OMG Elizabeth Warren is such a socialist

i thought they give the people who dont drive the ability to get to work to earn money and the ability to get to shops to spend money? (even if they are just cashing unemployment check)

there really aren't many poor people that spend the day on bus just for the sake of it they're used to get somewhere
I bet if you surveyed most people riding buses, most would already have a Driver license. I bet if you surveyed them you would not find anywhere close to 100% either going to work or going to spend money, I bet plenty of them are just going from one place to another and there is no money to be spent. Judy is going to her mothers, Bob wants to go to a museum, Richard is going to meet a business partner, little Mario is going to visit his grandmother. Buses were made to provide affordable transportation, not enable business to make more profit. Most people who ride the bus don't have much money and certainly aren't going somewhere to spend it if they are already broke.
car dealerships: arent the people who's businesses doing well because of the buses gonna want to buy cars with their extra profits?
taxi cab services: a lot of people after they have caught the bus into town and filled up their bags with shopping will elect to catch a taxi home because its easier
auto repair shops: dont buses ever need repairing?
bicycle shops: would love to see your figures on people using pushbikes to travel too and from mall carrying shopping bags
motorcycle dealers: slightly more practical for shopping but not really

im pretty sure you'l find a net worth in running buses for buisness

Every one of those was a stretch. And again, the assumption is that everyone riding the bus is on his/her way to buy something. I think quite the opposite is true, most people riding the bus aren't out for a day of shopping. When I rode the Metro in DC, a vast majority of the passengers were on their way to and from work.

But the topic wasn't just transportation, it is if the wealthy owe additional (like they're not already paying additional) compensation because their businesses operate in the USA. I think it's already far too expensive to operate a business as it is.
i thought they give the people who dont drive the ability to get to work to earn money and the ability to get to shops to spend money? (even if they are just cashing unemployment check)

there really arent many poor people that spend the day on bus just for the sake of it they're used to get somewhere
I bet if you surveyed most people riding buses, most would already have a Driver license. I bet if you surveyed them you would not find anywhere close to 100% either going to work or going to spend money, I bet plenty of them are just going from one place to another and there is no money to be spent. Judy is going to her mothers, Bob wants to go to a museum, Richard is going to meet a business partner, little Mario is going to visit his grandmother. Buses were made to provide affordable transportation, not enable business to make more profit. Most people who ride the bus don't have much money and certainly aren't going somewhere to spend it if they are already broke.
The point is that the net effect for public transportation is positive, meaning that it generates more economic activity than it saps - which means that business does indeed profit as a result of added customers. The Portland saturday market, for example, would be much smaller if it wasn't for the MAX line running straight through it... I wouldn't drive downtown and pay $5 to park just to go buy some hippie wares and neither would anyone I know, save for a few. Hell, I wouldn't really go downtown at all if it wasn't for the transit system - I personally drive around fine downtown but there are so many fucking retards who dont understand the road system that it's not worth the headache at all. As it is currently, The Rialto is one of my favorite spots and there are a few stripclubs to hit; There was a nice German restaurant I was going to for a bit "donor kabab" that was well worth taking the MAX but not worth the drive... I could go on and on.

Sure, I've used the transit system to go see my parents or homies in the past and that's to be expected... But the bottom line is that business benefits greatly from the transit system and that's why they help to subsidize it.
Total horseshit and so easy to pick apart.

Roads - What if goods are transported by companies like Fed Ex, UPS and the like, they pay for use of the roads and put those costs into the prices they charge the guy with the factory. Also, the guy with the factory paid his share towards the roads the same way the rest of us do, the embedded taxes in gasoline that he bought for his personal cars and for the businesses vehicles... so he is paid if full, no excuse for extra taxes here.
he only paid a small bit same as the rest of us, and its not extra taxes, you Do know that the rich pay actually less tax? that the more you have the less you pay?
goes a bit of a way to explain why the gap gets wider and wider.

Police/Fire Dept - Unless he somehow made use of these services beyond what any law abiding citizen that simply exists does, the owner of the factory paid his share in the state and local taxes as well as property taxes and other fees. Unless you're going to assert that because he owns a business, he is more of a drain on the cops and firefighters that never had to respond to a call from him? If the owner didn't call the police or the fire department, they were free to do exactly what they were going to be doing anyways...patroling and fighting crime...he made no more use of that service than I did. No excuse for extra taxes here either.
no, actually, since he has alot more to protect, he needs those guys alot more, yet pays less (because of the taxsystem favoring the rich for one reason)
Educated employees - So the government takes control of education, against the wishes of many... so people who hire workers that are products of a public education (which is just about everyone) owe extra because the government insisted on doing something that would have been done by the private sector anyways. That's quite a scam you got going on there. Using the same logic, I guess once the factory owner "EDUCATES" the employee and gives him a marketable skill through in house training, that employer is forever due a portion of his future earnings, after all they paid to train him. No? Hmmm, guess that kills that argument as well.
the argument was not that they should pay more, but that they should pay the same (once you have a few accountants and whatnot on your payroll, you dont pay as much tax, pure and simple and thats even bEfore the big taxcuts to the rich.(which were intended to nourish the economy lool)

The fact is employers pay for every bit of the public domain that they use already, MORE than their fair share. The Progressives could care less about anything except paying for their suicidal social engineering. It is class warfare and makes you look like slobbering cretins. The very fact that so many of your fellow citizens, who are not well-off, would defend the wealthy against your Un-American selective taxation on nothing more than principle, should let you know you're in the wrong. There should be a flat tax rate with a standardized cost of living deduction for every citizen.

that could be heavily debated and not in your favor. here is the thing.

the cake is only this big.

and the world is run like this

100 guys build a house, the 98 guys that built it get 1%, the guy that designed it, gets 1%

the guy that supervised it, gets 98% (even though he paid one of the 98 0,01% more to actually supervise it for him)

the guy that paid for the house and gets to live in it, paid double. (though the 99 only got the 2% out of the 100% share)

cause the banks and the government (along with others) are in cahoots (ya for crony capitalism :))
I bet if you surveyed most people riding buses, most would already have a Driver license. I bet if you surveyed them you would not find anywhere close to 100% either going to work or going to spend money, I bet plenty of them are just going from one place to another and there is no money to be spent. Judy is going to her mothers, Bob wants to go to a museum, Richard is going to meet a business partner, little Mario is going to visit his grandmother. Buses were made to provide affordable transportation, not enable business to make more profit. Most people who ride the bus don't have much money and certainly aren't going somewhere to spend it if they are already broke.
a driving license isnt a car, it isnt insurance, it isnt the cost of repairs, and fuel

what does it matter if it is 100% or not? affordable transportation = good for business
Every one of those was a stretch. And again, the assumption is that everyone riding the bus is on his/her way to buy something. I think quite the opposite is true, most people riding the bus aren't out for a day of shopping. When I rode the Metro in DC, a vast majority of the passengers were on their way to and from work.

But the topic wasn't just transportation, it is if the wealthy owe additional (like they're not already paying additional) compensation because their businesses operate in the USA. I think it's already far too expensive to operate a business as it is.

depends on what time you catch the bus.
where i live early morning is commuters and school kids getting where they need to be going
after 9 the pensioners are let on with their free passes and the mums with kids go into town to get their bits and pieces

how is people going to work a detraction to businesses anyway?
The point is that the net effect for public transportation is positive, meaning that it generates more economic activity than it saps - which means that business does indeed profit as a result of added customers. The Portland saturday market, for example, would be much smaller if it wasn't for the MAX line running straight through it... I wouldn't drive downtown and pay $5 to park just to go buy some hippie wares and neither would anyone I know, save for a few. Hell, I wouldn't really go downtown at all if it wasn't for the transit system - I personally drive around fine downtown but there are so many fucking retards who dont understand the road system that it's not worth the headache at all. As it is currently, The Rialto is one of my favorite spots and there are a few stripclubs to hit; There was a nice German restaurant I was going to for a bit "donor kabab" that was well worth taking the MAX but not worth the drive... I could go on and on.

Sure, I've used the transit system to go see my parents or homies in the past and that's to be expected... But the bottom line is that business benefits greatly from the transit system and that's why they help to subsidize it.

you should hit up the 'good taste' chinese food restaurant if you like chinese.

they are on 4th i believe (the street with the big arch when you enter chinatown) just past burnside. they are easy to miss, just a little hole in the wall with the ducks hanging in the window.
you should hit up the 'good taste' chinese food restaurant if you like chinese.

they are on 4th i believe (the street with the big arch when you enter chinatown) just past burnside. they are easy to miss, just a little hole in the wall with the ducks hanging in the window.
I do like Chinese, I'll check it out. That reminds me, there's a Japanese place opening up on Mississippi this month sometime that I'm fairly excited about too. Unfortunately it's replacing Lorenzo's Italian, which makes me sad. :(
The point is that the net effect for public transportation is positive, meaning that it generates more economic activity than it saps - which means that business does indeed profit as a result of added customers. The Portland saturday market, for example, would be much smaller if it wasn't for the MAX line running straight through it... I wouldn't drive downtown and pay $5 to park just to go buy some hippie wares and neither would anyone I know, save for a few. Hell, I wouldn't really go downtown at all if it wasn't for the transit system - I personally drive around fine downtown but there are so many fucking retards who dont understand the road system that it's not worth the headache at all. As it is currently, The Rialto is one of my favorite spots and there are a few stripclubs to hit; There was a nice German restaurant I was going to for a bit "donor kabab" that was well worth taking the MAX but not worth the drive... I could go on and on.

Sure, I've used the transit system to go see my parents or homies in the past and that's to be expected... But the bottom line is that business benefits greatly from the transit system and that's why they help to subsidize it.
Well if businesses are receiving a benefit because of the buses, Then I expect them to help make my car payment too, because my car is allowing them to make a profit by enabling me to get to their business. And while were at it, Businesses should also help pay for my clothing, my housing and my food, because without those things I would die and not be able to purchase their products. Why not just take every penny that a business makes and just give it away to everyone who breathes, after all its only fair right?
a driving license isnt a car, it isnt insurance, it isnt the cost of repairs, and fuel

what does it matter if it is 100% or not? affordable transportation = good for business
If affordable transportaion is good for business then how come cars are far more expensive than they were 50 years ago? Would seem to me that they should be free so as to make business demand even bigger.

If I opened a business and put it 100 miles out of the nearest population center and no one came to my store is it the fault of the transportation industry?
If affordable transportaion is good for business then how come cars are far more expensive than they were 50 years ago? Would seem to me that they should be free so as to make business demand even bigger.
buses = affordable transportation
cars = personal transportation

huge difference

If I opened a business and put it 100 miles out of the nearest population center and no one came to my store is it the fault of the transportation industry?

and heres me thinking buses went from out of town INTO center of towns?

i'd love for you to show me public transport that is set up to take poor people hundreds of miles out of town just to visit one buisness
Well if businesses are receiving a benefit because of the buses, Then I expect them to help make my car payment too, because my car is allowing them to make a profit by enabling me to get to their business. And while were at it, Businesses should also help pay for my clothing, my housing and my food, because without those things I would die and not be able to purchase their products. Why not just take every penny that a business makes and just give it away to everyone who breathes, after all its only fair right?
Is this really your argument?
Warren is a Harvard elitist snob liberal. They play the role of populist when they need to get elected but they could care less about the "little people" like us. They seek only power and they buy it by handing out and wasting tax money taken from the paychecks of working Americans. Only those with simple minds fall for the socialist mantra.
Total horseshit and so easy to pick apart.

Roads - What if goods are transported by companies like Fed Ex, UPS and the like, they pay for use of the roads and put those costs into the prices they charge the guy with the factory. Also, the guy with the factory paid his share towards the roads the same way the rest of us do, the embedded taxes in gasoline that he bought for his personal cars and for the businesses vehicles... so he is paid if full, no excuse for extra taxes here.
he only paid a small bit same as the rest of us, and its not extra taxes, you Do know that the rich pay actually less tax? that the more you have the less you pay?
goes a bit of a way to explain why the gap gets wider and wider. All the more reason for a flat tax, if you make more, you pay more. It's honest, it's fair and you can't use accountants to get around it. Plus it would be so nice to say goodbye to the intimidation of the IRS as well as the cost of running it.

Police/Fire Dept - Unless he somehow made use of these services beyond what any law abiding citizen that simply exists does, the owner of the factory paid his share in the state and local taxes as well as property taxes and other fees. Unless you're going to assert that because he owns a business, he is more of a drain on the cops and firefighters that never had to respond to a call from him? If the owner didn't call the police or the fire department, they were free to do exactly what they were going to be doing anyways...patroling and fighting crime...he made no more use of that service than I did. No excuse for extra taxes here either.
no, actually, since he has alot more to protect, he needs those guys alot more, yet pays less (because of the taxsystem favoring the rich for one reason) I agree he shouldn't pay less, but just because he has more to lose shouldn't force an individual to pay more, as I stated, if the business didn't utilize the services directly, it put no more of a strain on those public services than did any homeowner with shit he/she doesn't want stolen.
Educated employees - So the government takes control of education, against the wishes of many... so people who hire workers that are products of a public education (which is just about everyone) owe extra because the government insisted on doing something that would have been done by the private sector anyways. That's quite a scam you got going on there. Using the same logic, I guess once the factory owner "EDUCATES" the employee and gives him a marketable skill through in house training, that employer is forever due a portion of his future earnings, after all they paid to train him. No? Hmmm, guess that kills that argument as well.
the argument was not that they should pay more, but that they should pay the same (once you have a few accountants and whatnot on your payroll, you dont pay as much tax, pure and simple and thats even bEfore the big taxcuts to the rich.(which were intended to nourish the economy lool) I'm with ya completely here, flat tax ends all this garbage, but the problem is that too many of our fellow citizens are more focused on the percentage than the actual dollar amount, which is what really matters. With a flat tax, a person who makes ten times as much as I do, would pay ten times as much tax. But that just isn't good enough for some.
Warren is a Harvard elitist snob liberal. They play the role of populist when they need to get elected but they could care less about the "little people" like us. They seek only power and they buy it by handing out and wasting tax money taken from the paychecks of working Americans. Only those with simple minds fall for the socialist mantra.
Actually she has a solid record of fighting for consumer protections that help keep the little guy from getting screwed. Watch Fox news less, and go read about what she's fought for and done... If you dont agree with what she advocates or what she's accomplished that's one thing but your apparent dislike of Warren is nothing more than partisan generalizations. Grow up.
At least someone is thinking. I was surprised that Mame couldn't figure it out, he is a fairly bright kid. Probably didn't have a graph.

If affordable transportaion is good for business then how come cars are far more expensive than they were 50 years ago? Would seem to me that they should be free so as to make business demand even bigger.

If I opened a business and put it 100 miles out of the nearest population center and no one came to my store is it the fault of the transportation industry?
good thing someone on this thread is