One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry


Well-Known Member
Right so yeh my UVB came yesterday and everything's up and running. Although you can't notice much extra visible light, there is definitely a lot of UV light being emitted from the tube. This was proven by holding a digi cam to the UV light and CFL's while on, got purple lines all across the screen which i've never seen in the thousands of pics i've taken of the contents of my cab.

The reflector has literally been stuck to the side of my cool tube using aluminum tape, its so so light it doesn't need to be properly hung. I've correctly angled it using.... thats right, K'nex!

I spent ages today re-arranging all my plugs, timers, and what not, to get everything running exactly how i want it. I counted approximately 15 "plugs"....

Now the UVB and CFL come on together, and are on for a full 12hrs.
The HPS comes on half an hour later, and goes off half an hour earlier, so is only on for 11hrs.

The UVB light sits the same distance from my canopy as the HPS bulb. The middle of the canopy is about 12 inches away from the UVB and the furthest bits are like 16", so the whole thing should be getting good coverage.

With everything running now temps are 24C lights on, around 20C these days lights off.

^ UVB is on, just being horribly out-shined by the HPS! Might just be me but i swear the over-all spectrum of light just looks better already... looks less yellow and more natural. Then again i duno if the HPS was warmed up when i last checked on her.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6689183 said:
wow your going all out! gonna be some FAT bud
Indeed, way i see it why not? After all the time, effort and money i've poured into it, might as well make it as good as personally possible!

Buds are already super fat, i cannot imagine how chunky they're gona get after the final swell, some are already nearing the size of coke cans! Not quite there yet but getting there. I duno where they'll be in a potential 5 weeks....


Well-Known Member
After 4 days of on and off reading this thread I've finally got to the end, and what a journey its been! Curious as to the dimensions of your space, Im sure its been posted but I finally got to the end haha
Haha thanks, glad u enjoyed the read, hopefully every page of this thread has something interesting on it. It has been a loooong journey indeed, but my god are things shaping up to be worth it, just gotta survive any future mould scares and pest problems. I hate to say it but i'll be amazed if i get away with no mould anywhere, the canopy is just so damn thick and buds are so fat, a killer combination (good and bad!)

Anyway these are for you my friend

It's really not that big of a space, and ive got approx. 100 chunky cola's growing... how can this not mould?!


Well-Known Member
Indeed, way i see it why not? After all the time, effort and money i've poured into it, might as well make it as good as personally possible!

Buds are already super fat, i cannot imagine how chunky they're gona get after the final swell, some are already nearing the size of coke cans! Not quite there yet but getting there. I duno where they'll be in a potential 5 weeks....
right? with the new light and all the time left you wil have a massive yeild. how much do you think you will have?


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6689212 said:
right? with the new light and all the time left you wil have a massive yeild. how much do you think you will have?
Really don't have a clue as i've never done a SCROG before in this space so don't know how much a filled scrog cab would normally produce. Also never grown this strain so don't know how compact/airy buds will grow. I think definitely over 10oz though if i got 8ish last time.... don't want to look like a complete moron and say something stupid so i'm gona go for an optimistic 12oz, could be more, shouldn't be less!

My sour diesel had very similar looking buds in terms of their density, and it yielded real nice so yeh, i'm staying optimistic. 12oz regarding i get no mould issues and/or fungus gnats dont destroy roots/slow down growth, and i can flower her until her buds appear ripened, so 10-11 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Really don't have a clue as i've never done a SCROG before in this space so don't know how much a filled scrog cab would normally produce. Also never grown this strain so don't know how compact/airy buds will grow. I think definitely over 10oz though if i got 8ish last time.... don't want to look like a complete moron and say something stupid so i'm gona go for an optimistic 12oz, could be more, shouldn't be less!

My sour diesel had very similar looking buds in terms of their density, and it yielded real nice so yeh, i'm staying optimistic. 12oz regarding i get no mould issues and/or fungus gnats dont destroy roots/slow down growth, and i can flower her until her buds appear ripened, so 10-11 weeks.
ya gotta get alot of air flow for her, maybe another fan?


Well-Known Member
  • Watering every 5 or so days now, trimming all the time!

  • Gona try and give her a big boost using something called Halo. Bit of info for you:

    "As revolutionary as it is legendary, HALO remains one of the most prolific boosters weve ever encountered. By stimulating and strengthening your plants natural defence systems, this pioneering foliar feed promotes radical growth and enhanced resistance to disease. It actually increases the rate of photosynthesis (the equivalent of having more lights!) leading to higher yields and increased biomass. Based around Harpin Protein - a widely used commercial application, this remains the first and only product using such technology in the UK. Trust us when we say HALO will not leave you disappointed. Words really can't do this product justice - you simply HAVE to try it! Available in either a cost effective 100g tub or 5 x soluble sachets (each making 750mls of spraying solution) suited to smaller applications. Apply 2-5 times throughout your grow for maximum effect.

    ***WARNING*** HALO is an extremely potent booster. Avoid if you are using a vertical growing system or sea of green growing technique. In grow spaces with limited headroom, don't apply this product during the transplanting stage as it will cause a massive surge in growth - potentially leaving your plants too big to manage. Also be prepared to flower your plants at a much shorter height when using HALO. Available as a cost effective 100g tub or in 5x soluble sachets - each of which dissolves in 500ml of water to create the ideal strength foliar spray."

    Whats the worst that can happen....

  • Got my new Lumatek 400/600W dimmable digital ballast, still going on the 400W's for now, will switch to the 600W HPS come flower time. Hopefully outside temps drop a little by then to compensate for the extra heat,

  • Had to turn the plant around 90 degrees and retie a lot of the branches to spread them out evenly and get them growing in the right directions. Therefore, i also had to change the shape of the screen, which is why it doesn't look as symmetrical and neat as last time. If my screen wasn't made out of Knex i'd have had to rip the whole screen out and re-tie all the branches! instead it took me 2 mins.

  • Next feed will be plain water as the last 3 have had nutes, or maybe a 1/4 strength canna feed, will see how they react to this Halo product first. Will give her a spray tomorrow just before lights off, so she can absorb while she sleeps and not get burnt.

Before tucking leaves:

After tucking leaves (more branching/bud sites exposed)

Topped branch (accidental)

Bends in branching

Struggling bud sites i hope this Halo product will kickstart.

Raised the plant by a couple inches and moved the other plant so now things look a lil sumthin like this.

The Tuberosa doesn't need 400W's of light, down there should suffice.
Right now I feel that This might be the coolest thing I have ever seen...We'll see as I continue


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6689242 said:
ya gotta get alot of air flow for her, maybe another fan?
There actually isn't any space for another fan... i've got two 6" fans on top, one six in fan underneath and a RVK to create strong air flow under canopy. As i said, if this still doesn't do the trick then there is no solution. I'm still considering buying a mini dehumidifier, but don't know where i'd fit it.


i would love to see someone do a side by side grow with 2 clones same conditions except one has uvb and one doesnt
Me too, its hard to find journals with people using UVB light. Big Suze is already fucking crystally and glisten-y so if this UVB does what people claim they do, then she should be DRIPPING with crystals by harvest, considering her already high trich count.


Well-Known Member
Aside from the flies and fan dilemma, bitch still looks mighty fine. De-humidifier would be my opinion and more fans...even if they're the little car ones from Wally world.


Well-Known Member
Aside from the flies and fan dilemma, bitch still looks mighty fine. De-humidifier would be my opinion and more fans...even if they're the little car ones from Wally world.
Thanks man, yeh i duno if i can be bothered to wire up computer fans, plus i'm pretty sure i threw my last ones away, and if i'm gona spend more £ on equipment, its gona be a particle filter and sticky traps! Gona do some researching and measuring up to see if a dehumidifier is a realistic option.

mornin pal hows things today...
Yeh i'm not toooooo shabby thanks, usual usual, waiting to watch liverpool destroy man city!

How's ur monster coming along?


Active Member
There actually isn't any space for another fan... i've got two 6" fans on top, one six in fan underneath and a RVK to create strong air flow under canopy. As i said, if this still doesn't do the trick then there is no solution. I'm still considering buying a mini dehumidifier, but don't know where i'd fit it.
Hi lilindian!
I saw dehumidifier today in shop. It was called Metylan Stop humidity. It costs around 10 EUR There is commercial of it on youtube. maybe you could find one in your country! And I am not from LT this is just ad that I found ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't like the looks of those trim leaves. Reminds me of my last bagseed grow, schwaggy as fuck but huge..
D50 Trophy.jpg

Hope this doesn't happen to you.
It looks great from the side though, I'll bet the smoke will be very rewarding.


Well-Known Member
  • Thats right, i topped like 50+ branches in the middle of the canopy, all the ones with white tops where the pistils had gone back in. I did this at the time because they were pissing me off, and standing out in the pics.

    Anyway, cutting a long story short i basically snipped about 5mm off the top of each of those branches (primarily in the middle of the canopy) on monday, and a day or 2 later its effect was hugely noticeable. Most branches that were snipped were of a generation much younger than those branches on the perimeter of my canopy, and therefor were much smaller in size, however after topping each of these branches, buds on these branches have exploded in growth and are now at least twice as fat! Some chunky cola's are forming very quickly.

    Upon closer inspection, it appears by cutting the head off the branch in flowering, it still reacts very similarly to how it would if you topped a branch in veg. All the branches below that point would will effectively turn into a single generation (not very good at explaining myself but hopefully u lot get what i mean), this is how i achieved 8 primary branches on each of my last 2 plants.

    I've discovered the same thing happens in flowering, except instead of the effects being noticeable in the branches, the effects are now noticeable in the buds. From what i can see, all the buds below the point of snip have been almost boosted, and the side buds that normally grow outwards are growing out and UP, past the point where the old head would've been. I dont know if i'm making any sense.

    Imagine a devils pitchfork. After topping, i.e getting rid of the central arrow head, the 2 either side of it have been boosted and are now growing past the central one.... best way i can put it. Basically this is resulting in really fat cola's, that are growing into each other as they plump up.

    The branches i have not topped have continued to grow naturally, with the top of the buds really really long and thin. I'm picturing huge foxtails on some of these....

  • Today i gave her a watering containing supervit, powerzyme (help clean the medium) and Gnat Off. I was advised to use double strength Gnat-off so did exactly that. Although i'm pretty sure there's absolutely no harm in mixing the stuff with organic flowering nutes, i wanted the stuff to be as effective as possible, so chose not to feed the soil with anything the larvae could thrive off. Next feeding in 4 days will contain nutes, however i want to see how effective this product is before making that decision concrete, and deciding what to feed her.

  • After watering i decided to clean up the cab a bit, wipe up spilt water, get rid of any mud that had jumped out the pot. After doing so, i took a hoover to my airpot, and hoovered as many of the air holes as possible. I did this AFTER watering, as to avoid sucking out heaps of dry soil. Plan was to get rid of flies and eggs, pretty sure it worked really well as i lightly tapped the pot afterwards to see what would fly out like normal, and only 1 or 2 did, instead of like 10+.

  • I'm buying a particle filter tomorrow, i'd be a fool if i didn't learn from this. The one fly that started all this crap off must've come from the intake. Either that or it was in the soil when i transplanted....

  • Still a little bit of yellowing here and there but i'm keeping the calmag supplements up and she's looking overall much better than last week.

  • Had a good rummage through the canopy today looking for dead leaves, found 1... the rest are real green and healthy all the way down to the bottom of each branch.

  • 15/16 sticky traps, something like that, all doing their jobs well. I'm starting to think this infestation is actually under control.... i was expecting all the traps to be covered by lights on today but was pleasantly surprised. There seem to be hot spots around my cab, like at the bottom in the shadier corners of my cab.

  • Following pics were taken in the half an hour window where the UVB + CFL's are on by themselves. Turned the UVB light off using its external ballast thing before opening the doors.



Active Member
This is sick. I am impressed with these plant grows that look like whole garden has been pressed in one cab. Very nice! Check out my thread later. I am still updating it but there will be post about DIY cool tube A-Z