OMG Elizabeth Warren is such a socialist

Because the government isn't going to tax the ultra wealthy elite rich, they are going to tax anyone making $250,000+. In case you haven't noticed most small businesses are in that category. When small businesses cannot make a profit they fire everyone and close the doors. You can have demand up the wazoo, but if there is no profit no one but the government will make the product or provide the service.

Well gee Man
Like they only will get taxed on income above 250k man
Like they will be paying the same amount before the Bush Tax cuts man
Like they are ignoring all the tax cuts they are getting now man and just dont want to hire man
Man you make no sense man
Like taxes never get passed down to the consumer man
Like look at how successful the Bush tax Cuts are now man
Look at all the jobs man
Well gee Man
Like they only will get taxed on income above 250k man
Like they will be paying the same amount before the Bush Tax cuts man
Like they are ignoring all the tax cuts they are getting now man and just dont want to hire man
Man you make no sense man
Like taxes never get passed down to the consumer man
Like look at how successful the Bush tax Cuts are now man
Look at all the jobs man
The Bush tax cuts weren't income tax cuts, they were cuts in the amount of capital gains tax one pays. Wealthy people make the greatest amount of their money from Capital gains, not income. Billionaires don't work 9-5 jobs like the middle class does. Changing the income tax won't change anything for the wealthy.
Because the government isn't going to tax the ultra wealthy elite rich, they are going to tax anyone making $250,000+. In case you haven't noticed most small businesses are in that category. When small businesses cannot make a profit they fire everyone and close the doors. You can have demand up the wazoo, but if there is no profit no one but the government will make the product or provide the service.

well the gov isnt going to tax the elite rich because of all the conservative republicans supporters that back them. what party do u think the elite rich are in? if i had to guess id prolly say republican. and yr supporting them. u are voting against yr own best intrest. yr on a pothead website. do u realize the party u support wants to erradicate marijuana off the face of the earth?
The Bush tax cuts weren't income tax cuts, they were cuts in the amount of capital gains tax one pays. Wealthy people make the greatest amount of their money from Capital gains, not income. Billionaires don't work 9-5 jobs like the middle class does. Changing the income tax won't change anything for the wealthy.

the middle class pay 94% of all income tax. the rich pay 6%. ya that sounds fair. if u wanna build the economy u build the middle class. not rape the shit out of it.
the middle class pay 94% of all income tax. the rich pay 6%. ya that sounds fair. if u wanna build the economy u build the middle class. not rape the shit out of it.

Dont think your numbers are right. But you are correct. You dont rape the middle class
well the gov isnt going to tax the elite rich because of all the conservative republicans supporters that back them. what party do u think the elite rich are in? if i had to guess id prolly say republican. and yr supporting them. u are voting against yr own best intrest. yr on a pothead website. do u realize the party u support wants to erradicate marijuana off the face of the earth?
The republicans are the rich ones? You sure about that? If you actually look at the facts you will find 237 millionaires in congress. Out of the top five, four of them are democrats.

CRP says California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa is the richest lawmaker on Capitol Hill, with a net worth estimated at about $251 million. Next in line: Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), worth about $244.7 million; Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.), worth about $214.5 million; Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), worth about $209.7 million; and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), worth about $208.8 million.
the middle class pay 94% of all income tax. the rich pay 6%. ya that sounds fair. if u wanna build the economy u build the middle class. not rape the shit out of it.
Yep, you're right, you don't rape the middle class. The middle class are the small business owners.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama has passed 17 tax breaks and credits for small businesses. But when it comes to job creation, they don't add up to much.
The scope of the tax breaks and credits is too narrow, the requirements too specific, and -- in some cases -- the process too onerous to get firms off the sidelines and onto the hiring battlefield.

"It's nice that you announce these things, but the question is how many actually make a difference," said Bill Dunkelberg, chief economist with the National Federation of Independent Business. "If I give you this cash gift in some form through all these tax credits, why would you suddenly desire to go hire somebody?"
Bringing on an employee is a long-term, expensive proposition that a business owner will not undertake unless the new employee will pay for itself in additional productivity, said Dunkelberg. "Getting a tax break doesn't change the value that a new employee brings to a company."

Nearly half of Obama's 17 tax breaks and credits were included in the Small Business Jobs Act, passed last September. One tax benefit allows small businesses to write off up to $500,000 worth of new equipment purchases last year and in 2011. And some of the tax credits, like the break for hiring unemployed workers, have already expired. The break on health care costs is available for a maximum of six years.

The tax credits, in some cases, are simple and attractive to small businesses, even if they have had limited impact on an owner's decision to get out of bunker mode and start hiring. Increasing the cap on how much a small business can expense, for example, was an especially easy-to-understand tax change, according to Bill Rys, tax counsel for the NFIB.
Others, like the zero capital gains tax on some small business investments, are so specific that they touch only a narrow segment of the sector, said Rys. And then ones like the health care tax credit are just too complicated to be of much use: "The challenge is you have to meet a number of different conditions to get it," he said.
It all comes back to jobs. "The truth is it is pretty hard to trace specific tax policies back to jobs created," said Joseph Rosenberg, a research associate at the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. "There is simply too much going on."
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- President Obama has passed 17 tax breaks and credits for small businesses. But when it comes to job creation, they don't add up to much.
The scope of the tax breaks and credits is too narrow, the requirements too specific, and -- in some cases -- the process too onerous to get firms off the sidelines and onto the hiring battlefield.

"It's nice that you announce these things, but the question is how many actually make a difference," said Bill Dunkelberg, chief economist with the National Federation of Independent Business. "If I give you this cash gift in some form through all these tax credits, why would you suddenly desire to go hire somebody?"
Bringing on an employee is a long-term, expensive proposition that a business owner will not undertake unless the new employee will pay for itself in additional productivity, said Dunkelberg. "Getting a tax break doesn't change the value that a new employee brings to a company."

Nearly half of Obama's 17 tax breaks and credits were included in the Small Business Jobs Act, passed last September. One tax benefit allows small businesses to write off up to $500,000 worth of new equipment purchases last year and in 2011. And some of the tax credits, like the break for hiring unemployed workers, have already expired. The break on health care costs is available for a maximum of six years.

The tax credits, in some cases, are simple and attractive to small businesses, even if they have had limited impact on an owner's decision to get out of bunker mode and start hiring. Increasing the cap on how much a small business can expense, for example, was an especially easy-to-understand tax change, according to Bill Rys, tax counsel for the NFIB.
Others, like the zero capital gains tax on some small business investments, are so specific that they touch only a narrow segment of the sector, said Rys. And then ones like the health care tax credit are just too complicated to be of much use: "The challenge is you have to meet a number of different conditions to get it," he said.
It all comes back to jobs. "The truth is it is pretty hard to trace specific tax policies back to jobs created," said Joseph Rosenberg, a research associate at the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. "There is simply too much going on."
Copy and paste ^^
Middle class being raped like never before
It boils down to this........ the poor and less fortunate feel they are somehow entitled to have some of what the "well off" have. They don't have to work hard, they don't have to go to school, they don't have to pay their dues. Because they have less, they want some of the wealth of others. Just gimme, gimme and gimme some more. And it's never enough.

Another year or so of this crap and this will all be over after Obamy is kicked the f*ck out for being the worse president since Jimmie Carter.......
It boils down to this........ the poor and less fortunate feel they are somehow entitled to have some of what the "well off" have. They don't have to work hard, they don't have to go to school, they don't have to pay their dues. Because they have less, they want some of the wealth of others. Just gimme, gimme and gimme some more. And it's never enough.

Another year or so of this crap and this will all be over after Obamy is kicked the f*ck out for being the worse president since Jimmie Carter.......

I guess it does if you boil away all of the common sense. You seem like a person who works hard for what you attain as well, but just because some people may be as you describe you can't generalize that on a whole to the "poor and less fortunate" as you describe. Which half of America falls into these days, your post makes you sound like a ignorant asshole. Not saying you are just saying that your describing most on this forum including yourself falls in that category.
There is two sides of the coin your playing with and you don't even know whats on the other side of it. The people who are "fortunate to be employed" around here have shitty jobs, shitty conditions are treated worse than ever in the last 5 years. Most people aren't saying "gimme, gimme, gimme". They're saying leave me alone I aint got shit go shake down those rich bastards over there and stop destroying my life and making me miserable.
Don't take this personal but you should be kicked out of this thread for one of the worst posts ever, don't mix ur fucked up reality with politics. If you ever helped a soul in your live you'll realize not everyone is how you describe. I have and still helped plenty of people with small to large things who were nothing as you describe. Your far too general.
Now on the other hand if this was cynical retort to the first post then hats off to you, it went over my head.
The republicans are the rich ones? You sure about that? If you actually look at the facts you will find 237 millionaires in congress. Out of the top five, four of them are democrats.

CRP says California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa is the richest lawmaker on Capitol Hill, with a net worth estimated at about $251 million. Next in line: Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), worth about $244.7 million; Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.), worth about $214.5 million; Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), worth about $209.7 million; and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), worth about $208.8 million.

$251 million is not elite rich
"It boils down to this........ the poor and less fortunate feel they are somehow entitled to have some of what the "well off" have. They don't have to work hard, they don't have to go to school, they don't have to pay their dues. Because they have less, they want some of the wealth of others. Just gimme, gimme and gimme some more. And it's never enough."

Are ye brainwashed or do you ride the short bus? :finger:

Even I, a Democratic Socialist, do not have a problem with people getting rich.

I have a problem with people getting rich on the backs of the middle class and working poor.

Instead of wages for the workers rising along with inflation etc.... they have stayed the same and in some cases even dropped. All the while CEO's and corporate management have seen their compensation go from 20-40x the average workers wage to 250-400x the average workers wage.

Hell, you can do a shitty job and get fired and still get paid $10,000,000 to leave as upper management in a Corporation.
Does the average Joe get paid anything to get fired? No, you are lucky if they do not dispute your unemployment insurance filing.

Now, please tell me again who wants shit for free or near free?
well the gov isnt going to tax the elite rich because of all the conservative republicans supporters that back them. what party do u think the elite rich are in? if i had to guess id prolly say republican. and yr supporting them. u are voting against yr own best intrest. yr on a pothead website. do u realize the party u support wants to erradicate marijuana off the face of the earth?

$251 million is not elite rich
I just gave you the wealthiest 5 people in the entire congress and 4 of them are democrats. You said the Republicans were the elite rich, How can the republicans be the elite rich if only 1 of them is in the top 5? And if 251 Million isn't enough to be elite rich, then what is? Must not be any politicians who are elite rich then if the richest doesn't qualify.

Senator Jay Rockefeller D-W.Va
Patrick Kennedy D-RI
George Soros-Democrat
Warren Buffet-Democrat
Larry Page-Democrat
Sergey Brin-Democrat.
Sen Diane Feinstein-Democrat and 8the wealthiest person in congress.

You sure its just Republicans who are ultra wealthy? I dare say that wealthy people come from all areas of the political spectrum.
the top 1 % have over 90% of all the wealth of this country. thats the top 200 people. theyre billionaires not millionaires
I just gave you the wealthiest 5 people in the entire congress and 4 of them are democrats. You said the Republicans were the elite rich, How can the republicans be the elite rich if only 1 of them is in the top 5? And if 251 Million isn't enough to be elite rich, then what is? Must not be any politicians who are elite rich then if the richest doesn't qualify.

Senator Jay Rockefeller D-W.Va
Patrick Kennedy D-RI
George Soros-Democrat
Warren Buffet-Democrat
Larry Page-Democrat
Sergey Brin-Democrat.
Sen Diane Feinstein-Democrat and 8the wealthiest person in congress.

You sure its just Republicans who are ultra wealthy? I dare say that wealthy people come from all areas of the political spectrum.

Irrelevant arguement
I mean lets face it If Democrats are the party of Tax and Spend Then you must be willing to concede they are also the party willing to sacrifice more of their income