On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed

The truth is this: there is NO impeachment front. Or impeachment back, or sideways for that matter. There will be no impeachment.

Truth is ... you got your head up your ass again ... there IS an impeachment front ... the majority of Americans want these assholes impeached ... there are communities voting for impeachment ...which has NEVER been done before ... the ONLY reason they have not been impeached is because we have a corrupted congress .... :spew:

So once again you show how full of shit you are ... :roll:
Truth is ... you got your head up your ass again ... there IS an impeachment front ... the majority of Americans want these assholes impeached ... there are communities voting for impeachment ...which has NEVER been done before ... the ONLY reason they have not been impeached is because we have a corrupted congress .... :spew:

So once again you show how full of shit you are ... :roll:

Once again, when faced with facts you do not wish to hear, you resort to name calling, like a spoiled child. But, your spelling has improved since the last time I rubbed dirt on your nose. Now if you would only learn to write a sentence, who knows what might be possible for you to achieve?

If you had an ounce of good common sense, you would realize there is NO chance to impeach bush because you have no case of treason. If you take the present evidence and develope a case of treason you could hang the man. And, by the way, public opinion, or your opinion, is NOT a basis under our government laws. You must show proof of actions.

So stop the name calling and foot stamping. Grow up. Develope your ideas into provable facts.
Still living in a fantasy world of your own I see ... still unable to debate the facts you create your illusion that you make valid points ... there is plenty of evidence of treason ... and that's exactly why they won't have an investigation ... just because you are too stupid to admit it doesn't mean it doesn't exist ... I've posted plenty of reports showing the crimes committed ... so spare us your parrioting of no evidence ... it doesn't fly anymore ...

... oh and by the way ... public opinion has change several laws in this country ... so another one of your stupid theories blown again ...

... but you can pretend that you rub dirt on my nose ... that's a trait of you bushies ... project your own experience on to other ... :roll::mrgreen:
New Zogby Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Favor Impeachment For Warrantless Spying
by Thomas J. Bico

JANUARY 15, 2006 - A new Zogby poll shows that 52% of Americans think President Bush should be impeached for wiretapping American citizens without obtaining warrants.

As reported by Democrats.com, the new poll, commissioned by Afterdowningstreet.org and conducted by Zogby, when asked, "If President Bush wiretapped American citizens without the approval of a judge, do you agree or disagree that Congress should consider holding him accountable through impeachment," 52% of respondents said yes, 42% said no, a 6% were undecided.

The poll had a +/- 2.9 margin of error.

The article on democrats.com points out that the polls the mainstream media has been using have been asking questions that lead to misleading results.

"Recently White House spokesman Scott McClellan cited a Rasmussen poll that found 64% believe the NSA "should be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects." Of course, that is exactly what Congress authorized when it created the FISA courts to issue special expedited secret warrants for terrorism suspects. But Bush defied the FISA law and authorized warrantless wiretaps of Americans, which has outraged Americans to the point that a majority believe Congress should consider Bush's impeachment."

The lack of articles and commentary about impeachment, never mind criminal charges, has been extremely obvious, and just another clear example of the total control the Bush/Limbaugh right has over the entire media. They made impeachment of Clinton the central story everywhere over something much less, but don't even mention it when Bush openly admits to disregarding the law and committing a major violation of law and the Constitution.

Despite all the distractive stories attempting to change the subject and convince the American people that they should not really be upset, that their neighbors aren't, the American public is not buying it and wants the President held accountable via impeachment.

The numbers are even more striking when looked at by political affiliation. Fully one-in-four Republicans think the President should be impeached, while nearly two-thirds of Independents and Democrats believe he must be held accountable. And it doesn't matter which region is looked at, North, South, East, or West, majorities in each favor impeachment.

Why Impeach Bush and Cheney?

They should be impeached for deliberately misleading us into war, for illegally spying on Americans, and for turning America into a rogue nation that imprisons and tortures people illegally. Read more...
  1. Misled Congress and the public about Iraq
  2. Condoned the Torture of Prisoners
  3. Authorized Illegal NSA Wiretaps
  4. Other Reasons
  5. Talking Points for activists.
  6. And grounds for impeachment, articles of impeachment, treaty violations
How to Impeach Bush and Cheney?

How does impeachment work? What can you do to impeach Bush and Cheney? Look here for answers.
  1. Impeachment Information Center
  2. Section 603: Locally Initiated Impeachment
  3. Legal: Constitutional basis, past impeachments, related laws, impeachment process
  4. "Guide to Impeachment" - 10 page booklet to download and print
  5. Take Action: List of suggestions for how you can Impeach Bush and Cheney.
Impeach Bush
Here another report of the evidence against this illegitimate regime that the pinheads on this board parrot doesn't exist ...

Torture Is Impeachable and Has Been Confessed to
Now that George Bush and Michael Hayden have publicly confessed to government waterboarding in a press conference on February 6, 2008, and in testimony before Congress on February 5, 2008, you may find the following information useful: The law review article referenced below (available at no cost at: http://www.law.utah.edu/_webfiles/ULRarticles/150/150.pdf ) makes clear that waterboarding is torture and is a crime and a war crime punishable under a number of treaties to which the United States is a party and several U.S. statutes.
The article also explains that there is no defense available due to either (1) prior legal advice, or (2) circumstances (including, without limitation, terrorist acts &#8211; see citations in Footnotes 21 and 25 in the article), contrary to the claims of Bush and Hayden.
The law review article (see pages 359 to 374) also establishes that under a number of treaties to which the United States is a party, the U.S. has an obligation to initiate an official investigation regarding confessed acts of torture.

... and don't go to ... well they're just a crazy liberal group ... na ah ... they back there shit with "non-liberal" verifiable source ... so save that parrot bullshit ... :mrgreen:

This report could be here or the crimes thread ... but since I'm here ... :hump:

Waterboarding should be prosecuted as torture: U.N.

The controversial interrogation technique known as waterboarding and used by the United States qualifies as torture, the U.N. human rights chief said on Friday.
"I would have no problems with describing this practice as falling under the prohibition of torture," the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, told a news conference in Mexico City.

... this is why the illegitimate bush made one of them there signing statements to pardon him from any war crimes ... :neutral:
Once again;
Grow provides the drool of a slobbering imagination,
medicineman povides meat and potatoes.

med is on the right tract, however, at the Federal level you need proof of actions. The clinton impeachment was a good example. clinton provided proof of actions because he lied under oath. But, bush, so far as I know, has provide no proof of actions. If, using your example med, it is provable that bush used a wire-tap of a private citizen, for personal gain he could be impeached for the misdemeanor clause of the Constitution. But, you wish for bigger fish to fry.

Prove, that bush led us to war for reasons of political gain, and you then have a case of treason. He, (bush) would be subject to hanging.
He, (bush) would be subject to hanging.

My fondest dream, to see him jerking on the end of a rope. Just reward for a career most evil.
This report could be here or the crimes thread ... but since I'm here ... :hump:

Waterboarding should be prosecuted as torture: U.N.

The controversial interrogation technique known as waterboarding and used by the United States qualifies as torture, the U.N. human rights chief said on Friday.
"I would have no problems with describing this practice as falling under the prohibition of torture," the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, told a news conference in Mexico City.

... this is why the illegitimate bush made one of them there signing statements to pardon him from any war crimes ... :neutral:

Once again you have no concept of the law.

Water boarding is not illegal; except, perhaps, in cases of a declared war or when the opposition is in uniform. The Talaban are engaged in international terrorism, without the aid of a government. So the Talaban are not protected by the Geneva Conventions. By international law they could be executed at will as spies, or treated, as seen fit, by their captors.

Once again you have no concept of the law.

Water boarding is not illegal; except, perhaps, in cases of a declared war or when the opposition is in uniform. The Talaban are engaged in international terrorism, without the aid of a government. So the Talaban are not protected by the Geneva Conventions. By international law they could be executed at will as spies, or treated, as seen fit, by their captors.

I believe it is a matter of national interest to see that our government doesn't condone torture of anyone and if they do, they should be punished. If torture is covered under international law, then a signing statement by the US president does not exempt him from prosecution by international law once he is out of office. I can only hope that some delegation of peace loving countries gets the gumption to go after him.
Once again you have no concept of the law.

Water boarding is not illegal; except, perhaps, in cases of a declared war or when the opposition is in uniform. The Talaban are engaged in international terrorism, without the aid of a government. So the Talaban are not protected by the Geneva Conventions. By international law they could be executed at will as spies, or treated, as seen fit, by their captors.


Once again you show your stupidity ... waterboarding has already been proven to be illegal ... again it's not my problem that you can't comprehend the facts ... :neutral:
Once again you show your stupidity ... waterboarding has already been proven to be illegal ... again it's not my problem that you can't comprehend the facts ... :neutral:

I comprehend facts in evidence just fine. It is you, an uneducated and foolish creature, who misstates the issues. But, as I said before, your spelling has improved and that is a step in the right direction. Keep up the good effort and I will offer encouragement.