Old People with Debit Cards Suck Ass!

I think guys more often live in the present than women do. Women seem to be thinking what else they have to do, or about what they've just done. Guys just want to get their current task done fast and done right. This seems to come across in story telling: women often go off on SO many tangents that are away from their main point, whereas guys ONLY seem to have a main point. God made our genders so different so that we may all be frustrated and unhappy, it's brilliant and makes for high comedy...

Nailed it. Men are task oriented, women emotion based. Sometimes I catch myself rambling (fem. trait I most dislike about my gender) and I just hate it. Nothing diminishes credibility faster.

I admire anyone who can get his point across concisely, accurately, and descriptively in a few well chosen words. For Mr. Hooka this is an art. He's an excellent communicator.

And while I'm on that rant, I HATE the word "anyways" Minus intelligence points for that too.
I work retail. The old folks with the credit cards aren't so bad. At least some of them are friendly.

The ones I hate there old people with the freebee coupons. Those motherfuckers will park outside and wait an hour for the store to open. Then drag everyone they've ever met into the store all armed with a different free item coupon. March them through the store like Nazi's invading Poland. Then refuse the greeting, refuse the name collection (to send out our monthly catalog), refuse any advertisements for upcoming sales, only take adds listing free items, and if there's a purchase involved they're fucking using that 20% off coupon. 9-10 that 20% off comes from a dollar pair of scissors. Then they gotta read through the ENTIRE FUCKING RECIPE!!!!! and lord have mercy if they are so much as overcharged by penny. Then it's calling manager's, refunding the entire purchase and then reringing it because they just gotta ensure that last 20 fucking cents is refunded to them. and this goes on for every 30 something odd family members that drug out of bed, always with a way too old to possibly still be alive great ^ 10 grandma, coaching them like a drill instructor and checking every recipe personally.... They irritate me a li'l bit.
I think guys more often live in the present than women do. Women seem to be thinking what else they have to do, or about what they've just done. Guys just want to get their current task done fast and done right. This seems to come across in story telling: women often go off on SO many tangents that are away from their main point, whereas guys ONLY seem to have a main point. God made our genders so different so that we may all be frustrated and unhappy, it's brilliant and makes for high comedy...
when ur girl gets long winded