On/Off functin for meanwell HLG style drivers using dimming and arduino

Yeah i like the bigger screen and dial on the side,makes it way more user friendly imo.what would it take to get one of you to build me one that will dim multiple drivers with sunrise/sunset feature,high temp auto dimming and also shut down if temps continue to rise after dimming to say 25%.plus the ability to turn on t5 uv lamps maybe from a cycle timer of some type.
I dont need any type of smaller 3 or 5w leds controlled or any other grow room equipment, just the cobs and possibly some uv tubes.the dimming alone would be awesome but hey,if im gunna ask for custom might as well toss in the uv stuff and high temp stuff lol.
Like how many meanwell 185-1050ma drivers can one of these units dim at once? Does 8 channels mean you can dim 8 drivers or like maybe dim 4 drivers and have 4 other functions? I would think 1 temp sensor would handle all the high temp dimming and shut down functions so then you could still use 3 channels for uv lamps?
Yeah the more i think about it i should probably just keep the uv stuff separate from the led drivers.gives more room for more drivers.
I bet theres a bunch of us that would buy something like this from you wink wink ;)
Yeah the more i think about it i should probably just keep the uv stuff separate from the led drivers.gives more room for more drivers.
I bet theres a bunch of us that would buy something like this from you wink wink ;)
Yeah the UV is easy cos it's relatively low power and you can run it off pretty much any cheap timer, which you probably already have lying around somewhere anyway. Also I don't really care about dimming the UV even it were possible.

...but yeah these things will sell if someone can bring them to market anytime soon.
Lol yeah as soon as you mentioned using a timer for uv i thought about my timer pile :)
I have wanted one of these since i seen growmau5 talking about them but having to code anything stops me immediately haha.
I can barely find time to build frames.
Yeah i like the bigger screen and dial on the side,makes it way more user friendly imo.what would it take to get one of you to build me one that will dim multiple drivers with sunrise/sunset feature,high temp auto dimming and also shut down if temps continue to rise after dimming to say 25%.plus the ability to turn on t5 uv lamps maybe from a cycle timer of some type.
I dont need any type of smaller 3 or 5w leds controlled or any other grow room equipment, just the cobs and possibly some uv tubes.the dimming alone would be awesome but hey,if im gunna ask for custom might as well toss in the uv stuff and high temp stuff lol.
Like how many meanwell 185-1050ma drivers can one of these units dim at once? Does 8 channels mean you can dim 8 drivers or like maybe dim 4 drivers and have 4 other functions? I would think 1 temp sensor would handle all the high temp dimming and shut down functions so then you could still use 3 channels for uv lamps?
You can use a outlet controlled by an opti isolated relay like the one from adafriit for the t5s . for temp controls that is a different story.
The unit had ramp up and fade functions as well. I use on/off vice sunrise/sunset. This is a led controller not aquariums. Sensors are further down the road limited storage capacity code limitations. This controllet focuses on controlling led lights either 3w or COBs. Peace
Lol yeah as soon as you mentioned using a timer for uv i thought about my timer pile :)
I have wanted one of these since i seen growmau5 talking about them but having to code anything stops me immediately haha.
I can barely find time to build frames.
Buy it from me price is reasonable and you see what it is. I am going to do a short video to showcase it. Only 8 channel pwm controllet out there right now. Great modular coding allows me to do this. I have a 6 channel model also
Lol yeah as soon as you mentioned using a timer for uv i thought about my timer pile :)
I have wanted one of these since i seen growmau5 talking about them but having to code anything stops me immediately haha.
I can barely find time to build frames.
This is now in the market. 8 channels pwm for whatever your needs are. I can also reprogram that coralux to have 6 channel independant control as well
How many 4 cob panels/pontoons will this unit control? Prop have reds and blues mix up in there to.
How difficult would it be to sinc with an Android Tablet and/or laptop?


Yes whats the price I the ramp up/down function is the only thing I am looking for know when I learn more about more sensors and controlling sound fun.
Buy it from me price is reasonable and you see what it is. I am going to do a short video to showcase it. Only 8 channel pwm controllet out there right now. Great modular coding allows me to do this. I have a 6 channel model also
Looking forward to the video bro,looks like theres a few of us that are wanting to just buy something ready to go so sharpen your pencil and get us some pricing :)
Looks great, love the rotary dial, much nicer than a bunch of typical arduino buttons and still effective. Looks much better with the 20x4 too, the 16x2 always screams it's arduino based.

Do you use a shift register for the lcd? If not, could free up some pins on the Uno. I use only 3 for the 16x2 using this:
Obviously a pain in the ass to create many times, but could print a bunch custom pcb for less than a $ each.
thanks for the compliments.

I use an i2c adapter for the LCD screen using four pins freeing up pins for PWM duty. I thought about getting pcb's built but the Uno can be absorbed in the cost and plus they can be reprogrammed later with improvements or additions. I also have a 16 channel pwm extended board expanding the number of PWM channels to as many as programming can hold. I use arrays for data manipulation, and a really great way to change channel data instead of having to scroll thru many channels pick the one you want change it move on. same for time, set it nd forget it. I upgraded to the DS3231 for RTC functions which includes ambient air temperatures, as well. I figure I can price the unit above a Coralux controller and be able to provide some customization as needed for clients needs. I figure the eight channel model will exceed most average users needs with eight fixtures to control. You can use the bigbeef 30amp relay for each LCD driver, two er fixture and control with one 5v signal and a 5v wall wart for each fixture to provide 5v to then relay and not from arduino Uno. peace.
How many 4 cob panels/pontoons will this unit control? Prop have reds and blues mix up in there to.
How difficult would it be to sinc with an Android Tablet and/or laptop?


You can run six four cob fixtures 200w mean well or 250w pairu drivers and two 3w led channels Far Red Royal Blue for example. Each channel is independent of other channels. I can pre-program channels based on client input for each unit so you only make changes when you change. Out the box plug and play and throw away all those timers. Peace
I've been struggling for days getting this complied and working. I'm using the exact recommended hardware. Can you please post the exact libraries that you are using in Arduino IDE?

It compiles and loads, but freezes after a few seconds.

I've been struggling for days getting this complied and working. I'm using the exact recommended hardware. Can you please post the exact libraries that you are using in Arduino IDE?

It compiles and loads, but freezes after a few seconds.

I am using current arduino 1.6.9 I believe, the current build. If you have an older arduino you may have to upgrade your code. The local libraries should also work. Make sure the LCD shield is well connected, and grounded properly. If the shield freezes the code should still be running. I have had to hit the reset button to get the screen to reset, but the controller is still working. I had some problems with the lcd shield and push buttons. These are the libraries being used
#include <Wire.h> #include <EEPROMVar.h> #include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h>#include <utility/Adafruit_MCP23017.h> in the code. The current build of arduino should work fine. make sure your pins are well connected and do not use the DHT temp control if possible. The freezing of the screen seems to be a common problem aith many other users as well, which is why I went to the 24x4 lcd and rotary dial. The code and components work, but you have to be very detail oriented. make sure you have good connectors for ground and 5V as well. That is very important. I use a riser to create a negative and positive group for connectors. If you are soldering make sure your solder work is good too. You can use these to create the common plugs. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11376. keep me informed. coe works well, I have tested it many days. I found the unit would run for at least 8 hours before any screen corruption would occur and I would just hit the reset button and everything went back to normal. It is the lcd screen with the buttons that is problematic. peace.