• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Well-Known Member
Aknight,I apologize,I was looking at scrotiemcboogers post and my eyes wandered to your post and I confused the two..all of my posts were directed toward his quote of using junkies to further his superior self image..if u look at my post that makes more sense...sorry again fam.


Well-Known Member
I would just like to say that it makes me feel good that there are still people out there that understand that we all have our issues and dont look down on someone that has it a little tougher than us. To all of you that said some kind words in support of the OP going through a shitty situation in life I commend you. Addiction has zero to do with weakness and a whole lot about choosing a poor coping method for lifes trials. Not that rep means shit but I am gonna +rep all the supportive comments in this thread. Karma is a real thing my friends and there are some truly wonderful people here.


Well-Known Member
subs are tough tog et off of if you jump even from a low dose, the trick to bupe is to wean so slowly you dont notice it or barley notice it, like 1mg then .75 then .50 then .25 then .10 and lower if you have to, otherwise, bupe wd will be tough and sucky. and by the way i was on subs for 2 years, the strips and i did IV them, it worked very well for me, and i was able to kick when i needed to with little help. i agree about drs though, best of luck to anyone trying to fight this demon.

the only negative about sub strip IV is since the strips contain some type of sugary/sticky substance, if you dont water down REALLY well or dont rotate IV spots your veins goto shit VERY quick, who knows what my hear valves look like though, its def not safe to iv and i wouldnt condone it,but i did do it everyday for about a year and im stil alive...i guess lol
yep i feel yah. same exact thing here. roughly a two year stint with subs. I chose to IV the strips particularly at the end to make taper much quicker an easier to manage.
I would say the same tho, i dont recommend it to anyone. i was an ocd kinda shooter, very sterile and all. lost of people get infections easy from trying to IV subs.

the maize base in the tablets is worse imo, plus u can only dilute so much in water at a time. subutex or suboxone either.

hell im sure the ms contin's werent good for my veins either. im just glad i was so clean and careful once i figured it out, so i avoided alot of damage.

EDIT: and yeah i was down to like .1 or less at the end for a week straight. so much easier with a weak full agonist to bear out the w/d for me tho. i still had pretty bad w/d even after a long a slow taper. some of the bupe w/d is just different for me, very mental element to it too with the whole anti depressant effect you lose when stoping bupe.

if the OP has any access to decent health insurance, he should get assistance somehow. and bupe over methadone for omt.


Well-Known Member
OP, if you decide you prefer dope over done or subs then check out the silk road.
obviously, kicking your habit sooner rather than later will be better for you... you know that though. Not trying to preach... I just didn't want to be the one asshole who didn't suggest the better way to go. good luck.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I would just like to say that it makes me feel good that there are still people out there that understand that we all have our issues and dont look down on someone that has it a little tougher than us. To all of you that said some kind words in support of the OP going through a shitty situation in life I commend you. Addiction has zero to do with weakness and a whole lot about choosing a poor coping method for lifes trials. Not that rep means shit but I am gonna +rep all the supportive comments in this thread. Karma is a real thing my friends and there are some truly wonderful people here.
I gotta tell you BIG V....When I read that post by Scrotieme....... It lit a fire under my ass....fierce.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see a thread abou hard drugs not get turned into a judgemental bash fest. Good luck OP!
This is my brothers account that I help mange for him
When we get the time(lost most of his sight)... And just wanted to thank those who replied positively.. To the smartass who Left the shitty reply..I never read him that crap!, years ago he lost the 2 closest
to him(wife,daughter) and started using. He is far from
being weak,he's a successful grower/breeder with his own "dank" crosses, has a home paid off,looks out for me (his sister)and several others Despite qualifying for he's never collected ANY kinda disability so you couldn't have been more wrong!


Well-Known Member
Now you have to figure something. Drugs and what certain drugs do to certain people - are emotional issues. We all here at RIU are constantly upset when we encounter someone who is certain, dead certain that marijuana is the work of the devil, a gateway drug, a method of enslavement (to whom I am never sure), a daaaagerous substance that is not your father's pot (well....my father was a drinker and your pot isn't all THAT much more potent than our good stuff), that it kills brain cells, that it makes it's users into losers.

As I said, it is emotional and yet we see this same ideology, this same behavior only about a different drug. Now how could we rightfully defend OUR drug of choice (well, not mine but you now what I mean) and not defend others?

Oh - I forgot, Pot is God's gift to mankind and, about every effective pain reliever in the world isnt?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I would just like to say that it makes me feel good that there are still people out there that understand that we all have our issues and dont look down on someone that has it a little tougher than us. To all of you that said some kind words in support of the OP going through a shitty situation in life I commend you. Addiction has zero to do with weakness and a whole lot about choosing a poor coping method for lifes trials. Not that rep means shit but I am gonna +rep all the supportive comments in this thread. Karma is a real thing my friends and there are some truly wonderful people here.
First thank you for the +rep that was very kind. Next don't worry to much about the kid's, eventually life manages to whack everyone with the karma bat. They just haven't had their turn at bat, yet. They will... it all evens out in the end for the most part.


Well-Known Member
i dono if my supply is shit these days or my tolerance is at an all time high (most likely both). but im not getting high anymore just the after effects of tired which is i guess okay as long as im getting the pain killing effects aswell.. i used to do H and 30's for my back an knees from years of MX and at the same time i would also get high from it and then be able to sleep which was nice in a three way combo but now im only getting sleepy and the pain is gone... i feel like a junkie now more than ever because i just miss the high part of the experience. if do more i just fall asleep faster looks like the run is over for me.


Well-Known Member
i dono if my supply is shit these days or my tolerance is at an all time high (most likely both). but im not getting high anymore just the after effects of tired which is i guess okay as long as im getting the pain killing effects aswell.. i used to do H and 30's for my back an knees from years of MX and at the same time i would also get high from it and then be able to sleep which was nice in a three way combo but now im only getting sleepy and the pain is gone... i feel like a junkie now more than ever because i just miss the high part of the experience. if do more i just fall asleep faster looks like the run is over for me.
in simple terms your receptors can be lost. eventually you can build up a kind of permanent tolerance, so to speak.

so even tho uve had ups and downs you wont ever be able to maintain that same level of nodding and high.

also opiates fit in your recptors like a key. once one key is in there and its the strongest binding key(like one opiate being different than another, with one obviously having to be a higher affinity than the other unles they metabolize down to the same opiate) the other key(s) wont fit into the keyhole.
sometimes mixing opiates is a waste. obviously herion and morphine would be an example where they would be the same. excpet for the first 8 minutes after IV, heroin basically is morphine to your receptors. where as if you take oxycodone and oxymorphone at the same time, you will mostly only get the benefits of the stronger oxymorphone and the oxycodone will be mostly just a waste.
there is some crossing effects somewhat, but it all has lots of variables from what i can seem to understand

i hope that makes a little sense, lol.


Well-Known Member
hello everyone, i apologize for being late on this thread and replying a week later but i want to tell everyone that reads this a little story about drug abue, IV and how it pertains to YOUR body and your soul.

I have been IVing drugs for a little under 5 years. it started out with heroin and oxycodone, eventually moved to fentanyl and then luckily and unluckily suboxone strips.i started Iving the strips about a year ago, and i must admit embaressingly i still do sometimes, even though all the damage it has caused me. now when i say damage to my body, i dont mean my heart and vascular system, i mean my soul and who i am as a person, and of course some physical for better or for worse.

I started IVing suboxone last year sometime after i got home from rehab and was sick of the heroin, suboxone saved my life, i would absolutley be dead without it, and my son would not have a father, this I am thankful for, there are other things I am not so grateful for.
About august of last year I woke up one morning while regularly Iving subs, and I had these weird ''floaters'' in my vision. I went to the eye dr. told him about my history of abuse, and he looked at my eye and told me I had uveitis, which is a slight eye disease, that can cause blindness and sever pain in the eye it has infected, specifiaclly the optic nerve, one of the most sensitive nerves in the human body. I did what the dr said until about oct 2012, when things werent getting better and continually getting worse i went to the city to a GREAT opthamologist to have him look at my eye and get a 2nd opinion, thank god I did this. I found out that from Iv drug abuse, most likley suboxone cause at the time thats the only thing i was IVing daily, that I had gotten either a fungal or bacterial infection in my eye, causing bleeding in my eye, destroying my retina and making me fully blind in my right eye, I had to have emergency surgery in oct to try and save my eye from actually being taken from my body, well fast forward to march of 2013 and i was pretty unsuccessful, i just had surgery last week to enucleate my right eye (remove my eye) it was very unbeleivable and crushing to me, as i have always had great eye sight and i am a decent looking male. But more importantly it sort of woke my dumb ass up, when you lose 50 percent of your vision after having 100 percent, it is a very scary thing, i worried and still worry abut blindness in my left eye, because if i lose my other eye, i will be completely blind, which is VERY VERY SCARY to me, I DO NOT want to be blind, and honestly i dont think i could live life like that and adjust, i think i would most likley commit suicide, which for someone with a 5 year old, is UNACCEPTABLE, to me anyways, Therefore in order to save the rest of my vision and continue a normal life i had to change alot of the things i do and did. it wasnt easy, but its worth it, I am thankful to be alive today, I am thankful for my 5 year old son, I am thankful I have SOME VISION left to live a rather normal life, I could be mad and bitter about it, but where will that get me? nowhere, and fast...I am thankful for everything i have in life and most importantly for the fact that i have great DRs that did great work, and as long as i folow their instructions, I will have a great prosthesis and someone who meets me for the first time will not even realize i have a fake eye. this is very encouraging to someone who has lost an eye because it isnt exactly a pretty thing. But i am thankful for everything that has happened to me and I wouldnt change ANYTHING. Bupe can save lives, it can take lives, and body parts, whether its an eye or an arm, people should be more aware about what they are putting in their bodies and how they are doing it. I know it changed how i did things, and as i said although i do sometimes still IV, it usually ONLY for maintence, and its VERY sterile, to protect the rest of me, and more importantly its not EVERY DAY, i IV maybe 4-5 times a month now, usually about once a week, and then i can get away with eating pieces the rest of the week. i think more people should know about these things. i wish anyone with an addiction, especially to opiates, the very best of luck, it really is a LIFE LONG struggle, every single day, every single hour, every single minute. if anyone ever needs help and think i could help them in any way, please message me, if it makes you feel more comfortable i would give my phone number out to anyone who emailed or messaged me with an addiction and that want help, ANYONE. i would meet up with you if i had to, nothing is to important to save someones life. nothing.

and if you dont know about addiction, just shut up, cause you usually sound stupid, i was once stupid like that and wondered why everyone just couldnt 'get over it'....im no longer so naive. good luck everyone, its good to be out of the god damn hospital.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your eye. Hence we see that not only are our drugs of choice or necessity dangerous but our methods of ingestion are dangerous as well. Even the most careful of us will run into difficulties when we bypass every single method the body has of protecting itself against foreign objects. Many people confuse the dangers of opiates with the dangers of IV use. In the real world it is rare that anyone perpetualy uses the IV route for anything and a human body is not perpetualy fit enough to fend off such directly administered onslaught.

I had the advantage of having an unlimited supply of disposable dental needles and I also had access to small mountains of high grade cocaine - it didn't take me too long to realize that even with such advantages I might surely ruin myself if I continued seeking that cocaine IV rush.

There are other ways to get nearly as close and IV simply is not wise.

BTW, while not nearly the same, I am without hearing in one of my ears. It was not due to my own administrations but I can assure you that life without one of something God gave us two of is not nearly as detrimental as it initialy seems. Good luck to you, nice story. We all have demons, it is how we deal with them that counts the most.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your eye. Hence we see that not only are our drugs of choice or necessity dangerous but our methods of ingestion are dangerous as well. Even the most careful of us will run into difficulties when we bypass every single method the body has of protecting itself against foreign objects. Many people confuse the dangers of opiates with the dangers of IV use. In the real world it is rare that anyone perpetualy uses the IV route for anything and a human body is not perpetualy fit enough to fend off such directly administered onslaught.

I had the advantage of having an unlimited supply of disposable dental needles and I also had access to small mountains of high grade cocaine - it didn't take me too long to realize that even with such advantages I might surely ruin myself if I continued seeking that cocaine IV rush.

There are other ways to get nearly as close and IV simply is not wise.

BTW, while not nearly the same, I am without hearing in one of my ears. It was not due to my own administrations but I can assure you that life without one of something God gave us two of is not nearly as detrimental as it initialy seems. Good luck to you, nice story. We all have demons, it is how we deal with them that counts the most.
thanks man i appreciate the love, i found out that IV cocaine rush is most likley the best and most intense rush of all drugs, it will destroy you fast, even heroin cannot compare to a pure cocaine rush, i hope you have better luck controlling it today, good luck everyone, and thanks for reading my story.


Well-Known Member
thanks man i appreciate the love, i found out that IV cocaine rush is most likley the best and most intense rush of all drugs, it will destroy you fast, even heroin cannot compare to a pure cocaine rush, i hope you have better luck controlling it today, good luck everyone, and thanks for reading my story.

controling one's use of cocaine is extremely easy aknight, all one has to do is not have friends who can get it and never ever ask anyone if they can. I quit the IV thing when I found myself doing it 4 or 5 times a day. That was when I first found about about glycerine supositories. I already told that story though, bout a friend who couldn't sit down for a while because he didn't bother to cut up a rock and just jammed it up his ass. I recently spoke to him after not having communicated with him in 30 years. He has kids, he is ready to retire, he is glad of the life he led back then and glad as well that he changed his ways. I find it very strange that most of the folks I knew way back then survived all those drugs and most of the folks I know over all who have died, died as a direct result not of one quick overdose of this or that, not as a result of the violence over drug transactions (we all were pretty much out just when handguns started showing up at deals) but because of alcohol. I am at 4 friends who have killed themselves drinking, the latest was "handle dan" - who saw to it that he drank what is it? half a gallon? what they call a "handle", a day. He was 54.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing your story aknight. Sorry about the uveitis, I deal with it because of my autoimmune disorder and the knowledge that it could blind me is terrifying. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Could you try plugging the bupe? I works almost as fast as IV with much less risk.

And I feel this is a good time to remind everyone that IVing things not meant for IV use is EXTREMELY dangerous. The binders and fillers used in pills can clog capillaries and can get into the lungs. If you must inject then please practice harm reduction, use clean needles and cookers and clean the injection site with an alcohol swab use sterile saline for injection. If you aren't shooting things coming from sterile ampules please use a micron filter. And then look at how gross it is after you use it, that nastiness would have gone into your blood stream. Cotton isn't enough! Even a micron filter isn't perfect but they'll pull out a lot and drugs can have some nasty shit in them. In Scotland they've had numerous cases of anthrax in IV heroin users because dope gets hidden in animal skins when it's smuggled through Turkey into Europe.