Well-Known Member
subs are tough tog et off of if you jump even from a low dose, the trick to bupe is to wean so slowly you dont notice it or barley notice it, like 1mg then .75 then .50 then .25 then .10 and lower if you have to, otherwise, bupe wd will be tough and sucky. and by the way i was on subs for 2 years, the strips and i did IV them, it worked very well for me, and i was able to kick when i needed to with little help. i agree about drs though, best of luck to anyone trying to fight this demon.Subs are rediculously hard to get off of. they arent hard to manipulate for IV either. they seem to work for some people tho i suppose.
IMO dr's need to take better care of people when they are trying to taper/kick the bupe. if the person is serious, and stable enough... u can use a weak full agonist to ease the wd pain. only if needed, and for as short as possible. it helped me out a lot doing that.
the only negative about sub strip IV is since the strips contain some type of sugary/sticky substance, if you dont water down REALLY well or dont rotate IV spots your veins goto shit VERY quick, who knows what my hear valves look like though, its def not safe to iv and i wouldnt condone it,but i did do it everyday for about a year and im stil alive...i guess lol