Old People with Debit Cards Suck Ass!

Just how old is old......what r we talking here 60,70,80 . I don't carry cash anymore but I do carry a gun......I actually get pissed at the exact change people....you've been in line behind them before takes them longer to count out the exact amount of money than I spent walking thru the store collecting my groceries.......then I'm like hurry up Granny we left the truck running.........hopefully we'll all get old and slow up the express line at the grocery store !
Just how old is old......what r we talking here 60,70,80 . I don't carry cash anymore but I do carry a gun......I actually get pissed at the exact change people....you've been in line behind them before takes them longer to count out the exact amount of money than I spent walking thru the store collecting my groceries.......then I'm like hurry up Granny we left the truck running.........hopefully we'll all get old and slow up the express line at the grocery store !
well to tell you the truth.... For me it is about the slowness of debit cards more than the old people. I kinda threw in the old people thing to motivate @ClaytonBigsby to tell us a grandmaw story. ;)
Bigsbys granny was recently killed in shooting by a rival gang member It was a retaliation killing....seems granny Bigsby shot and killed the store clerk at a store on a rival gangs Turf........it's so true only the good die young
well to tell you the truth.... For me it is about the slowness of debit cards more than the old people. I kinda threw in the old people thing to motivate @ClaytonBigsby to tell us a grandmaw story. ;)

They probably use Cloudflare too. I'm beginning to think Cloudflare is an alphabet's contractor fucking with us but I'll be coming down from all this sativa soon.

Bigsbys granny was recently killed in shooting by a rival gang member It was a retaliation killing....seems granny Bigsby shot and killed the store clerk at a store on a rival gangs Turf........it's so true only the good die young

+1 for separating the quote from the post to get double post numbers :) that's some clever shit mind if I borrow that?

Really? @Clayton Bigsby g'ma got out? Who bailed her out? Last I remember Clayton was keeping her safe, in the medical section. What 'well meaning', officious intermeddler, undid all Clayton's good work?

Damn that poor man just can't get a break. Bet it was that sister of his, the skank whose boy turned on Clayton for the wonderful job opportunity Clayton gave him. I could have the familial relations twisted up but, where's Clayton with the real STORY???

and I apparently missed @Pinworm 's second coming too, damn my timing sucks, now where did I leave the damn

Shoppers here Bahaha
plus we have reward cards to earn points. ..whole other dimension ....

If you think reward cards are bad you shoulda seen S & H Green stamps in the 50's & 60's , stores handed them out for every dollar spent , then shoppers could redeem them , there'd be a 200 yr old couple with 875 booklets full of those fukin things & it'd take the cashier an hour just to count them all .
Damn girl, you must have some big sugar leaves for those Fiskars. :wink:

You know now that you come to mention it I've heard mutterings of, "Feed me............", at first I thought it was just the fan, now I'm not so sure. I'll have to have another joint and cogitate on this prior to choppity chopping them.
But they're so cute when they're little.

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Yeah you got that right! But I thought we'd been all over the teenagers smell repugnant deal and I am so over their entitlement issues; water me, feed me, trim me, it never ends! I've got lopers and I know how to use them!

You know my hubby is coming to come home AGAIN to me wasted on the couch without a lick of gardening done.... thank god he's getting interested in my girls.
If you think reward cards are bad you shoulda seen S & H Green stamps in the 50's & 60's , stores handed them out for every dollar spent , then shoppers could redeem them , there'd be a 200 yr old couple with 875 booklets full of those fukin things & it'd take the cashier an hour just to count them all .
man, you're showing your age, lol! i remember those. you could actually take trips to disneyland with enough books...
debit cards??? what about the dinosaurs that are still using checks? for some reason, they wait until the last minute to fill out the info. when all they really need to do is fill in the amount. nooo, they wait to put in the date/name etc.
And there are those who also have to record the transaction in their checkbook register. Amount, date, payee, items purchased, category...before they will hand over the check to the cashier. Oh and now that they have paid for it now they have a coupon...and one of the items was on sale last week and will they honor the sale price....
Damn, you guys need to relax, slow down & enjoy the finer things in life.
Usually I'm standing in line day-dreaming about the chicks ass two rows over when my cashier says something like "excuse me sir, you're next - can I help you sir?", that's when I realize that the person in front of me is long gone. :-)

So then I break out my (wait for it) -
debit card. :cool:
Fucking dude,, no invitas wey .I'll bring the coronas and chorizo!
nah u gotta bring weed, margarita mix, jaeger, and 2 more females. gotta keep the dp ratio up on the p by at least 1

oh and bring popeys, nobody likes chorizo
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I always try to get in the line with the most young dudes, and the least amount of women and old people. Young dudes don't want to talk or engage socially, they just want to get the fuck out asap. Women and old folks LOVE to chat, fuck that...
I'm a girl and I do this too. Men are the fastest. You'll never see a guy hunting through that black hole called a purse for a .50 cents off coupon or God forbid A REWARDS CARD>>> and it's usually the wrong rewards card, so the hunt begins AGAIN.

Why do women wait until the register totals their purchase and THEN go into the wallet to pay? Men typically have there $$ OUT and ready 2 people before their turn.
I'm a girl and I do this too. Men are the fastest. You'll never see a guy hunting through that black hole called a purse for a .50 cents off coupon or God forbid A REWARDS CARD>>> and it's usually the wrong rewards card, so the hunt begins AGAIN.

Why do women wait until the register totals their purchase and THEN go into the wallet to pay? Men typically have there $$ OUT and ready 2 people before their turn.

I think guys more often live in the present than women do. Women seem to be thinking what else they have to do, or about what they've just done. Guys just want to get their current task done fast and done right. This seems to come across in story telling: women often go off on SO many tangents that are away from their main point, whereas guys ONLY seem to have a main point. God made our genders so different so that we may all be frustrated and unhappy, it's brilliant and makes for high comedy...