are no good for MJ and guess what i proved them wrong MG grows weed its knowing how to use it :)
There is know denying both ways grow weed and good weed but get that mind set out of your head that organic is the be all ,, If that was the case with 21,000 people starving to death each month we should rely on organic farming to better them numbers to what 33.000 + deaths per month cause of less yield there has been tests after tests done side by sides chem vs organics , studies on nutrition on both ends and guess what organics is no better for anything ???? but hey a tree Hugger is a tree Hugger.. and like the saying goes you cannot teach a old dog new tricks ..
Everyone has a brain fucking use it for a change and stop being a sheep..
You get the i hope so n so member comes in here WTF again following something like a religious group YOU ARE RIGHT EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG CAUSE THIS GUY HAS THE MOST POST COUNT HE KNOWS HIS SHIT, OR THIS GUY IS A WAREHOUSE GROWER HE KNOWS HIS SHIT
Everyone makes growing a fucking WEED so complicated its not even funny with so much ego and miss leading info its just out right fucking HALARIOUS
like saying hey guys check out this grow this is what i add once a week but do not use Viagra but use Calias its more natural hahaha and them buds are hard as a rock ....
I am surprised the ASH test has not been talked about ... Here a wake up call folks proper drying and curing which 80- 90 percent of growers Fail miserably at is also the determining factor on final product taste smell etc

But yeah it all should go organic this way we can weed out the stupid genes in humanity and rid them genes frm the human gene pool with costs sky rocketing imagine for a moment 30- 50 percent less harvests world wide fucking Eh .. this means that loaf of bread is 20 bucks milk 8 bucks pound of bacon 30 bucks you can watch first hand your family and friends DIE of starvation
It doesn;t stop there corn is in pretty much everything with less corn harvests means a spiral effect see pretty much everything is made from starch .. and is addicting like CRACK
pepsi / coke starch, spark plugs Starch, Tires you can not make tires with out starch ...
dry wall starch see you cannot build a house , car with out starch but with th high demand
and lets not forget the foreclosure rate now figure 40 percent increase in everything you just bettered your life going organics now have you
Stop being sheep? I think you are the sheep. I would be if i followed the sheep and buy into needing chems.

Tree hugger? I wouldn't go that far. What's wrong with not shitting where you eat? I see no need to pay for nutrients. I compost and have worm bins to be self sufficient.

I don't care what you say, america will not last for ever. Every great nation in history has fallen. Only a fool doesn't learn from the past. There are no garuntees in life. The only garuntee is to take care of yourself. I raise livestock and produce to feed myself with little or no bought products.

Waste not, want not. That's all it is. Why not compost stuff your able and feed worms leftovers? I know some aren't able. Anyone able should try it. It is truly satisfying.
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There you go with your ignorant raw sewage convo again. You like the shock value. I posted on the silliness of this pages ago
Stop being sheep? I think you are the sheep. I would I follow the sheep and buy into needing chems.

Tree hugger? I wouldn't go that far. What's wrong with not shitting where you eat? I see no need to pay for nutrients. I compost and have worm bins to be self sufficient.

I don't care what you say, america will not last for ever. Every great nation in history has fallen. Only a fool doesn't learn from the past. There are no garuntees in life. The only garuntee is to take care of yourself. I raise livestock and produce to feed myself with little or no bought products.

Waste not, want not. That's all it is. Why not compost stuff your able and feed worms leftovers? I know some aren't able. Anyone able should try it. It is truly satisfying.

Yup there is a place for that outdoor :) not in someone's dwelling all your doing is inviting unwanted guests ;)


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CAN ANY ONE OF YOU ORGANIC GUYS ANSWER MY QUESTIONS? since @hyroot chooses to ignore them. Thanks
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