Old People with Debit Cards Suck Ass!

debit cards??? what about the dinosaurs that are still using checks? for some reason, they wait until the last minute to fill out the info. when all they really need to do is fill in the amount. nooo, they wait to put in the date/name etc.
Yeah like they didn't know they were going to write a fucking check!
Have you noticed how long it takes to get through a line of a couple of people at stores these days? It takes forever. But the worst is when you go to a drug or grocery store. Even though there might only be one old person in front of you, it might take the better part of a day to get to the cashier.

The first problem is cash. Old people don't carry it any more now that the government has direct deposit.

The second problem is that a debit card transaction is no longer just "punch in your pin". They got choices - and the old people read every goddam word and then think about it for a while. "Hmmm, do I want cash back? Back from what? Isn't this a card? Why are my pants wet?". All this takes too much time.

So the next time you are in a store and see a bunch of lines, thank the old people. They are over their heads and are costing us all precious efficiency.

Thanks Obama.

i like cash too, but it seems very rare here now, the majority of people young and old use cards
some of the self service machines do not even accept cash (cards only)
fucks sake, yes.

That and people that have to use like 3 different cards and cash to complete an order. I used to be a cashier and that shit pissed me off so much haha
cash rocks.

i agree ^^, folk will be paying with their phones (nfc payments) pretty soon as standard
there will be no check out ladies either, will all be self service, shopping will never be the same

i do not like the self service machines they do not smile or show any cleavage
The ones that get to me are when you wait in line behind one person with a basket of groceries, because the other lane had 2 people in it, and the one person in front of you splits their load into 3 separate piles with 3 separate receipts....:roll:
i agree ^^, folk will be paying with their phones (nfc payments) pretty soon as standard
there will be no check out ladies either, will all be self service, shopping will never be the same

i do not like the self service machines they do not smile or show any cleavage
I just fumble around the self checkout machine so long the kid comes over and rings everything up for me.....nice laddie....;)
This is a bit unrelated but I went grocery shopping tonight and used the self checkout like I always do because every bagger sucks (there is no way in hell 2 half gallons of milk are safe in a single plastic bag what the fuck is wrong with you people) and had the 60 year old burned out lady ask me if I rang up the organic bananas as organic. What exactly are you implying? 94011. Eat a dick bitch.
This is a bit unrelated but I went grocery shopping tonight and used the self checkout like I always do because every bagger sucks (there is no way in hell 2 half gallons of milk are safe in a single plastic bag what the fuck is wrong with you people) and had the 60 year old burned out lady ask me if I rang up the organic bananas as organic. What exactly are you implying? 94011. Eat a dick bitch.
You just look shady lol
I just fumble around the self checkout machine so long the kid comes over and rings everything up for me.....nice laddie....;)

yeh its the same here, the stupid things , if you move your bag out of the area it has to be re-set by a staff member anyway
i have kicked the machine once of twice, then a lady will come over and do it for me

dont these ladies know that these machines will take their jobs in a few years i am surprised they are not kicking the machines themselves
yeh its the same here, the stupid things , if you move your bag out of the area it has to be re-set by a staff member anyway
i have kicked the machine once of twice, then a lady will come over and do it for me

dont these ladies know that these machines will take their jobs in a few years i am surprised they are not kicking the machines themselves

My fav are the wab's that have their 18 mo old handle the debit card! AAAAAAARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
after about 7pm there will be only 1 regular checkout open the rest is self service
there will be a huge line waiting for the 1 regular checkout

some old lady staff member will be standing by the self service machines shouting "does anyone want to do self serv" repeats it over and over
no one even looks at her
then she will say " ill put it through for you", only then will people move towards her lol