OMG! please help me with this. anyone!


Active Member
so after my harvest. my weed smelled absolutely delicious and when it was dry and ready for curing, heres my story.... i have these 5 jars. i washed and scrubbed them out very well with lots of soap. they were jars with sauces but i washed them very well. BUT i guess the caps still contained odour. i opened the jars and all i could smell is this musty, raunchy smell :( my weed smells like GARBAGE now. i dont even wana go near it. it smells that bad. i cant explain how bad it is. im pissed... in :jorge curvantes" book it says to add some lemon/orange slices to the curing jars for a more citrus aroma. i tried this but didnt work. so right now i threw the jars out. im letting my buds air dry as they are still moist. i have no other choice but to use plastic ziplock bags. can SOMEONE tell me how i can fix this problem and make my weed smell good again? can i put orange peels into the bags? also note that when i break the weed apart with my hands, the resin still smells great. any help is apreciated. thanks! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you didnt dry the buds fully before ya jarred em up, and got a lil mold in there..

Probably smells like ammonia in them jars..

Best thing to do is dry them fully til' the stems snap and try the cure once again..

When you add the peels, you add moisture.. and if the buds are not dry, it'll be double trouble.


Active Member
if it still smells good on the inside, seems like you should hang em back up n let em sit in the air for a while
kind of agree with closet growth. does the stem on it snap when you try and break it? i would wait till they are dry. maybe even to dry because you can always re moisten your weed and then maybe try the orange peels in a mason jar, they're not very expensive at all. if you can afford an orange you should be able to afford a mason jar. that's all i can really think of. good luck man lemme know how it goes


Active Member
No dude... It was the leftover smell from the jars... Had nothing to do with the drying. And there is no mold. Anyone else?


Active Member
I agree with closetgrowth & bigmblazin.. take them out of anything they're in & hang dry them until they are DRY dry! Get *NEW* mason jars.. They're cheap as heck! Then go back to curing.


Well-Known Member
No dude... It was the leftover smell from the jars... Had nothing to do with the drying. And there is no mold. Anyone else?
Have you cured your buds yet?
After I dry and before I cure my weed smells like hay, it takes 2 to 3 weeks for the smell to come out.

That being said does your herb smell like rubber from the seal of the jar?
I have used jars to cure that I didn't wash, just put the bud in and cured.
My nugs never took on the odor of the jar.

Alright, I reread your post, get new mason jars and cure
Did you just put them in the jars after drying and let them sit?

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I fell ya man. I did the same shit with a mustard jar years ago. Just let them air out for a day or two then. go buy an orange and some mason jars and a small roll of wax paper. the wax paper will seal the mason jars. cure for a few weeks with the orange but open every day for a few minutes and change the orange because that shit will mold up on you to and ruin your shit. good luck.