You have seen the prototype. I like it, for cost and size. It has basic components that can be all connected together with the shield attached to the arduino. Easy. looks nice and the RTC is mounted adjacent to the arduino. The Humidity/temp sensor is mounted in the control space. The basic unit consists of the following:
1 arduino uno $25.00 - >
1 lcd shield $12.00 ->
or this lcd shield ->
1 RTC module $15.00 ->
1 temperature/humidity sensor $10.00 -> DHT11 or DHT22 cost is not much different in the two. code is the same
2 outlets controlled by GrowGreen Controller $40.00 9 (currently out of stock). I have two running right now for 2 weeks doing fine. this is the critical component, as it allows control over the light circuit through PWM signal, and it has warranty and testing.. ->
total cost is $102 plus S&H $20, plus sketch supplied by me, FREE total cost - $122. For a larger system you have to add the 16 channel PWM controller $15.00/ea -> for a total of six max.
I would recommend using one controllable outlet for each fixture, $20/ea plus S&H keeping total watts under 400w; two drivers; when possible to lower inrush current issues. You can run two drivers with separate power wiring to each outlet allowing for ramp up of 30-60 seconds reducing inrush current and creating a daily spike for usage rates in power. if you have a large number of lights, turning them on in series is better, but most have a timer on their breaker panel starting all those lights at once like a commercial building. Better to let them ramp up one after another, reducing current inrush and spreading current demand over a few minutes.
Commercial GrowGreen Controller would be 6-16channel pwm drivers for a total cost of just over $225. Not bad to control a bunch of lights from one location. if you want to have WiFi control there is a module for that with a smartphone app as well. Easy to program, like your DVD player. lol.
I have shared the code for the DHT11 and both LCD screens. One has a rotary encoder and the other has buttons. I am liking buttons more, when I thought I would not and wanted a rotary encoder. I will share the sketch for the arduino GrowGreen Controller, as well.
For myself I am using the following:
1. Arduino Mega 2560 $45, 20x4 LCD with a i2c controller card, an analog thumb joystick with select button, an RTC module, and a DHT11. I need to control six light circuits and one recycle circuit. peace