ok so far??


Active Member
I was gonna say it looks like a nitrogen def., but after you added that stuff it looks fine. Leaves look nice and green. Stems also look thick. How tall is it? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah its got alot richer green since the repot and nutes.
as for size, the main stem is approx +8" and the side stem is around 4.5".
I have started Lst on the Main stem but i left the other one.
They both have seperate lighting which is above the stems but pushed out slightly to the sides, so they grow out to the light and maintain these angles.
seems to work too.

still not sure how big i'm gonna let it get before i put it to flower..i wanna see how much height i can take out with the lst.


Well-Known Member
ok so here's the latest.. lights on 10 mins ago so i took some more pix...
it grew alot last nite.. i was hella suprised when i wen to check it out just..

these pics are in the "kindergarden", think its gonna ned moving in a wk or so, might put it to flower so it doesnt get too big.

P.s please excuse the home -brewed reflectors, yeah thay are take-out trays, but they work just sweet until i get em under the main reflectors.

what do you guys think so far???

the lowryders are coming on too, they should be alot happier when they have the kindergarden to themselves...



Well-Known Member
To flower or not to flower that is the question?
I cant decide whether to let it mature for another coupla wks or put it into 12/12 to stop it getting too big.


Well-Known Member
ok so i just checked the calendar and its actually day 32 and here's the latest..

its filled out an awful lot since the wkend..gettin V bushy

there's a coupla screwed small leaves on inside(stem) around the the bottom that are getting virtually no light.. think theyll die n drop off soon..

Think theyre finally starting to show sex too.. fingers x'd on the big kerala.

Lst seems to be going good too... no problems yet, and the two cola's seem to be gettin level heights and enough light..gonna change the light schedule tomorrow, n we'll see if this thing's a bitch.

