On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed


Well-Known Member
you've combined two quotes from different threads to make a point? That's almost as bad as WillieNelson just editing quotes.
His real handle is Ted Nuggent ... well that's Polly for ya ... when his parrot talking points don't work he starts making shit up ... he doesn't know what else to do ... poor Polly ...

... just give him a cracker when ever he gets like that ... it makes him happy ... :hump:

You have never asked me to prove anything you useless giz rag. At least one leberal fuckstain realized they have no evidence that Bush did anything impeachably wrong. Kind of like growrebel. No evidence, just a bunch aof bitching. When that doesn't work, I will start repeating the right(right). Thank you for flattering me once again.
Ha ha ha ... okay Polly ... we'll humor you ... and we'll make it easy for you ... show us in the reports posted of crimes the illegitimate bush regime committed ... break them down and prove he didn't do it and their is no crime ... provide links ... and Polly we mean with credible sources ... not the shit you post with nutjob on the front page ...
... try and do that Polly instead of parroting talking points ... at this point you have no credibility ... but us liberals are always willing to give ya another try ... :neutral:

... Oh and Teddy ... you might as well stop with the PM's to insult me ... anything stupid you have to say to me you can do it in front of our viewing audience ... I didn't even bother to read them ... nor will I. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
FISA: Protecting America or executive power grab?
Republican Bruce Fein on the failure of both parties to stop the government from spying on its citizens
Bruce Fein is the founder of the American Freedom Agenda, that works to restore constitutional checks and balances. He served in the U.S. Justice Department under President Reagan and has been an adjunct scholar with the American Enterprise Institute, a resident scholar at the Heritage Foundation, a lecturer at the Brookings Institute, and an adjunct professor at George Washington University.

Well ... well ... well ... a repub that see the impeachable offenses ... and with the Heritage Foundation no less! ...
... even compares as one of the impeachable offenses against Nixon was failure to answer subpoena's which is one of the things the illegitimate bush regime is doing ... he also gives his assessment of why the traitor Pelosi took impeachment off the table ...

... I believe it's one of the reasons they won't impeach ... :neutral:


New Member
Yup, Both parties like having the power to lock us up for anything. If we speak out, we must be terrorists. Questioning the government is treasonous. Fascism is alive and well in Amerika. I have my passport so I can escape . I advise everyone to get one, you never know when you might need it.


Well-Known Member
... Oh and Teddy ... you might as well stop with the PM's to insult me ... anything stupid you have to say to me you can do it in front of our viewing audience ... I didn't even bother to read them ... nor will I. :mrgreen:

I was telling you all about this great country called America. In America, people are innocent untill proven guilty. I have been charged with crimes in America, and the burden of proof was on the side of the accuser. You are accusing Bush of these "crimes" without proof. This isn't Cambodia mother fucker. In America, there is no need to prove innocence. He is innocent(as far as the evidence shows) and a free man. If he is guilty of any crime, they will impeach him. And then they will need proof of these "crimes". When they don't impeach him, I will not tire of laughing about losers like you.


Well-Known Member
I was telling you all about this great country called America. In America, people are innocent untill proven guilty. I have been charged with crimes in America, and the burden of proof was on the side of the accuser. You are accusing Bush of these "crimes" without proof. This isn't Cambodia mother fucker. In America, there is no need to prove innocence. He is innocent(as far as the evidence shows) and a free man. If he is guilty of any crime, they will impeach him. And then they will need proof of these "crimes". When they don't impeach him, I will not tire of laughing about losers like you.
you act like grow is the only one saying this. There are members of Congress saying the exact same thing.


New Member
In America, the citizen is innocent until proven guilty EXCEPT when getting audited by the IRS. Then, the tables are turned and the citizen must prove his/her innocence ... or be found guilty. The IRS ... IS fascism in America and needs to be ablolished.



Well-Known Member
I was telling you all about this great country called America. In America, people are innocent untill proven guilty. I have been charged with crimes in America, and the burden of proof was on the side of the accuser. You are accusing Bush of these "crimes" without proof.
No ... I am providing the proof in this thread and others of the crimes of the illegitimate bush regime for all to see ... it is your small beleaguered mind that claims there is no evidence and expect everyone to take you at your word ... when we didn't you felt compelled to PM me in a desperate attempt insult me for the facts I present ... but you failed ... as usual ...

This isn't Cambodia mother fucker. In America, there is no need to prove innocence. He is innocent(as far as the evidence shows) and a free man. If he is guilty of any crime, they will impeach him. And then they will need proof of these "crimes". When they don't impeach him, I will not tire of laughing about losers like you.
Oh so this is "America" and no need to "prove innocence" eh? ... What about drug testing then? ... what about the so called patriot act where people can be held without charge? ... no need for them to "prove innocence" because the government deem them guilty with out charge or trial ...
... I've already posted information as to why the congress is blocking impeachment ... your simple mind can't comprehend that so it isn't my problem ... the folks at home see what is going on and that is all that matters ...

... you make a lot of us laugh too ...

... oh and Polly what another cracker? :mrgreen:

In America, the citizen is innocent until proven guilty EXCEPT when getting audited by the IRS. Then, the tables are turned and the citizen must prove his/her innocence ... or be found guilty. The IRS ... IS fascism in America and needs to be ablolished.

On this point we agree ... and another exception to the "prove innocent" fantasy.



New Member
Seems to me that the first order of business once you are suspected of a crime is Jail. That kind of trumps the innocent untill proven guilty thing, right Willie? And BTW, change your name. You are a disgrace to the name. I've met the real Willie Nelson, and he is about as far from your warped Ideals as one could get. You, my frouend, are a neo-Nazi.


New Member
Yeah like Ann Cuntler,HaHaHeHeHoHo~LOL~. sicko.
Well Med ... I'll throw out the same challenge I've thrown out to you many times before; instead of making personal attacks, or attacking the messenger, tear Coulter's ideas apart ... if you can.



Well-Known Member
Seems to me that the first order of business once you are suspected of a crime is Jail. That kind of trumps the innocent untill proven guilty thing, right Willie? And BTW, change your name. You are a disgrace to the name. I've met the real Willie Nelson, and he is about as far from your warped Ideals as one could get. You, my frouend, are a neo-Nazi.
I told you guys med ... his real handle is Ted Nugent ... fits him much better ... I refuse to refer to him as the great liberal Willie Nelson ... Ted couldn't even stand in his shadow let alone take his name.

I think that if you would take the time to read my posts you would find that we agree on a lot more than you think we do.

I do read your posts ... How do you think I'm able to ping you on so many of them ... and when I agree with you I will tell you ... :-|


New Member
I told you guys med ... his real handle is Ted Nugent ... fits him much better ... I refuse to refer to him as the great liberal Willie Nelson ... Ted couldn't even stand in his shadow let alone take his name.

I do read your posts ... How do you think I'm able to ping you on so many of them ... and when I agree with you I will tell you ... :-|
Ping me? Show me a list of your "pings." ~lol~ :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Not that the Clinton's are incapable of committing treason ... mind if we see some links showing proof of treason?