On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed


Has he gotten us out of Iraq yet ... as promised?


When did he promised that? What does it have to do with impeachment? What does it have to do with him upholding his oath of office? ... the repukes and the elite corporate dims traitors like Pelosi and Ried are the ones responsible for what is happening now ... :roll:
When did he promised that? What does it have to do with impeachment? What does it have to do with him upholding his oath of office? ... the repukes and the elite corporate dims traitors like Pelosi and Ried are the ones responsible for what is happening now ... :roll:

How many telephone books is he standing on there? Nice suit.
Just for a matter of referance, the congress that passed the resolution was controlled by Republicans.
And the Congress today is controlled by the Dems...What's changed? They voted to further continue funding this clusterfuck, have they not? When they tookboth the House and Senate they promised change...has it occured? It has not. You may blame the Republican minority for blocking passage of legislation today. Couldn't a Dem minority have blocked legislation then? It was close to a 50/50 split as it is now.

If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander Med.
Ok im lost here, Why are people defending bush ? there is eveidence EVERYWHERE that he has commited crimes.

If there is a good reason to defend bush, and if he really is a good president. Please let me know. All i hear, is the negative. I dont hear that much negative crap about the other presidents that have been in office.

Don't make the mistake of assuming that if one points out the hypocricy of the leftists who post here in this forum, that its approval or support of Bush. :blsmoke:

Why is everyone complaining - YOU THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE GETTING EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED RIGHT? SAFETY & SECURITY. If you don't like it don't pay taxes,don't go to court, don't be a part of the system - period. You know everyone signed up for this shit when you were born. You are official property of the U.S. - says so right on your social security card. I don't really want to break anyone's heart, but Bush does NOT care about YOU. He is an oil guy - He likes money & if profit is involved he probably is as well. Profit drives business - America is all about business - don't think so? Let me know.
There are still people that really believe Osama Bin Laden masterminded the attacks - do you?
There are still people that really believe Osama Bin Laden masterminded the attacks - do you?

Dont know what to believe anymore.Too many conspiracy theories cloud judgement.If its not one thing its another.I do know a crash when i see it though and the pentagon was a classic missile detonation.Makes sense that if thats a lie then the rest of it is too.Like i said in another thread,The days where no'one is above the law are over!!!!!
How many telephone books is he standing on there? Nice suit.

Probably not nearly as many as you ...:mrgreen:

Say .... they finally fixed the colors ...

There are still people that really believe Osama Bin Laden masterminded the attacks - do you?

No I don't ... apparently the FBI feels the same way ... Bin Laden is dead but they use him as a scare tactic ... and I really think people are pretty dumb to believe that 3 skyscrapers can fall in 15 sec after only burning for an hour ... now how stupid is that ... :roll:
Here's a nice OP-Ed with source links on the traitor Pelosi and impeachment ... lot's of reader comments too ... :-|

http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/2008/06/speaker-must-be-removed-for-he.phpSpeaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation
The Speaker's excuses are frivolous. One does not agree to remain complicit with tyranny on the illusion fact finding might be divisive. Division is the intent of the Framers: To ensure power is not centralized, and divided. Pelosi supports centralizing unchecked power under tyranny, not just this President and Congress An investigation to gather facts -- which she opposes -- is not the same as a decision to impeach. Pelosi cannot explain how she arrived at her conclusion: To not investigate, and without any review of evidence, trump the House.

Does McClellan's testimony matter?
Bruce Fein of the American Freedom Agenda says former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan's testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee should lead to impeachment hearings, the only way to force Karl Rove and Vice President Dick Cheney to testify.

The founder of the American Freedom Agenda, that works to restore constitutional checks and balances. Fein served in the US Justice Department under President Reagan and has been an adjunct scholar with the American Enterprise Institute, a resident scholar at the Heritage Foundation, a lecturer at the Brookings Institute, and an adjunct professor at George Washington University. He is an adviser to Ron Paul.

The dims who refuse to uphold the constitution are equally guilty of war crimes ... we need to get rid of them and put fresh dems in office ... :-|
I believe this topic has become outdated because George W. Bush won't be our president anymore in about 6 months. It would probably take longer than that just to get a hearing if even possible.
Accountability is NEVER outdated ... it is because impeachment has been kept off the table by the traitorous bitch pelosi the war crimes continue and will spread ... do you stop arresting and prosecuting a serial killer because he's leaving town soon?

What makes you believe these war criminals should not be held accountable for the tens of thousands of lives lost?
I'm not saying they shouldn't be held responsible, but you can't impeach him once he is not president & that will happen very soon. The American people can't even exercise their constitutional right to overthrow a corrupt government. Everyone's always complaining, but no one ever does anything but talk. Talk Is Cheap - Kill Him if you wanna make a statement. I mean do you think U.S. soldiers go into buildings & tell people we are here to kill you - NO - they just do it. What makes this any different - we could talk all day about how to impeach him, but I know it won't happen so next step would be to take action.
Evil is hard to kill ... unless another evil does it ... and that's not going to happen ... it is our duty as Americans to speak out against the war crimes and work ... no matter how futile ... to hold these people accountable under the law ... even though they disregard it ... it's up to "we the people" to do something about it ... grass root movements are called for ... some people do more than complain ... that's were the grass root movements come from ... we must continue to apply pressure ... :neutral:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/10/pelosi-house-judiciary-co_n_111976.htmlPlease wait, your request is processed... Pelosi: House Judiciary Committee May Hold Impeachment Hearings
Pelosi knows that if she stonewalls impeachment any longer, it will come back to haunt her in November when she tries to keep her office against challenger Cindy Sheehan. But let us face it, with only 5 months left in the Bush administration, it is too late for impeachment to have any real effect on the damage done to our nation.
Absent a national necktie party, hey got away with it, folks. - M. R.

For the Sake of the Republic: Impeach Bush!

Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?

Wait folks, did you forget about Vincent Bugliosi, The famed Manson prosecutor. He claims to have the goods on the whole Bush regime and is going to file criminal charges against Bush for Murder the day he steps out of office. I can hardly wait, 1 of the best days of my life, jan 20th 2009 when Bush leaves and gets indited. Here's hoping for a guilty verdict on all charges. Some carry the death penalty.

What are his over-riding principles? How does he relate to the freedom of American citizens? What policies does he support that will continue to ensure the liberty of every one of us? What has he done to reduce the national debt? Since his party has been in power ... two years now ... the price of oil has doubled. Is Kucinich and other members of his party nothing but lackies of "Big Oil?"

Perhaps Kucinich and his fellow party members in the Senate and Congress should be impeached. :blsmoke:
